A 2 Man Party

I just finished Planescape Torment with Morte (fighter) and Nameless One (thief/fighter). It was not too bad as I gained extra experience from wisdom and low party numbers. I had a fun time and I was wondering if the same type of setup can be worked in this game. Ive already beaten this game once as a fighter/thief who mostly used cheap tactics. This time I was wondering if something like that setup can work.
However, Baldurs Gate 1 is a much harder game than PS:T, so will last boss fight prove too tough if I use my diversion tactics? I usually like to take a tank (morte for this example) and deck him out with protections/armor boosting and other stuff, let him engage the main group of enemies and have my character fight next to morte while he is getting hit. Its worked all the time and positioning the right way can cause my character to land higher damaging blows while morte is landing smaller ones and taking less damage.
Would that possible character scenario work in this game. Ive heard that summoning creatures helps with smaller parties. Thanks for any help.
However, Baldurs Gate 1 is a much harder game than PS:T, so will last boss fight prove too tough if I use my diversion tactics? I usually like to take a tank (morte for this example) and deck him out with protections/armor boosting and other stuff, let him engage the main group of enemies and have my character fight next to morte while he is getting hit. Its worked all the time and positioning the right way can cause my character to land higher damaging blows while morte is landing smaller ones and taking less damage.
Would that possible character scenario work in this game. Ive heard that summoning creatures helps with smaller parties. Thanks for any help.
Most of situations can be handled with two bows and little bit of maneuver. So you can get to exp cap without problems, after that many combination are possible. For example, F/T/M + dualled Imoen will work nicely.
As for that formation of yours, you will get to final battles just fine, but as for battles at the palace and Sarevok, i don't know, since you won't have any spellcasting as well as summons, it will be hard, if completeable at all.
Wizards and some of their ilk will get Spider Spawn, which is nice in combo with Web.
Perhaps use Imoen as a Thief 5 > Mage, and CHARNAME as a Fighter 3 > Cleric or Fighter 3 > Druid?
I was only asking because I haven't really played Enhanced much. Thanks.
1. Full Party
2. Two Man (1x Dwarf Fighter/Cleric and 1x Elf Fighter/Mage/Thief) (Multiplayer run)
3. Three Man (1x Kensai, 1x Monk, 1x Dynahier) (Multiplayer run)
4. Three Man (1x Halfling Barbarian, 1x Human Wild Mage, 1x Half-Elf Sorcerer) (Multiplayer run)
Wands of Monster Summoning are supremely useful like many here said - Sarevok is just to much of a blender to fight in Close Combat. However there are some other options - Wand of Paralyzation, Potions of Invisibility, etc.
There are a lot of tough fights in the game - no lie - with a two man party. In general I think you have to have one "super-tank" and one damage dealer. But it's certainly doable. All those runs should take 12 or less hours.
In 15 years hundreds of people finshed the game solo, so everything is possible.
But the most important question is whether you reload or not. If you try a no-reload run or at least a minimal-reload one, the planning is much harder and it gives you much more pleasure.
From my practice it can be concluded that you need a thief for a successful run - the most important thing is his ability to disarm traps - often it's the border between life and death.
An ability to heal and buff is also important.
It's fun to play as an illusionist/thief and take Viconia with you. With her high dexterity and resistance plus cleric buffs she can tank not worse than a fighter. It's hard to believe it but Viconia is indeed a valuable tank NPC.
Another good variant is to choose a bard kit (a blade or a jester) and take Shar-teel (dualled to a thief) with you.
Or you can be a fighter/cleric and take any thief you like with you. Imoen, Safana and later Alora are all good in such a party.
I'd like to add that the main thing is having fun every minute of playing. If you like a party, a combination, a particular class or a kit, a style, a level of difficulty - you should follow them and do only what you want to do.
Are arrows the only option of destroying him other than spells or is melee just wasted for fighters and tanks? It seems like summoning monsters and casting spells are the only way of defeating him in combat. At least irenicus can be fought in melee