Shapeshifter Questions

1.) Is the Shapeshifter a viable build for the game?
2.) What would be a good Dual Class for the Shapeshifter? I'm using a level cap remover mod if that makes a difference.
3.) Do my armour, weapons and such matter when shifted?
4.) What kind of statistic allocation should I be aiming for?
5.) I've heard that class had problems in the original version of the game and needed mods to make it viable- is this still the case or were the problems fixed in this version?
- Ryan Paul Fialcowitz
2.) What would be a good Dual Class for the Shapeshifter? I'm using a level cap remover mod if that makes a difference.
3.) Do my armour, weapons and such matter when shifted?
4.) What kind of statistic allocation should I be aiming for?
5.) I've heard that class had problems in the original version of the game and needed mods to make it viable- is this still the case or were the problems fixed in this version?
- Ryan Paul Fialcowitz
Dex 18
Con 16
Int 9+
Wis 18
Char 15 It's just weak because shapeshifting forms don't scale with level (or gear) in BG. It's "viable". BG isn't so difficult that you can't complete it with any kit. There are mods. You pays your money and you takes your chance.
1) shapeshifter: check!
2) level cap remover: check!
3) looking for mods to make it viable: check!
You're only one step away from Werebears
1st - u don't need op stats - for example, i play with female shapeshifter with 11/11/11/13/18/16 - pretty girl. if i want to melee - i get werewolf form.
2nd - i use scimitar. Werewolf have 2 attacks per round when i get 1 scimitar. 2 scimitars give me 3 attacks per round. But damage not depends from magical enchantment of weapon. But 1 more attack? it's cool
3rd - rings is useful too - ring of protection, because it boost ac. And if u get some cool +5 scimitar which gives additional ac bonus (2) and golden girdle - it will be very nice ac for melee warrior without armor.
4th - bracers of weapon expertise give additional bonuses,
5th - good physical stats 19/16/15 with cheap potions of agility and fortitude - give u 19/18/18. add draw upon holy might and u will get 21/20/20 at the end of game. very nice.
I think Druid shapeshifter is more powerful then Avenger and pure druid for my tactics.
P.S. sorry for my bad english
- Ryan Paul Fialcowitz