Favorite Dialogue Choices

So, I just killed a man because "Sorry, Aldeth, but we're siding with the druids. They have this great Aloe-Vera balm they are giving away samples of, and my armor has been chafing a bit, ya know?" With such a hilarious dialogue option, how can you NOT choose it? What other amazing dialogue choices are there?
From BG, I have to admit that I love the response you can give Taris in Dorn's quest line when you're telling her husband's dead. It was something like "He literally leapt out of his skeleton and was like boom, bam pow! I'd love to paint you a picture of it but there isn't enough red in all the realms!"
Charname: "No way. You got a fate far worse then death already"
Shutting Meilum down during his posturing.
"Drr hrr hrr I am the best swordsman ever!"
"lol nice gloves"
Of the actual favorite choices, I'll have to bring up the one already mentioned regarding Elminster and his hat, but the one I think I like the best is "You know what I like to say? Always kill the mouthy one."
We come from a land of Bald Blubbering Bugbears and where naked Nymphs grant your every wish. He he (to the Baldur's Gate gatekeeper)
You know what I always say? "Always kill the mouthy one", that's what I always say. (The assassins outside of the Cloakwood mine)
Why are you so fat? (the spider witch in the Cloakwood)
And the sarcastic response for the mages in the upstairs of the Sorcerous Sundries
Also, the entire conversation tree surrounding melicamp.
"Shut up, gnome you'll be dead soon."
CHARNAME: Please do. Such a tale would be well worth the price of admission.
Nikolai: Ah, yes, the city as we know it today falls in the shape of a plump and crescent moon. Its many wharves and docks jut out along its western point where the River Chionthar flows into the starry Sea of Swords. A bridge from this western shore links the mainland with a rocky islet on which perches the old, massive Seatower of Balduran. It is there that the true tale begins. Do you wish me to continue?
CHARNAME: Yes, please.
Nikolai: Balduran was a well-known and good-natured pirate who sailed the Sea of Swords in times gone by. He built the Seatower that bears his name to guide him to his home port and provide warning of invasion to his kin and clan that made their home along the northern riverbank. In time, a vibrant group of traders and fellow sea captains gathered there and built the city's inner wall to protect their wares and belongings from the ever-present danger of rival pirates or orcish raids... You look distracted. Do you still wish me to continue?
CHARNAME: Certainly! I wouldn't have it any other way.
Nikolai: Balduran was away from port during the time in which the decision to build the wall was made and, when he returned, he learned that many of his kin and clan now lay outside the new wall and vulnerable to any attack made upon the settlement! As the orcs advanced upon the city in the early summer, it erupted into a state of civil chaos. It was at this point that Balduran's sails were spotted upon the horizon, returning home to port... Ahem, are you still with me?
CHARNAME: Yes I am, right at your side, wide awake, sir!
Nikolai: In a rage, Balduran slew the entire Council of captains and merchants for such arrogance and selfishness. He spared only the four who had spoken out against the Council's decision. Together, they ordered the immediate construction of the city's outer wall, and bridge gate from which Baldur's Gate gets its name. Facing a united city and a stout defense, the orcs were defeated and, for their valor, Balduran appointed the four captains as Dukes of the city... Well, that's Baldur's Gate in a nutshell. I'm quite impressed with your perseverance.
CHARNAME: Tell me more! I want to know everything about this city!
Nikolai: Well, there's really not that much more to tell... Balduran eventually died, apparently lost at sea, and the four Dukes passed on their titles in a hereditary fashion for many years. Now, of course, Dukes are elected to office, although they keep the title until their death. They have grown softer and more tolerant over the years, however, and I think many people would like to see someone with a more extravagant, forceful approach ascend to the position. But that is the future, not the past, and who knows what it shall hold.
CHARNAME: Moooorrre! Must tell me mooorrrrrrre! I want to know eeeeverythingggg! Mwah hah hah haaaa...
Nikolai (running away): Okay, you are getting really creepy... Get away from me! Shoo!
"HAW! A good saying! I will use your head for a puppet and make it say it over and over while we drink large amounts of mead! Life is pretty good, you know?"