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[WeiDU Mod] Nerfed Ankheg Armor

ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
edited May 2016 in BG:EE Mods
Nerfed Ankheg Armor
BG Version: This mod only works with BGEE
Languages: English and Italian

Mod Description:
This mod modifies the Ankheg Plate Mail allowing to choose between two options during install: "Plain Ankheg Armor" or "Ankheg Armor +1".

Plain Ankheg Armor makes the Ankheg Plate Mail non magical, names it "Ankheg Plate Mail", sets his AC to 2 (-1 vs. slashing, 1 vs. piercing and missile) and do not prevent from equipping rings, cloaks or amulets that provide a bonus to AC and Saving Throws.

Ankheg Armor +1 makes the Ankheg Plate Mail magical, renames it "Ankheg Plate Mail +1", sets his AC to 1 (-2 vs. slashing, 0 vs. piercing and missile) and prevents from equipping most rings, cloaks or amulets that provide a bonus to AC and Saving Throws.

Installation instructions:
See the enclosed ReadMe file.

This mod has been inspired by this discussion.

Download link: Nerfed Ankheg Armor v1.1

Post edited by Erg on


  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,644
    @Erg Good work man. I wholeheartedly support this mod. To me, if you read the item description the AC 2 basic Ankheg Plate Mail makes the most sense. Its still better than normal plate, you get it early, and nowhere in the description does it describe it as "this set has been magically enchanted" or whatever...

    Always great to see those few mods that actually make the game a bit harder instead of the opposite.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    edited May 2016
    Does this mod work after the latest patch? Can you please traify the mod, so that I can provide an Italian translation? Thanks for your attention :)
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756

    it does work with the latest patch, but the copy of WeiDU shipped with the mod is old and needs to be updated (usually that could happen automatically if you have some other more recent mod in the main game folder). Installation instructions in the ReadMe file are also a bit outdated.

    I'll release an update soon, maybe even later today. I'll traify the mod and provide an Italian translation myself (there are just few lines of text), but feel free to check the translation, when I'm done, and eventually to suggest any changes.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Thank you so much!
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    edited May 2016
    This is the existing Italian translation:
    Questa cotta di piastre è stata forgiata con grande perizia da Taerom Fuiruim di Beregost. Ricoperta dalle scaglie chitinose dell'ankheg, offre una protezione superiore rispetto alla tradizionale cotta di piastre e non è soggetta alla ruggine. Tuttavia, come ti diranno molti avventurieri, gli aspetti più apprezzati della cotta di ankheg sono la sua leggerezza e il suo scarso ingombro. I mostri vanno e vengono, ma la stanchezza è il peggiore dei nemici.


    Classe Armatura: 1 (-2 contro danno tagliente, 0 contro danno perforante e da proiettile)

    Forza 8

    Peso: 25

  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    Released version 1.1 with the following changes:

    - Name of the mod changed to "Nerfed Ankheg Armor"
    - The mod has been traified
    - Added Italian translation
    - Updated ReadMe file
    - Moved ReadMe file inside mod folder
    - Updated WeiDU to version 239
    - The mod is now hosted on GitHub
  • Alesh91Alesh91 Member Posts: 26
    Could you make a BG2EE/EET compatible version of this mod?
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