Place to spend the obscene amount of gold I've made

So, the title more or less says it all. I'm about to go to what seems like the game's finale, and I've made about 130k throughout my adventures. I haven't really come across anything worthwhile in the game's shops that I have seen, however. Is there a really good store that I missed? Or am I supposed to just sleep on piles of gold and stop complaining?
More seriously, it really depends on what you need. If you can survive without buying expensive potions, scrolls, and wands (unlike me), then you might be stuck with a lot of excess gold.
I'm told there's a mod that makes gold harder to come by (Hard Times, I think?), but I don't think it's been updated to BGEE yet.
Have you bought all the Robes of Archmagi you need? Gone shopping at Ulgoth's Beard? Recharged all your wands and amulets?
EDIT: Oh, and how do I reach Ulgoth's Beard? It's grayed out on my map currently.
Luckily for me, that effect hit AFTER I'd spent over 100k recharging wands.
People who ask "what's the point of all this gold?" obviously don't play a style which costs a lot of gold and haven't considered the need to cater for players whose style is more expensive.
Sometimes I play this game hack-and-slash, and sure, you end up with a pile of gold. But sometimes I play zap-and-sizzle instead, and end up actually running very short of gold.
+3 Quarter Staff
The Greenstone Amulet (which is pretty awesome for CHARNAME and not that expensive)
The Ring of Invisibility (v.expensive to use for what it is, but if you've got money to burn...
Greagan's Harp (awesome if you have a Bard)
I don't think you can get any of these elsewhere
You can also pickpocket a Ring of Free Action and find some other useful magic items in Ulgoth's Beard if you look..