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Table for lore values?

Is there anywhere that I can find a table listing the lore values for all the magic items in BG:EE? I've been restricting myself from using unidentified items, and I don't want to waste 100 G a pop to identify 5 arrows of piercing.



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Don't worry about spending 100 gold to identify something. Money is only really a problem for the first hour or two of the game. After you complete a few quests you will be rolling in money. Plus, you can identify something and then turn around and sell it for significantly more, making a big profit.

    Also, there's a spell so you can memorize it (in every 1st lvl slot), rest, identify what is needed, memorize normal spells, rest - this way you have identified items and ready to continue your adventure.

    Moreover, bards get +10 lore per level so you can take a bard into your party (or become a bard yourself). I've done it myself recently - I've picked up Garrick and although his INT is low and he doesn't get a bonus to his Lore, he helps a lot. He started identifying wands and high-end enchanted weapons after hitting level 6 (Lore 50->60). Also, in order to learn spells I make him drink Potions of Genius and afterwards he get higher lore.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    BTW if you do need to pay to identify item, the stores in the Carnival (especially the Armour and Shields store) are a little cheaper, though they're not able to identify everything. See:

    This also usefully lists the chance of shop-lifting failure - the carnival stores are also the easiest to steal from (but will not buy everything e.g. wands), so I usually sell high value magic items and gems there and steal them back later. BTW there is one store later one that will buy stolen goods:

    Black Lilly in Baldur's Gate
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    bengoshi said:

    Moreover, bards get +10 lore per level so you can take a bard into your party (or become a bard yourself). I've done it myself recently - I've picked up Garrick and although his INT is low and he doesn't get a bonus to his Lore, he helps a lot. He started identifying wands and high-end enchanted weapons after hitting level 6 (Lore 50->60). Also, in order to learn spells I make him drink Potions of Genius and afterwards he get higher lore.

    Yes, using Potions of Genius in batch scroll scribing sessions is key for helping the NPC bards to scribe scrolls successful, I also do the same thing with my Blade protagonist in my current game, as he has only 13 Int, as I wanted full Str and Dex - I use 2 Potions of Genius usually, as hate to waste scrolls. I cast Friends with my bards before buying them to save on costs. Before Baldur's Gate city you can buy potions of genius here:

    The Temple at the Friendly Arm Inn
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    Also, with a little experience, you can figure out what an unidentified object by memory, just by how it looks. For example, if you know what the inventory icon is for arrows of piercing, you can easily tell if some unidentified arrows are arrows of piercing and use them. I can't think of any cases where 2 unidentified items looks the same, yet are actually different items, so you should be safe. If you're like me, you'll want to identify them anyways, but if you don't have the cash you can just go ahead and use them.

    This isn't really an option for unique loot, so you'll probably want to get it identified prior to use if you're worried about cursed items, but like others said, it won't take long before you have plenty of money, or you can just use the spell. What I usually do is, after my mage gains a few levels and has some spell slots to spare, I keep 1 Identify memorized at all times, so that every time I rest I can whittle down the amount of unidentified objects I have.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    TJ_Hooker said:

    Also, with a little experience, you can figure out what an unidentified object by memory, just by how it looks. For example, if you know what the inventory icon is for arrows of piercing, you can easily tell if some unidentified arrows are arrows of piercing and use them. I can't think of any cases where 2 unidentified items looks the same, yet are actually different items, so you should be safe. If you're like me, you'll want to identify them anyways, but if you don't have the cash you can just go ahead and use them.

    Sure, though some objects need to be identified before they can be used, or until all of their abilities can be used (e.g. Algernon's Cloak). Also, I try not to "metagame" too much, and only use items that I have identified first, where possible.
  • ZaorZaor Member Posts: 69
    I get that it really isn't a problem considering the many cheap ways to identify, but I think OP raises a good point. In the interest of more game info, is there such a table to expand on the effects of various levels of lore? Would it be hard to generate (eg: check each individual item code...) the lores or is there, as I always assumed, an algorithm?
  • TheCoffeeGodTheCoffeeGod Member Posts: 618
    Each item has its own lore value, so really, the only way to do this would be go through NearInfinity (or similar program) and find each individual magic item and check its lore value.
    A seriously tedious daunting task.

  • revaarrevaar Member Posts: 160
    Wow, thanks @Zarakinthish! That is exactly what I was looking for! That must have taken forever.
  • PawnSlayerPawnSlayer Member Posts: 295
    @Zarankinthish that is some seriously good work! Well done and thank you, this will prove very useful!
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Thank you!
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