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Importing and Multiple Playthroughs

I've decided to make a Cavalier and play through BG:EE 10 times, enough to raise all my stats to 25 through Tomes. It didn't feel right to use an editor (I also play on iPad and don't have the patience to edit the character).

I'm pretty sure after 1 playthrough I will have the items needed to solo the rest of the game. Just cleared out the bandit camp and already have 100% Resistance to Cold, 90% to fire, 70% Electric, 20% Acid, and 100% to Poison. I am a dual Scimitar/Axe wielder. I already snagged Drizzts weapons and have -6 AC and 78 HP at level 6.

My main question is, should I later export this Character to BG2EE, will I have the crazy amount of innate spells gained with each playthrough? If so, I am aiming for 20 Cure Light Wounds, 10 Remove Poisons, 10 Ghoul Touches (Horror in BG2), and 20 Vampirisms for BG2EE. When you are immune to Poison, Remove Poison loses usefulness and 25 in all Stats makes Draw Upon Holy Might worthless.


  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Mestar said:

    play through BG:EE 10 times
    don't have the patience to edit the character

    Say what now? You'd rather waste days playing through the same game over and over in what is essentially god-mode than spend an hour figuring out how to use editors with an iPad version?

    Why are you even posting here, good advice is clearly not what you are looking for... :/

    And we don't know how an import into BG2:EE will work exactly, because we don't have BG2:EE. If you do it with BG2, you will keep the innate spells, at least until you lose them all in Spellhold. Not that it matters anyway, with everything on 25.
  • MestarMestar Member Posts: 78
    Lol, I multitask and play BG while watching TV or playing Tera. I played BG when it came out and never made it past Nashkel. Couldn't stand how long walking would take. I've already played through with a Monk who was kinda boring. All their goodies come in BG2.

    And besides, it's also cheating to use an editor. I'd feel more accomplished grinding it out myself.

    What is Spellhold? I only played BG2 once before, rolled a Sorcerer and played through once. Couldn't do it again because it was at a family member's house. That was a loooong time ago though, and I don't remember much.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    I have no idea whether or not you can get extra special abilities through multiple playthroughs. What you're about to do has never occurred to me. You know you're ruining BG2 for yourself, right?
  • MestarMestar Member Posts: 78
    I've already beaten BG2, so it's not ruining the experience. I enjoy the story more than most of the gameplay.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    You can stack multiple abilities on multiple playthroughs. I've only ever imported an end-game character once, and didn't get far as I was max level and it was deathly dull, but she got a 3rd Larloch's Minor Drain after the first dream.

    Originally, however, the abilities were randomised according to alignment when importing to BG2. The stats would remain, however.
  • FenghoangFenghoang Member Posts: 160
    edited March 2013
    You could always CLUAConsole in boots of speed for everyone if you can't stand the slow walk speeds.

    As for your question, I'm not sure what you want to hear. Having 25 all stats pretty much makes you a walking god... You're basically trivializing a good chunk of items in BG2 with stats like those - not like you need em.

    On top of that, all of your Bhaal abilities are essentially useless for you with those stats (you end up losing em less than halfway through the story anyway). You are literally wasting a round casting Larloch's Drain, Cure Minor Wounds, DUHM, etc. because their effects are so insignificant. Slow Poison is almost never used in BG2, so that's kind of useless as well. TBH, I'm not even sure if you get additional casts of your Bhaal abilities for multiple playthroughs (I've never tried it), but in the end, it doesn't really matter.

    And I agree with the others, you are kind of ruining the gameplay experience by doing so. It's like taking power-gaming to another level... but to each his own... XD
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438

    Originally, however, the abilities were randomised according to alignment when importing to BG2. The stats would remain, however.

    I'm pretty sure you keep the same abilities on import. They only get randomized based on alignment if you create a new character for SoA.
  • OzzyBotkinsOzzyBotkins Member Posts: 396
    Just CLUA all the Tomes if you want God Like Stats (25 in everything)
    if you are going to do that play a cleric or multi or duel like ranger/cleric
  • RhymeRhyme Member Posts: 190
    Mestar said:

    I've already beaten BG2, so it's not ruining the experience. I enjoy the story more than most of the gameplay.

    ...Says the guy who doesn't remember what Spellhold is.

    Also, you might find that your all 25's Cavalier is a little gimped in BG2. An all 25's Inquisitor might be better. You lose "Lay on Hands", but having 20 Cure Light Wounds will help to compensate for that. As will the regeneration you get from having 25 Constitution.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Mestar said:

    I've already beaten BG2, so it's not ruining the experience. I enjoy the story more than most of the gameplay.

    If you don't even remember Spellhold, you can't be all that much into the story.

    Other than that... no idea. It never occured to me to intentionally take all the fun out of a game and grind through it while watching TV.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,453
    I have restarted characters a couple times after completing the game, but I've never even played them past CandleKeep. Seemed a little pointless. I have no idea if Bhaal abilities stack.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    You're a Paladin... and you killed Drizzt? Shame on you.
  • MestarMestar Member Posts: 78
    Nothing wrong with killing Drow on sight. And I don't remember most of BG2 because it has been a while since I've played it. Once I start again it will be like riding a bike. Besides, you're playing a Demi-God. You should be god-like. Always hated the idea that you are a Demi-God and all you get are a few crappy spell like abilities.

    Grinding through the playthroughs is more of an OCD thing. Something I couldn't really do on a desktop, because I had to sit there for way too long. On the iPad I can take it wherever I go. On the crapper, between classes on campus, or the in-laws.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,453
    Kilivitz said:

    Mestar said:

    Nothing wrong with killing Drow on sight.

    Granted, you could grind through the BG series with that mindset, but on a PnP game, that kill first, ask questions later attitude is the shortest route to losing your status (and powers) I can think of.

    Not to mention it's a little scary.
    I hit agree on that, but I wish I could do it about 15 times!
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Mestar said:

    I've already beaten BG2, so it's not ruining the experience. I enjoy the story more than most of the gameplay.

    I don't think they mean 'Ruining the story'. Basically you are creating a character that will be so powerful by the end of BG1 that it will be no fun to play BG2. All 25s in abilities, plus the resistances you have listed will simply make every combat ridiculously easy.

    As for your question about the abilities, I would suspect that BG2:EE will run the way BG2 does now. Specifically your Bhaalspawn abilities don't carry over as part of your character, they are assigned based on your alignment when you start the game. So you won't end up with multiples of the same ability (unless they do something different, which I see no reason why they should).
  • MestarMestar Member Posts: 78
    Luckily, this isn't a Pen and Paper game. Besides, he has the two best weapons in the game for my build. And I didn't technically kill him. A stray lightning bolt during a storm while fighting him did (and almost me too!). So technically, an act of the Gods did it before I could realize he wasn't evil Drow scum.
  • secretmantrasecretmantra Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2013
    Kilivitz said:

    Mestar said:

    Nothing wrong with killing Drow on sight.

    Granted, you could grind through the BG series with that mindset, but on a PnP game, that kill first, ask questions later attitude is the shortest route to losing your status (and powers) I can think of.

    Not to mention it's a little scary.

    That just doesn't seem like a true Paladin to me. Paladins are all about trying to get to the bottom of evil, not just assuming someone / something is evil based on surface appearances.

    Not to mention that Drizzt comes to you asking for help against a horde of gnolls. Since when is it Lawful Good to kill someone doing that?
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018

    Kilivitz said:

    Mestar said:

    Nothing wrong with killing Drow on sight.

    Granted, you could grind through the BG series with that mindset, but on a PnP game, that kill first, ask questions later attitude is the shortest route to losing your status (and powers) I can think of.

    Not to mention it's a little scary.

    That just doesn't seem like a true Paladin to me. Paladins are all about trying to get to the bottom of evil, not just assuming someone / something is evil based on surface appearances.

    Not to mention that Drizzt comes to you asking for help against a horde of gnolls. Since when is it Lawful Good to kill someone doing that?
    People use their own justifications for doing a lot of things. 'For me' i would never play a paladin (or any Lawful Good) that would strike based on the color of someone's skin, particularly unprovoked. However, that is only how I play paladins and LG. others might see things quite differently. Still others may not care about RP aspects. All of which is perfectly fine for their games.
  • secretmantrasecretmantra Member Posts: 259

    I don't want to get into a big debate about Lawful Good, etc., so I'll just respectfully disagree that killing Drows on site falls within the parameters for that alignment. As you said, everyone decides what these things mean for themselves.

    And clearly, people's definitions for concepts like "good" are completely subjective, so *shrug*. To each their own, I guess.

    If I were DMing a PnP campaign with a Cavalier who took such action, he would likely be on a quick route to "fallen" status--minus some very convincing extenuating circumstances (Example: Drow killed his entire village when he was a boy, etc.)
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @secretmantra, no problem. I predicated my statements with "To me", and I meant that. I hold no one to my standards, nor was I promoting that anyone else's methods were wrong. merely that I wouldn't play that way. it's all good.
  • MestarMestar Member Posts: 78
    Actually the "Kill Drow on sight" is a very common mindset in Faerun. Probably because the Drow will kill you if you don't 99.9999% of the time.

    And the thought of a good Drow is so alien that Salvatore didn't want to do it. In fact, Drizzt was meant to be a side character to Wulfgar. After giving a script to his publishers, they insisted the focus be on Drizzt.
  • SirK8SirK8 Member Posts: 527
    I doubt this guy is very concerned with the RP aspect of his PC anyway. The only thing I can add is, once you have 25 in all stats you'll want to pick up the scroll of werebear summoning to complete your power. Actually, once you get that scroll you don't even need the stats, they'll kill everything for you (including Drizzt) in about 3 seconds.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    I think you'd enjoy a JRPG or a MMORPG more than BG.

    If you want to while away the hours playing BGEE on your ipad during class and such, why don't you roll a new character? That's what I don't get.
  • MestarMestar Member Posts: 78
    I've played both types of games. I enjoy BG for the tactics and storyline. Hate that you can aggro one enemy at a time durring "boss" fights though.

    Excuse me for not remembering all the details of a game I played through once in a one week period when I was in high school while also a regular member of the Wrestling team, Academic Decathlon, Chess Club, and Honor Roll student.

    The simple fact of it is that RP has very little to do with Baldur's Gate. Every (almost) dialogue has the opportunity to end in a fight and 95%vof the time the options don't cover what I would say if I were playing good ole fashioned PnP DnD.

    If I encountered a Drow fighting Gnolls and he claimed to be Drizzt, I would attack him if he came near me. Especially so when the sun isn't bright. I would ask the Cleric or Mage or someone with a high sense motive to check against his story. If I were alone, I'd kill him to be safe and Ressurect him if I was wrong. Pretty easily done when you've got 40k gold in your bag.

    If it were Drizzt, he'd probably whoop my ass and leave me humbled or unconscious. If not, then I died in glorious battle risking my own soul for the very believable threat of a Drow Scout readying a surface assault. He does, found innocent, gets rezzed. I die, say I'd do it again, and serve my God in the afterlife. Or I write him a long apology letter when I wake up, asking for his forgiveness, and continue to right the wrongs of the land.

    Whether you agree or not, Drow in Faerun are virtually always evil or neutral leaning more towards evil than good.
  • secretmantrasecretmantra Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2013

    As a Cavalier, you have access to this wonderful spell, Detect Evil. Seems like you might want to use it sometimes, rather than just assume someone is evil because they look different from you.

    As a Lawful Good character, seems like you might be interested in whether an individual was *actually* evil before raising arms against them. Especially if he is ***asking for your help***.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Mestar said:

    Excuse me for not remembering all the details of a game

    Not to nitpick, but Spellhold isn't a "detail".

    The "I kill Drizzt because OMAI DROW!!1" excuse has been discussed to death already, it's really not a new or original idea. If you give a shit about roleplaying your character, that's fine, but it's hard to take the claim "I play BG for the story" serious. Especially if you grind while watching TV, the story can't be all that interesting.

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