@Eudaemonium ... then you going to love shark Bolt haha did you know that the spell shark Bolts has a homing device effect... it works like a heat seeking missiles it returns on and on again for everytime it misses it targets (or the rounds of the spell ends) ;P
my votes for transmution spell: speed (must have) Iron Body (great spell) Improved Slow (wonderful spell) Mass Polymorph Icelance Spell Engine Ring of swords Blink
@Mordeus was wondering to how you would introduce this spell Improved Blink... this might be a tricky spell to code... blink should be easier to code than Imroved blink...
I was thinking that Blink would have random, sporadic periods of teleportation (e.g. teleport after 1 round, 3 rounds, 4 round, 1 round, 2 rounds, etc...) while Improved Blink would teleport around consistently (e.g. teleport after every round).
OK time to get the race/alignment spells out of the way. There are spells for everyone but Gnomes
Drow spells (Evil Elf):
3. Venom Bolt - Inflicts poison inflicting acid damage for 4d4 4. Spider Shape - Turns creature into a spider 4. Backlash - Similar effect to Miscast Magic 5. Immunity to Poison and Disease - Self explanatory 5. Passweb - Immunity to web effect 5. Wonderform - Turns caster into an abomination 5. Spidercloak Armor - Improves AC by 3 and grants +1 saving throw bonus 6. Summon Spider - aka BG2's Spider Spawn 9. Web of Shadows - Summons web effect that inflicts 2d4+1 each round 9. Black Blade of Disaster
High Elven spells (Good/Neutral Elf):
4. Sunbolt - Causes 1d4 per level of the caster plus blinds for 2d4, double damage to undead. 6. Anti-Magic Aura - Removes spellcasting ability and spell effects from target. 7. Sprites - Summons 2d10 faeries 7. Faerie Sword - Conjures a sword that inflicts 4d4 and randomly inflicts a disabling spell effect 8. Dragonrage - Grants the attributes of a random dragon 8. Nymph's Aura - Similar to Nature's Beauty 8. Song of Battle - Grants immunity to fear and removes need of a morale check 8. Call of Despair - Halfs morale and inflicts fear 9. Gift of Life - Turns the undead into a living creature.
Harper Spells (Good/Neutral Human):
2. Alustriel's Fang - Conjures a +1 magical throwing dagger/dart that does 1 more point of damage 4. Alustriel's Mantle - Immunity to normal weapons and spells of level 2 and below 5. Storm's Spell Thrust - Bounces all attack back with a thunderbolt 5. Mooncloak - Damage is reduced by 1 point against cold, paralyzing and level draining attacks 5. Phantom Blade 7. Alustriel's Improved Mantle - Provides immunity against +1 weapons and up to level 4 spells. Increases all saving throws by 2 7. Khelben's Warding Whip 7. Alustriel's Sword of Stars (Conjures +2 magical weapon that hits with a THAC0 of 9 and strikes twice a round, dealing 4d4 damage. Can also be summoned to fight by itself 8. Sylune's Absolute Immunity - Protects against a specific spell 8. Laeral's Invisible Blade - Improved form of Alustriel's Sword of Stars 8. Net of Stars - Creates a zone of dead magic and damages everything inside for 3d4 per round. 9. Blackstaff - Creates a +4 magical weapons that inflicts 1d8 but also a random disabling effect 9. Eye of Mystra - Drains all magic from target
Red Wizard/Deathmaster (Evil Human):
1. Aura Fire - Same effect as Faerie Fire 2. Create Enchanted Tattoo - Inscribes a random battle bonus onto target 2. Combust - Target burst into flames for 1d6 damage 2. Dazzle - Everyone suffers -4 saving throws vs spells and -20% thieving abilities 3. Fire Lance - Inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage per level for a max of 10d6 3. Flashburst - Everyone suffers -4 saving throws vs spells, -20% thieving abilities and is blinded for 2d10 rounds 3. Assist - Improves max hit points by 1d8 4. Wall of Evil - Weakens spells cast by good alignment 5. Deathmaster's Vial - Conjures 1 vial per 3 levels up to 5 vials. Each vial is thrown to inflict 2d8+3 points of rotting damage. 5. Fire Stones - 4 amber grenades are created that causes 2d8 fire damage each 5. Vile Venom - applies poison effect to weapon 6. Animate Blood - Conjures small animals that fight as level 5 fighters or launches 1d6 acid damage per round for 4 rounds. 6. Fellblade - Summons either a damaging sword, draining sword or cursing sword. 6. Curse of Lycanthropy - Turns human or demi-human into a werewolf 7. Cacofiend 8. Flensing - Strips flesh from target, slowly increasing damage 8. Summon Fiend 8. Fire Storm 8. Unlife - Turns the living into an undead 9. Spell-Lash - Instantly kills caster but causes 1d4 per caster's level in damage to everything in the area.
After this just one more posts about Arcane Spells, the Bard and Incantation spells. I'll leave the Oriental and Arabian magic until after going through the finalizing of Divine spells.
@Mordeus Are those spells already short-listed? Most, if not all, seem viable (technical-wise, I wouldn't know) in-game. And if I might be so bold to ask, are there plans to include visual effects for some of the spells?
@Illustair the plan is to add all the viable ones into the structure of the mod as placeholder spells, so we can get all of the spheres and school stuff done in one go. Not to mention I can work on getting all the icons done altogether. Then it's just a matter of filling in the workings of each spell as we see fit and enabling them for gameplay. We could have them visible to the beta tester, so we can get feedback on which spells to target. So if someone likes the look of a Ranger spell, we'll make it but if something from a rare sphere like Numbers goes largely unnoticed, then probably best to leave that at the back of the pile.
So over the next couple of months, we'll do a spell here and there eventually working our way up. It's entirely possible that we won't get half way through it all but it at least gives us a bit of a roadmap of what to do.
At the moment we're using pre-existing spell animations from the BG, IWD and Planescape games. With some of them recoloured. But since I'm ripping apart the art resources of other games like Lionheart, the plan is to incorporate other spell animations not from an infinity engine game.
After we've gone through the Arcane and Divine spells, we're going to have to settle on the final list of specialty priests too. There's been 40 responses and the results are pretty definitive. We could do the same thing as the spells and pick up to 50 specialty priests but work on them from a one by one basis. So we'll use the voting form along with the proper Forgotten Realms' mythology to decide who makes the cut, but then refer to the voting form on which ones we'll prioritize.
Previously we were working on a case by case basis but that was getting a little hard to keep track of. That by laying everything out so the beta tester can see what's on our minds might just be the better course to take. It'll be good to get all the planning out of the way too, wastes alot of time going through the supplements.
Ok here are the last portion of Arcane spells. From the groups of Bard, Wild Magic and Incantation (Metamagic). I think Bard and Wild Magic spells are done, the hard part with the school of Incantation is due to limits with opcodes and spells that double over.
Bard Spells:
1. Sound Bubble - Immunity to silence and increases the potential for Bard's Song 1. Otto's Chime of Release - Releases target from hold magic 2. Ghost Pipes - Summons an instrument that plays a Bard's Song by itself. 2. Silence 15' 2. Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter - Target suffers 2 STR penalty and recieves a saving throw penalty dependent on the target's INT 2. Echoes - Target suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws and AC 3. Calm - Creatures with less than 5 HD or 5 Levels lose their aggression 3. Suggestion - Weakens saving throws against school of enchantment 3. Curse/Blessing of the Gypsies - Decreases or Increases target's luck 4. Otto's Drums of Despair/Rousing Anthem - Applies a penalty or bonus to allies saving throws 4. Otto's Tonal Attack - Forces target to lose spell casting abilities 4. Shout - Deafens creature for 2d6 rounds and causes 2d6 points of damage 5. Otto's Gong of Isolation - Stuns, Blinds and Deafens target 5. Charm Animals 6. Brightsong - Creates an area with the Free Action effect 6. Mass Suggestion - Mass version of Suggestion 6. Starharp - Frees creature from hold magic and has a chance of healing 2d4 8. Otto's Irresistible Dance - Forces a target to dance and weakens AC by 4 8. Great Shout - Stuns enemies for 2 rounds, deafens for 4 rounds and causes 1d10 points of damage
Wild Magic:
1. Nahal's Reckless Dweomer 2. Nahal's Nonsensical Nullifier - Randomly changes target's alignment for duration of spell 2. Chaos Shield 5. Vortex - Summons a tornado that causes 1d4 damage per level of caster and has a 5% of triggering a wild surge 6. Wildshield - Protects against wild surges and absorbs 2d6 spell levels 6. Wildstrike - Inflicts a wild surge on the spell caster 7. Improved Chaos Shield 7. Hornung's Surge Selector - The caster can choose the desired effects of the wild surge 8. Wildzone - Creates a zone of wild magic 9. Wildwind - Advanced form of wildstrike that also causes 2d6 points of damage
2. Forget - Creatures within the area forget their commands 3. Augmentation I - Improves damage inflicted by spells up to level 3, by giving an additional point in damage. 3. Charmthwart - 3+ bonus saving throw against the school of enchantment 3. Drawmij's Marvelous Shield - Improved version of Shield that grants AC0 against hurled missiles, AC1 against propelled missiles and AC2 for other attacks 3. Far Reaching I - Extends the range of level 1 & 2 by 50% and level 3 by 25% 3. Maladweomer/Empradweomer - Increases 4 penalty or bonus to save throws vs spells 3. Minor Malison - Inflicts -2 penalty to saving throws to all enemies 3. Squaring the Circle - Turns area of effect of all spells to the largest field. 3. The Phaerimm's Dweomer Vortex - Creates a conical field that drains up to 6 spell levels 4. Dilation I - Increases the area of effect by 25% for spells up to level 3 4. Far Reaching II - Extends the range of level 1, 2 & 3 by 50% and level 4 by 25% 4. Forcefend - Grants protection against single target spells. 4. Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer - Retains memory of three additional spell levels 4. Rary's Spell Enhancer - Improves the effectiveness of magic 4. Ray of Oblivion - Removes memorized spells 4. Spelltouch - Allows to store a 3rd level spell or lower in an object 5. Dismissal - Sends an extraplanar creature back to its' plane 5. Far Reaching III - Extends the range of level 1, 2 & 3 by 150% and level 4 & 5 by 50% 5. Jonstal's Double Wizardry - Can fire two spells at once 5. Magic Staff - Allows a wizard to store one spell level for every three levels of the caster 5. Mordenkainen's Involuntary Wizardry - Forces a wizard to prematurely cast a spell 5. Pierce Magic Resistance - 50% chance of dispelling protections of 5th level or less 5. Rary's Mind Shield - 2+ saving throw vs enchantment and immunity versus Charm, Command and Emotion 5. Rary's Superior Spell Enhancer - Improves the effectiveness of magic even more, plus adds a point of damage to each attack 5. Wall of Force - Creates a stationary wall that prevents things from passing through it 6. Augmentation II - Improves damage inflicted by spells up to level 5, by giving an additional point in damage. 6. Dilation II - Increases the area of effect by 50% for spells up to level 3 and 25% for level 4 and 5. 6. Dweomerburst - Destroys a barrier of 5th level or lower, exploding in 1d6 hit points of damage, those in the area are stunned for 1d4 rounds 6. Jonstal's Improved Double Wizardry - Can fire two spells at once 6. Mordenkainen's Lucubration - Allows a wizard to remember a spell from 5th or below that he has used 6. Rary's Urgent Utterance - Reduces the casting time to 1 for one spell 6. Spell Reflection - Reflects all magic other than touch, wands or area-effect 7. Banishment - Can send a extraplanar creature back to its' home plane. 7. Curse of Forgetfulness - Removes the knowledge of a spell from the target permaneantly. 7. The Phaerimm's Draincone - Drains spell energy from the target 7. Forcecage - Cages a creatures so they cannot move 7. Intensify Summoning - Grants 2 bonus hit points per hit dice on summoned creatures 7. Mordenkainen's Penultimate Cogitation - Allows a wizard to remember a spell from 6th or below that he has used 7. Persistence - Keeps a 6th or lower spell ready for instant release or for maximum duration 7. The Simbul's Synostodweomer - Aborbs spells for healing points 7. Steal Enchantment - Steals the enchantment of a weapon for self 7. Stealspell - Steals a single spell from an enemy 7. The Phaerimm's Weirdshield - Summons a shield that protects against magical swords. 8. Mystic Shield - Prevents all arcane spells lower than 7th, and divine spells lower than 6th from hurting the target 8. Prismatic Wall - Conjures a stationary wall with 7 layers, each with a colour that stops a specific kind of spell. 9. Absorption - Negates a spell and absorbs it as magical energy 9. Algarth's Embattlement (aka Box of Spells)- Stores 6 spells for later use, suffers 1d4 hit points for every spell stored. 9. Disruption - Destroys all undead under 6HD and those above make a saving throw vs spell 9. Mordenkainen's Disjunction - -1% per caster's level penalty to magic resistance. 9. Mystic Sphere - Prevents all arcane spells lower than 8th, and divine spells lower than 6th from hurting the target 9. Pierce Any Shield - Pierces any magical or non-magical shield 9. Power Word Banishment - Banishes any extraplanar creature 9. Prismatic Sphere - Conjures a shield with 7 layers, each with a colour that stops a specific kind of spell. 9. Sammaster's Conjunction - Fires two spells at the same time 9. Sathrah's Ingenious Recollection - Remembers any lost spell 9. Triad Gem - Stores three spells into a magical gem for later use
The Incantatrix also gets Shield, Alacrity, Dispel Magic, Extension I, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Minor spell Turning, Extension II, Feeblemind, Greater Malison, Lower Resistance, Contingency, Globe of Invulnerability, Power Word Stun, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Semipermanency, Spell Turning, Maze, Chain Contingency, Spellstrike, Extension III & Permanency.
Far Reaching, Dilation and Squaring the Circle can't be implemented at the moment because there isn't an opcode for it. But maybe we could leave them in the mod's structure hoping that it may be added someday after putting through a feature request?
Then there is the banishment spells; 5. Dismissal, 7. Banishment & 9. Power Word Banishment. Bit pointless to have all three, so maybe we should just keep Banishment?
Then there is the 'sequencer' spells; 4. Spelltouch, 5. Magic Staff, 9. Algarth's Embattlement & 9. Triad Gem. Those spells need to be cut down, I'm think of keeping Magic Staff and Algarth's Embattlement.
Then there is the double spellcasting spells of 5. Jonstal's Double Wizardry, 6. Jonstal's Improved Double Wizardry & 9. Sammaster's Conjunction. These could give a different selection of spells to cast twice.
Then there is the recall spells; 4. Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer, 6. Mordenkainen's Lucubration, 7. Mordenkainen's Penultimate Cogitation & 9. Sathrah's Ingenious Recollection. These could be incremental versions of Wondrous Recall where each spell has spell level limits.
And that's all the viable Arcane spells from the Wizard's Spell Compendium :S
That's truely awesome. It will become a totally different new game
There are some gamebreaking or impossible spells in the lists, but if you should have dubts on how to implement a spell please ask to the community, we will be super-happy to give some suggestions!
@SpaceInvader luckily if there is a gamebreaking spell we could just simply disable it or rework it with severe limitations.
I've just come up with a rather quirky way of going about creating a Sorcerer kit. At the moment the spell menu that pops up at character creation is hardcoded and cannot be changed. However if you apply a usability flag that blocks the use of any school based spell you are then forced to select the "pick for me" button which will force upon you a pre-selected list of spells found in a 2da file. Now if the spells in that list are all linked to a school, then the game will crash but if there are spells in that 2da file that aren't linked to a school they will be added with no problems.
So my pitch is that for the Sha'ir and the Wu Jen, we do things a little differently when it comes to spellcasting. The Sha'ir will have its' spell selection linked to its' gen servant but the Wu Jen is linked to the 5 oriental elements. Originally I thought we'd have to create scrolls for the Sha'ir and Wu Jen which would be completely useless for other wizards and just provide clutter but if the Sha'ir ones are summoned to the spell book upon summoning a genie then we probably should come up with a similar method for the Wu Jen.
So I think that we could use this "pick for me" method and have 5 spells added to the Sorcerer's spell book based on the five elements. So there would be a fire related spell for each level, and the same for water, wind, earth and metal. We could even make it that these 5 spells house subspells just to give some diversity to the Wu Jen's selection.
I'm going to run through a test to make sure this is possible but this would be a rather simple solution to the Oriental and Arabian mages.
[edit] ok I've just tested out this theory and it works perfectly. For future reference the usability code to block all school based spells is 0x00003fc0. So now it's just a matter of picking the 5 elemental spells for each level of the Sorcerer. Might as well get that sorted out now along with the Sha'ir. The only funny thing is that instead of the spells being visually blocked out, all of them have green outlines but can't be selected.
The Wu Jen spells were a little hard to do, mainly because some spell levels had elemental spells missing. So I combined the 1ed and 3ed version of the Wu Jen (there is no 2ed version) and filled in the gaps with logical choices of spells from the Elementalist kit and two druid spells.
Fire 1. Elemental Burst: Fire - Sends sparks of fire for 1d4 fire damage 2. Fire Shuriken - Launches a shuriken that causes 1d4 fire damage and inflicts a -2 to attack rolls. Can cast a second at level 7 and a third at level 13. 3. Fire Rain - Causes 1d8 fire damage per caster level to a max of 5d8. 4. Wall of Fire 5. Fire Breath - All within the cone area suffer 1d6 of fire damage for each caster level to a max of 15d6 6. Fire Eyes - Two beams of fire damage causing 4d6 per round. 7. Elemental Servant: Fire - Summons a fire elemental 8. Incendiary Cloud 9. Elemental Aura: Fire - Immunity to normal and magical fire, and invincibility to fire elementals.
Metal 1. Elemental Burst: Air - Stuns everyone in the area for 1-2 rounds 2. Enchanted Blade - Summons a magical sword in the caster's hand that can unleash long rang energy attacks 3. Magnetism - Draws creatures towards the target 4. Dancing Blade - Summons a blade that fights on its' own 5. Metal Skin - AC becomes 2 but movement rate is halved 6. Metal to Rust - Turns metal weapons to dust 7. Elemental Servant: Air - Summons an air elemental 8. Whirlwind 9. Elemental Aura: Air - Immunity to gas and air attacks, invincibility to air elementals and gains Protection from Normal Missiles effect.
Earth 1. Elemental Burst: Earth - Sends sharp pierces of metal to the target for 1d8 damage 2. Strength 3. Statue - Turns target into a statue for a certain duration 4. Dimension Door 5. Mass - Makes target incredibly heavy 6. Flesh to Stone/Stone to Flesh 7. Elemental Servant: Earth - Summons an earth elemental 8. Earthquake 9. Elemental Aura: Earth - Immunity to nonmagical weapons and invincibility to earth elementals
Wood 1. Elemental Burst: Wood - Sends sharp pieces of wood to the target for 1d8 damage 2. Summon Swarm - Summons a swarm of rats, insects, etc... 3. Spike Growth - Spikes fill the area causing 2d4 damage everytime the target moves, also movement is halved 4. Polymorph Other 5. Thornbush Arrows - Summons multiple thorns that cause 1-2 points of damage each 6. Conjure Animals - Same as Divine version 7. Elemental Servant: Wood - Summons a nature elemental 8. Sunburst 9. Elemental Aura: Wood - Immunity to wooden weapons, invincibility to plant-based attacks, gains 1 hit point per hour and immune to movement altering effects.
Water 1. Elemental Burst: Water - Summons a wave to push back an enemy 2. Ice Knife - An dagger of ice is fired causing 1d4 points of cold damage and causing the target to become numb 3. Cloudburst - Fire spells cannot be cast in the area and occasionally thunderbolts strike those in the area 4. Ice Storm 5. Cone of Cold 6. Death Fog 7. Elemental Servant: Water - Summons a water elemental 8. Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting 9. Elemental Aura: Water - Immunity to normal and magical cold, and invincibility to water elementals.
So the mage would work exactly like a Sorcerer and will have a spell of a different element for each level. The other oriental magic spells will be used for a future Ninja kit.
can't wait untill trying out the Sha'ir count me in for beta testing it to death or my forum name isn't The_Shairs_Handbook haha ;P
come to think of it will we have the option to choose the sex of our little Gen Familiar or are you going to make it aligment based like wizard familar??? for an exampel a LG Sha'ir gets male djinnling gen while a CG Sha'ir gets a female Shinnling gen... and so on.... the disadvantage with this is that two aligment would be left out... I know there is shadow genies that are called Khayal and Ice genies that are called Qorrashi... so their gens would naturally be called (I think) Khayalin and Qorrashlin (maybe we could use them to fill out all the nine aligment familiar spot)...
@The_Shairs_Handbook It'll probably be something fairly simply like a genderless summon, with them just being recolours of the genie animation. Since we are basing things off 2nd edition there will only be 4 genies available to match each of the four arabian magic domains.
Then we'll give each genie 9 spells, each for the 9 arcane spell levels. The Sha'ir will have access to a limited selection of basic utility spells but the stronger stuff with be cast directly through the genie. We'll make a script for each genie, so it will act on its' own accord if the player doesn't assign it actions. We'll discuss the kit basics when we get beyond the spell creating phase. But the general idea will be that the genie acts as a familiar that scales with the player with the Sha'ir acting as support for the genie.
Djinnling - Wind 1. Wall of Fog - All those in the area have their vision impaired 2. Flying Jambiya - Launches or animates a flying Jambiya 3. Reveal Invisible - Same as Invisibility Purge 4. Wind Blade - Creates a sword of wind that is a bludeoning weapon 5. Shield of Winds - Protects against gases and nonmagical weapons or creature 6. Summon Wind Dragons - Summons 1-10 whirlwinds inflicting 4d6 7. Vanish - Similar to Mass Invisibility 8. Unleash Monolith: Wind - Conjures a decoy with a large amount of hit points 9. Windtomb - Immbolizes creature and causes 4d10 points of damage
Efreetikin - Fire 1. Fire Burst - Explodes the area for 1d3+1 point of damage per level of the caster (max 10) 2. Sundazzle - Causes blindness to all 3. Fiery Fists - Casts flame on the hands causing 1d6+1 flame damage by touch. Leaving a smoke effect of 1d4+1 for every round after 4. Sunfire 5. Shroud of Flame - Causes 2d6 points of fire damage per round, bits of flame spark off the target to damage others 6. Summon Fire Dragons - Summons 1-10 tongues of fire inflicting 4d6 7. Sun Stone - Arabian version of magic missile 8. Unleash Monolith: Flame - Conjures a decoy with a large amount of hit points 9. Meteor Swarm
Maridan - Sea 1. Chill Touch 2. Fog Cloud - Obscures vision and reduces spell duration by 50% 3. Icelance 4. Ice Storm 5. Water Blast - Shoots a 2d6 blast of water. Can blind 6. Otiluke's Freezing Sphere 7. Acid Storm 8. Unleash Monolith: Sea - Conjures a decoy with a large amount of hit points 9. Maelstrom - A damaging whirlpool appears for 1d10 rounds
Daolanin - Sand 1. Sand Slumber - Puts target to sleep 2. Dust Curtain - Causes a storm that inflicts a -4 penalty to their attack rolls 3. Sand Spray - Summons a spray that damages 1d4+1 and blinds 4. Stoneskin 5. Sandstorm - Creates a vortex that inflicts 3d10 and blinds 6. Sand Shroud - Imprisons undead for 2d8 rounds 7. Create Shade - Summons a shade monster 8. Unleash Monolith: Sand - Conjures a decoy with a large amount of hit points 9. Sand Form - Turns ally into an elemental of sand
Vanish, Shroud of Flame, Chill Touch, Icelance & Acid Storm aren't actually from these domains but were included because there wasn't anything viable from those spell levels. I introduced Shroud of Flame to act in the place of the level 9 spell Conflagration, Vanish to balance out Reveal Invisible and some spells that suited the 'sea' theme of the Maridan.
I think capping each genie with 9 spells is enough without going too overboard. So each spirit has its' own play-style. We could buck the p&p trend a little, because I think there is too many blindness causing spells. I think the Marid should have its' Water Blast spell inflict deafness, to go with the general vibe of it being a mage disruptor.
On a side note, I'm going to remove Shout and Greater Shout from the spell lists. They would be much better suited as Samurai's abilities, since it has innate skills identical in name and function as those Bard spells.
So the last bit with the planning is to go through the Divine spells. Once they are sorted, I'll go through one last cull of everything and then the spells will be finalized for good. Then I can get done the .bam spell icons over an upcoming weekend.
Ok, turns out I underestimated and overcomplicated the "pick for me" method. Instead I'll disable the spellbook and create spells that directly appear in the mage's quick spell menu instead appearing within the innate skill menu.
The Wu Jen gets five spells of each element in their quick spell menu. The number of charges each spell gets will scale like a sorcerer. Upon casting the fire element it will give you a selection of subspells depending on the caster's level. Within the fire element spell, you'll get the 9 ones mentioned above but there will be level restrictions. So at the highest level you will have 6 charges for each element, so you'll expend an element if you use it 6 times. So you'll have to cycle between fire, metal, water, wood and earth. Instead of purely just using fire magic exclusively.
With the Sha'ir, you get a Summon Genie spell placed in your innate skill menu with one charge. That will house four genie summons to pick from. Upon summoning one of the genies, the 9 spells mentioned above will be placed directly into your quick spell menu with charges dependent on your level. The genie itself will have some spells too, so it will be of use in battle but could be housed like a familiar within a lamp item. But when you sleep and the genie summon skill returns, if you summon the same genie then the "lamp" item disappears. If you summon another genie, the "lamp" item disappears but so does the spells the genie gave you to use.
This means with the Elven Dualist we can do some interesting things. Since they specialize in opposing schools, for example Conjuration and Divination we can have two spells created, one for each school that houses all the magic within those schools. But if you use up one charge of the Conjuration spell, then one charge is subtracted from the Divination spell and vice versa. So if a max Elven Dualist has 20 charges each, they could either expend through 20 Conjuration spells, 20 Divination spells or a mix inbetween.
I have a thing against putting Arcane spells within the Divine spellbook when the kit isn't a divine class. So we can use this method for other kits like the Ninja. With the Ninja, we'll use the Ranger base to give it access to hide in shadows but then disable the Divine Spellbook and just give the ninja spells directly to their quick spell menu.
Ok lets get the Divine spells out of the way. We'll start with the General spells that are shared with the Cleric and Druid. The spells without included descriptions are ones already in the mod. There's alot but they cover all the spheres aside from Astral.
1. Battlefate 1. Bless/Curse 1. Cure/Cause Light Wounds 1. Dispel Fatigue 1. Protection from Chaos - Same as Protection from Evil but protects against Chaotic alignments 1. Regenerate/Degenerate Light Wounds - Causes Light Wounds effect but heals incrementally by 1HP per round 1. Sunscorch 2. Chaos Ward 2. Coat of Mist - Gives AC2 and a +2 saving throw against fire 2. Cure/Cause Moderate Wounds 2. Dust Devil 2. Know Alignment 2. Nap - Puts creature to sleep and rejuvenates them 2. Protection from Animals 2. Regenerate/Degenerate Moderate Wounds 2. Slow Poison 2. Watery Fist 3. Cure/Cause Blindness or Deafness 3. Cure/Cause Disease 3. Cure/Cause Medium Wounds 3. Detect Illusion 3. Dispel Magic 3. Efficacious Monster Ward - Prevents monsters of 2 or fewer HD from entering the area 3. Emotion Control 3. Hold Person 3. Invisibility Purge 3. Magical Vestment 3. Miscast Magic 3. Protection from Amorphs 3. Protection from Insects and Arachnids 3. Regenerate/Degenerate Medium Wounds 3. Remove/Bestow Curse 3. Rigid Thinking 3. Spliff's Wonder Bubbles - Summons 1d4 bubbles plus 1 for every caster level. The bubbles cure random amounts of damage and inflicts a random beneficial status effect 3. Strength of One 3. Thief's Lament - Reduces all thief skills by 25% in the area 3. Unearthly Choir - Inflicts 2d4 damage per party member in the area 3. Zone of Sweet Air 4. Animal Summoning I 4. Chaotic Combat 4. Chaotic Sleep - Causes creature to fall asleep in random sporadic periods 4. Defensive Harmony 4. Farsight 4. Fire Purge - Prevents fire magic from being cast 4. Heroism - Grants bonus hit points to fighters, rangers and paladins 4. Mental Domination 4. Minor Ward - Grants minor immunity to physical attacks 4. Neutralize Poison/Poison 4. Regenerate/Degenerate Serious Wounds - Causes Serious Wounds effect but heals incrementally by 1HP per round 4. Sticks to Snakes 4. Tanglefoot/Selective Passage 5. Animal Animal II 5. Cause Insanity - Inflicts a random insanity effect. EVIL only. 5. Champion's Strength 5. Chaotic Commands 5. Elemental Forbiddance - Prevents elementals from entering the area 5. Flame Strike 5. Golem - Summons a straw, rope, leather or wood golem 5. Grounding - Grants immunity to normal electricity and grants +2 bonus to magical electricity 5. Magic Resistance - DOESN'T EXIST 5. Major Ward - Grants major immunity to physical attacks 5. Mindshatter - Inflicts insanity effects 5. Othertime 5. Produce Ice 5. Protection from Fiends 10' 5. Protection from Petrification 10' 5. Regenerate Critical Wounds/Degenerate Critical Wounds - Causes Critical Wounds effect but heals incrementally by 1HP per round 5. Righteous Wrath of the Faithful 5. Unceasing Vigilance of the Holy Sentinel 5. Undead Ward 6. Animal Summoning III 6. Call Phoenix - Summons a phoenix. GOOD only. 6. Forbiddance - Prevents the use of teleportation and summoning magic against specific alignments 6. Heal/Harm 6. Metal Skin - Target's AC becomes 2 and movement rate is halved 6. Physical Mirror 6. Regenerative/Degenerative Heal - Causes Heal effect but heals incrementally by 1HP per round 6. Seclusion 6. Sol's Searing Orb 6. Spiritual Wrath - Causes 10d6 damage but inflicts 3d10 on themselves 6. Super Heroism - Improved form of Heroism 7. Breath of Life/Breath of Death - Cures all diseases/Inflicts deadly diseases 7. Henley's Digit of Disruption - Either destroys an undead creature or suffers 2d8 damage. 7. Impervious Sanctity of the Mind - Immunity to all mind-affecting spells 7. Mindkiller - Advanced form of Charm 7. Protection from Death - Prevents the target for dying until the spell wears off 7. Spacewarp - Gravity and movement rate warps in the area 7. Timelessness - Freezes target in time and grants immunity to everything 7. Uncontrolled Weather 7. Symbol
So most of the spells are already there. The main question is about the spell Magic Resistance that doesn't appear in p&p, so I'm inclined to remove it but should I?
I might as well post the druid and cleric spells right now than to wait.
1. Armor of Faith - DOESN'T EXIST. 1. Call Upon Faith 1. Command 1. Detect Evil/Good 1. Ebony Hand - Increases attack rolls of harmful touch spells by 1, 2 at level 4, 3 at level 7 and 4 at level 10. EVIL only. 1. Invisibility to Undead - Undead can't see you 1. Light/Darkness 1. Magical Stone 1. Protection from Evil/Good 1. Remove/Cause Fear 1. Sanctuary 2. Aid 2. Calm Chaos - Pacifies humans and demi-humans 2. Chant 2. Draw Upon Holy Might 2. Find Traps 2. Hold Person 2. Resist Acid and Corrosion 2. Resist Fire/Resist Cold 2. Restore Strength - Removes Stamina and Strength reducing effects 2. Silence 15' Radius 2. Spiritual Hammer 2. Wyvern Watch - Creates an insubstantial wyvern that creates a paralyzation effect 3. Animate Dead - EVIL only. 3. Continual Light/Darkness 3. Dictate - aka Greater Command 3. Glyph of Warding 3. Hold Undead - EVIL only. 3. Holy Smite/Unholy Blight - DOESN'T EXIST. 3. Life Drain - Allows to drain 1d8 plus 1 per caster's level. EVIL only. 3. Negative Plane Protection 3. Prayer 3. Remove Paralysis 4. Blessed Warmth - Immunity to natural cold and a +3 saving throw bonus to magical cold. The higher the caster's level, the more targets affected 4. Cloak of Bravery/Fear 4. Cure/Cause Serious Wounds 4. Free Action 4. Heart Blight - Inflicts a series of heart attacks. EVIL only. 4. Imbue with Spell Ability 4. Protection from Electricity 4. Protection from Evil/Good 10' 4. Protection from Gas 5' 4. Protection from Lycanthropes 10' 4. Protection from Traps 5' 4. Protection from Undead 5' 4. Recitation - Improved version of Prayer 4. Spell Immunity 4. Unfailing Endurance - Grants immunity to fatigue or exhaustion 5. Animate Dead Monsters - Improved form of Animate Dead. EVIL only. 5. Barrier of Retention - Holds targets within a 10x10x10 cube 5. Bestow Hit Points - Adds 1 hit point per level to maximum hit point total. GOOD only. 5. Crown of Flame - Summons headgear that burns evil creatures for 2d6 damger per round. GOOD only. 5. Cure/Cause Critical Wounds 5. Dispel Evil/Good 5. Easy March - Movement rate increases by 2.5 without risk of fatigue. Also suffers -1 penalty to attack rolls. 5. Impregnable Mind - Immune to Charm, Domination, Feeblemind and Hold 5. Insect Plague 5. Mass Cure 5. Raise Dead/Slay Living 5. Righteous Magic - DOESN'T EXIST 5. Scourge - Inflicts a disease that weakens saving throws vs spell at a -3 penalty and reduces STR, DEX and CHA by 3. EVIL only. 5. True Seeing 6. Aerial Servant 6. Asphyxiate - -1 penalty to saving throws, suffers slow effect and suffers 1d6. EVIL only. 6. Blade Barrier 6. Command Monsters 6. Conjure Animals 6. Crown of Brilliance - Summons headgear that has a chance to blind opponents for 1d4 rounds. GOOD only. 6. Entropy Shield 6. Great/Black Circle - Hurts either evil or good for 1d10 points within the area. 1d4 for other alignments 6. Protection from Electricity 10' 6. Recall Spell - Remembers spells 5th level and under. GOOD only 6. Stone to Flesh/Flesh to Stone 6. Summon Undead - EVIL only. 7. Confusion 7. Crown of Glory - Summons headgear that forces creatures with less than 6 HD to fall under the charm spell. GOOD only. 7. Gate 7. Holy/Unholy Word 7. Regeneration/Wither 7. Restoration/Destruction 7. Shield of the Archons/Tanar'ri 7. Spell Drain - Drains spell and absorbs it. GOOD only.
Armor of Faith, Holy Might/Unholy Blight and Righteous Magic aren't p&p spells. So they could be removed since some of the specialty priests have versions of these spells.
And lastly here are the Druid/Ranger exclusive spells.
1. Allergy Field - Causes creatures to sneeze, suffering a -1 penalty to attack rolls and ability checks 1. Animal Sanctuary - Grants sanctuary effect to animals 1. Call Animal or Bird - Summons 3d6 1/4 HD or 2d6 1/2 HD animals 1. Calm Animals - Pacifies Animals 1. Detect Balance - Detects neutral alignments 1. Entangle 1. Faerie Fire 1. Hibernate - Sends animals to sleep 1. Invisibility to Animals - Animals can't see you 1. Revitalize Animal - Applies a Cure Light Wounds effect on animals 1. Shillelagh 1. Strength of Stone 1. Voodoo - Inflicts a random 'cause' or 'cure effect 2. Amulet - Creates an amulet necklace accessory that gives +1 bonus to all saving throws and AC 2. Barkskin 2. Boneiron - Weaker form of Enchanted Weapon 2. Charm Person or Mammal 2. Flame Blade 2. Goodberry 2. Grassdart - Summons 1d6+1 darts that inflict 1d3 2. Hailstone - Summons either a large hailstone (1d4+1 damage) or a shower of them (1 damage point per hit) 2. Sharpleaf - Creates throwing knives that damage for 1d3+1 2. Siren Song - High intelligence creatures gain a +2 bonus to saving throws, mid level intelligence are immune and low level intelligence suffer a -2 penalty to saving throw 2. Wild Deer Speed - Turns movement rate to 15 3. Bramblestaff - Summons a staff that adds +2 to attack rolls and inflicts double damage. 3. Call Lightning 3. Cloudburst - Negates fire spells and steam inflicts 1d3 scalding damage per round 3. Continual Faerie Fire 3. Control Animal 3. Hold Animal 3. Invisibility to Animals 10' - Animals can't see you in a radius of 10 3. Lion's Claws - Grants claws that damage 1d4+1 and attack twice a round, claws are considered magical 3. Meld into Stone - Turns caster into inconspicuous block of stone 3. Oxen Strength - Turns AC to 8 and gives a STR of 18/00 3. Protection from Fire 3. Snapdragon - Creatures within the area suffer 2d4 and half movement rate. 3. Spike Growth - Same as IWD2 3. Summon Insects 3. Thunderclap - Stuns and deafens for 1d10 rounds 3. Tree - Turns caster into a tree, making it inconspicuous 3. Warmth - Grants a +2 bonus to normal and magical cold saving throws 4. Adamantite Mace 4. Bad Medicine/Good Medicine - -2 penalty to THAC0, saving throws, morale and damage potential or raises THAC0, saving throws, moral and damage potential by 1. 4. Bear Hug - Causes 2d8 points of crushing damage per round 4. Call Woodland Beings 4. Earthmaw - Turns the earth into the jaws of a monster 4. Giant Insect - Summons giant insects 4. Magnetism - Draws creatures towards target 4. Needlestorm - Inflicts 1d12 points of damager for every level of the caster for a maximum of 5d12 4. Produce Fire 4. Protection from Lightning 4. Shellskin - Grants a base AC of 4 plus 1 AC for every 5 levels 5. Animal Growth/Shrink Animal - Doubles or Halves hit dice, hit points and damage potential of animals 5. Cloud of Purification 5. Geyser - Summons a geyser that unleashes 3d12 points of scalding water damage. 5. Ironskins 5. Memory Wrack - Target's short term memory is destroyed 5. Nature's Charm - Creates a zone that enthralls creatures 5. Rainbow 5. Spike Stones - Same as IWD2 5. Thornwrack - Thorns errupt from the skin, causing 1d3 damage each 5. Viper's Bite - "Bites" the target for 1d4 damage, if the target fails the saving throw vs poison they die 5. Wall of Fire - Creates a barrier of fire that inflicts 4d4 points of damage plus 1 point per caster's level 6. Anti-Animal Shell - Creates a forcefield that protects against animals 6. Fire Seeds 6. Summon Fire Elemental 6. Summon Water Elemental 6. Wall of Thorns - Those who enter the area suffer 8 points of damage plus additional damage dependant on the target's AC 6. Whirlwind - Causes 1d8 points of damager per round 7. Call Hunt - Summons deadly hounds that can cause fear 7. Changestaff 7. Creeping Doom 7. Earthquake 7. Eruption - Molten rock erupts for 1d8 points of fire damage per round 7. Finger of Death 7. Fire Storm 7. Holly Dart - Kills enemy instantly or causes 2d8+1 damage 7. Summon Air Elemental 7. Summon Earth Elemental 7. Sunray 7. Water Form - Turns creature into water, granting half damage to piercing and slashing attacks. Immunity to poison and gas. -1 point per die against fire, +1 point per die against electricity 7. Wind Walk
Some of the low level spells seem lame but they are for the Ranger, not so much the Druid.
And that's all the spells from 2nd edition p&p. Over the next 2-3 days I encourage people to provide feedback on the spells because then I'll go through cull overlapping spells and then lock them in permanently. Then I'll get the spell icons done altogether.
This is outstanding stuff, you are really going to have your hands full. I think the greatest challenge will be making the lower level spells viable throughout the game. You may have to stray slightly from 2nd edition rules to give people an alternative to some of the mainstay spells. I can see myself still loading lower level spell slots with the obligatory 7-9 uses of magic missile.
Perhaps for a few of the lower level cleric/druid protection spells you can increase the benefit per level by +1 or every 4 levels/+1?
Also I've always considered the druid more of an offensive caster vs. the cleric. Adding a few elemental damaging spells could rectify some of the lame early spell choices.
Again love what you have planned, can't wait till you release the next beta!
@silversnuff yeah it is quite a big task but we'll do it incrementally and just add in the spells that people want prioritized. It's hard to visualize what the spells would look like on paper, but by creating 'dummy' spells into the beta we can see the spread of spells along spheres and schools. So hopefully it will help even out the playing field for some kits. If we get to a point were we get sick of adding in spells, we could just disable them and have them wait dormant in the mod.
With the druids it'll depend on the domain you pick. Some of the offensive spells are restricted from say a Gray Druid and an Arctic Druid. If we were to add some elemental spells to the earlier levels of the Druid, it would in turn change the way the Ranger is played, so that's why most of the useful spells pop up after level 3-4.
I forgot to mention but the Specialty Priests get to pick spells from the General, Cleric and Druid lists. So some of the weaker divine spells are there to replace healing or protective magics that aren't allowed to some kits.
As for the Arcane spells, the idea to saturate the availability of scrolls in the game with some highly useful ones but also some junk ones. There's a rarity value to each spell which will determine where they pop up in the game. So it wouldn't be a simple matter of going straight for the powerful spells. Plus we are going to apply the p&p school restrictions which means the Conjurer, Enchanter and Illusionist won't be able to use Magic Missile. The majority of Gnome/Elven specialists will have to rely on other offensive magics.
@Mordeus first i must say this looks amazing... but anyway here comes some good advice that might be interesting to look into....
Enchanter: was looking at the Enchanter and i noticed that it is somewhat weaker against the other specialty wizard... manly becouse as soon as the enchanter encounter something that isn't humanoid most of their spells fail them.... construct and undead... in 2nd edition PnP enchenter was a real enchanter and not only a charmer... with that i mean they could disenchant and enchant golems, weapons and so on....
most of the offensive spells are in conjuration and evocation school wich is barred for the enchanter...wich can make playing enchanter a little bit tricky if you don't have spells that can effect other creatures than living humanoids...
so the spells the enchanter would need to be complete would be more Hold spells: spells like: Hold Giant Hold Golem (important spell i think) Hold Undead (I still dont understand why they put a hold spell in necromancy school... hold and charm spells is domain of enchanter... it like moving abjuration spells of protections agains something into illusion school and say it is a illusion spell) with other word hold undead should be moved to enchanter school i recommend .
About Wu Jen and Sha'irs they look great but i must say there missing some uber super powerfull low lvl spells that gets uber strong at higher lvl.... i do belive that at least one uber super low lvl spell should be added to them or they will be weak spellcasters when you compare them to wizards and sorcerers...
uber super power low lvl that gets extremly powerful at higher lvl are: Melf acid arrow (gets stronger and stronger there is no damage cap on this spell) Flame arrow (same thing as acid arrow... gets extremly strong... never gets outdated) Skull trap (uber spell no damage cap) Slumber (if you add it to the game ... ultimate sleep spell) Shark Bolt (extremly good spell... 80 is the cap damage for a lvl 2 water spell)
now I don't mean that those spells above should be added to sha'irs or wu jen (except maybe shark bolt haha) but maybe a similar spell..and i do belivie we might found some of them in wizard's spell compendium books if we research it more carefully ......
i hope this feedback was somewhat helpfull
Edit: about the familiar of sha'irs i noticed a bug with wizard familiar when i played bg1.... the bug was if i summoned the familiar in candle keep in beginning of the game and didn't picked them up and walked down to Gorion and walked out of candle keep.. then the familiar would stay in candle keep and you wouldn't be able to reach it untill you returned again to candle keep.. ( i couldn't resummon my familiar the game said that already had one) as you see this bug might be troublesome for sha'irs if it happend to them...easiest way would be a duraion on sha'irs familiar... like 48 hours duration or something... to get around this bugg or buggs that might be found later on in the game... or the sha'ir have a desummon familiar ability that works once per day...
@The_Shairs_Handbook Unfortunately we have to work within the limits of the infinity engine, so most of the p&p enchanting spells aren't viable. I'll go through them again to see if I missed anything. Hold Golem might be a little situational, there could be a stronger Hold spell that I missed that could be applied to everything.
I think Hold Undead is Necromantic because they don't have the sort of sentience that an Enchanter could exploit. While the Necromancer is suited to commanding and manipulating the 'minds' of the undead. Hold Golem to me seems a little strange since the Golem's mind isn't really suited to mind manipulation. In p&p it seems the best way to deal with a Golem is to destroy it with a spell like Crystalbrittle.
With the Wu Jen, I did leave out some spells because I wanted to make them even across the 5 elements. Same with the Sha'ir, its' about trying to strike a balance between the elements to try and mix power with utility. If we were going purely on numbers then the fire element would be twice the size of the other elements and there wouldn't be much incentive to use the other genies or elements. This way I think would enforce some strategy to playing these elementalists rather than going for power.
I'm pretty sure with the familiar bug you could just resummon it if it gets stuck, since the genie would be emulating the Monster Summoning spell rather than the Find Familiar spell. We can't use the Find Familiar spell as it stands cause it has some hardcoded limitations but I'm sure a regular summon with a permanent duration and some scripted dialogue actions would emulate how a Familiar works.
I'm currently culling the spells via a process of singling out buzzwords or themes. For example a protection spell has a circle outline, shield spells have the same shield outline, spells with the name evil have that smoke figure. So some of the spells even though viable will probably be neglected, just because they don't read well visually.
I'm going to release the results of the deity poll just so I can have their spells on hand while making the spell icons. All human gods who have reached 10 votes are locked in. Then the top 3-5 demi-human gods are also locked in. Bold deities are already in the game.
And unless I'm mistaken at the time BG takes place she is actually missing in the realms and Lliira, goddess of joy, is taking care of her portfolio until she returns.
She tried to leave Toril in her avatar guise during the Time of Troubles and was abducted and held captive by the Abyssal Lord Graz'zt, who believed she knew the locations of great treasures. Her release is central to the P&P adventure "For Duty and Deity"
The Baldur's gate series takes place in 1368 DR, and Waukeen has been freed by the adventurers in 1370 DR in the adventure you mentionned, so technically speaking, she is still emprisoned in the Argent Palace by Graz'zt and as you said, it is Lliira who is taking care of her portfolio.
I see you're doing a pretty nice work with the divine sphere of spells, couldn't you so include druids in this work @Mordeus? They're really need a mod work in BG, IWD druid spells kick arses, but bg spells until very late (6° and 7° circles) aren't very nice besides one or another.
By the way, any chance of update the priest enemies of the game so they would benefit from the kits?
Sorry for the dual post but to call attention to this doubt i had to use this resource:
Didn't tried yet, but i have a doubt now after installing the mod, multi-class to cleric will invoke the celestial spirit to make possible to choose my patron? And what about dual-class an NPC to cleric for example (Xzar to be more specific)?
Multi classes cant have kits, this is an infinity engine restriction.
Dual class works as it always has, you can dual from a kit to a general class, but you cant dual into a kit. I hope to the ability to choose a god when dualling in the near future. It shouldn't be too difficult.
And if you choose to update the npcs in the game it also adds relevant priest kits to certain creatures, e.g. bassilus, mulahey, kelddath ormmlyr, anyone who mentions they follow a specific god if that god is part of the kit pack.
Since we havent properly done druids yet there is the option to add a basic sphere system to druids at install, should make them a bit more useful.
@Jarl I was a little worried that it was going to have the 500+ extra spells I mentioned above, but looks to be reworks of BG2 and IWD2 spells with some extra ones from the compendium. The latest version is Beta 6 right?
I'm a third of the way through the spell icons. I think I could get them done in a week's time. The plan is to get the black and white versions done all at once, then I'll post them here for feedback. Then once they've been approved I'll add the effects and get them into .bam format.
There are some things I've noticed so far:
- Petrification and Paralysis have the same status effect (that frozen stickman), so I'm using that solely as the paralysis effect and I made a stone icon that will represent petrification.
- Spells named after a wizard/mage will have a gothic letter in the top left corner. So some icons will be nearly identical except for that letter. This saves me time rather than having to make nearly 1000 unique spell icons. So Alustriel's Sword of Stars and Laeral's Invisible Blade will be the same, except one has the letter A and the other the letter L. Sometimes instead of a letter I've used a symbol like the symbol of Angharradh to represent elven magic or the magic swirl of the original Reckless Dweomer to represent Wild Magic spells.
- Also I'm going to ditch the idea of having two versions of a spell that has two spell schools. Mainly because some of them have three to four schools attached for no apparent reason and that would make those spells up to 4 times more likely to appear. I think it would be better for each spell to have equal representation.
- I've also condensed the visual language of the spells. So spells that have Remove and Dispel in their name and if they cure a status effect, will look fairly similar. Spells that are variants of the Amor spell will have the same visual shape of armor and spells that are variants of the Shield spell will have the same shield shape. Also spells that are "improved" or the next level above will have an arrow to the right side showing that they are stronger versions. The downside is that some icons look fairly similar, the upside is that you can read them better than before. The general idea is to have half the spells 'related' to each and the other half being unique symbols.
Two questions I have.
1. Most people use Archaic's GUI over the Beamdog one right? If so then I'll get the colours in line with that. Not such a big issue here just that I'll take the colours from the stain glass setup and that I'll use the brown stone backing over the dark blue one.
2. I'm going to go through and make .bams for the scrolls this time round. The question I have is about Divine Scrolls, where did the original developers get their selection of divine scrolls from? Is it from a supplement or did they choose themselves?
Does the lack of healing spells to some deities (the dark ones only have the reverse healing) is intentional? I don't know if that's PnP, but some cure x wounds are being a lot missed in my evil parties, specially if i have to sleep 200 days when my party is badly injuried in reason of the lack of those spells.
my votes for transmution spell:
speed (must have)
Iron Body (great spell)
Improved Slow (wonderful spell)
Mass Polymorph
Spell Engine
Ring of swords
was wondering to how you would introduce this spell Improved Blink... this might be a tricky spell to code... blink should be easier to code than Imroved blink...
I was thinking that Blink would have random, sporadic periods of teleportation (e.g. teleport after 1 round, 3 rounds, 4 round, 1 round, 2 rounds, etc...) while Improved Blink would teleport around consistently (e.g. teleport after every round).
OK time to get the race/alignment spells out of the way. There are spells for everyone but Gnomes
Drow spells (Evil Elf):
3. Venom Bolt - Inflicts poison inflicting acid damage for 4d4
4. Spider Shape - Turns creature into a spider
4. Backlash - Similar effect to Miscast Magic
5. Immunity to Poison and Disease - Self explanatory
5. Passweb - Immunity to web effect
5. Wonderform - Turns caster into an abomination
5. Spidercloak Armor - Improves AC by 3 and grants +1 saving throw bonus
6. Summon Spider - aka BG2's Spider Spawn
9. Web of Shadows - Summons web effect that inflicts 2d4+1 each round
9. Black Blade of Disaster
High Elven spells (Good/Neutral Elf):
4. Sunbolt - Causes 1d4 per level of the caster plus blinds for 2d4, double damage to undead.
6. Anti-Magic Aura - Removes spellcasting ability and spell effects from target.
7. Sprites - Summons 2d10 faeries
7. Faerie Sword - Conjures a sword that inflicts 4d4 and randomly inflicts a disabling spell effect
8. Dragonrage - Grants the attributes of a random dragon
8. Nymph's Aura - Similar to Nature's Beauty
8. Song of Battle - Grants immunity to fear and removes need of a morale check
8. Call of Despair - Halfs morale and inflicts fear
9. Gift of Life - Turns the undead into a living creature.
Harper Spells (Good/Neutral Human):
2. Alustriel's Fang - Conjures a +1 magical throwing dagger/dart that does 1 more point of damage
4. Alustriel's Mantle - Immunity to normal weapons and spells of level 2 and below
5. Storm's Spell Thrust - Bounces all attack back with a thunderbolt
5. Mooncloak - Damage is reduced by 1 point against cold, paralyzing and level draining attacks
5. Phantom Blade
7. Alustriel's Improved Mantle - Provides immunity against +1 weapons and up to level 4 spells. Increases all saving throws by 2
7. Khelben's Warding Whip
7. Alustriel's Sword of Stars (Conjures +2 magical weapon that hits with a THAC0 of 9 and strikes twice a round, dealing 4d4 damage. Can also be summoned to fight by itself
8. Sylune's Absolute Immunity - Protects against a specific spell
8. Laeral's Invisible Blade - Improved form of Alustriel's Sword of Stars
8. Net of Stars - Creates a zone of dead magic and damages everything inside for 3d4 per round.
9. Blackstaff - Creates a +4 magical weapons that inflicts 1d8 but also a random disabling effect
9. Eye of Mystra - Drains all magic from target
Red Wizard/Deathmaster (Evil Human):
1. Aura Fire - Same effect as Faerie Fire
2. Create Enchanted Tattoo - Inscribes a random battle bonus onto target
2. Combust - Target burst into flames for 1d6 damage
2. Dazzle - Everyone suffers -4 saving throws vs spells and -20% thieving abilities
3. Fire Lance - Inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage per level for a max of 10d6
3. Flashburst - Everyone suffers -4 saving throws vs spells, -20% thieving abilities and is blinded for 2d10 rounds
3. Assist - Improves max hit points by 1d8
4. Wall of Evil - Weakens spells cast by good alignment
5. Deathmaster's Vial - Conjures 1 vial per 3 levels up to 5 vials. Each vial is thrown to inflict 2d8+3 points of rotting damage.
5. Fire Stones - 4 amber grenades are created that causes 2d8 fire damage each
5. Vile Venom - applies poison effect to weapon
6. Animate Blood - Conjures small animals that fight as level 5 fighters or launches 1d6 acid damage per round for 4 rounds.
6. Fellblade - Summons either a damaging sword, draining sword or cursing sword.
6. Curse of Lycanthropy - Turns human or demi-human into a werewolf
7. Cacofiend
8. Flensing - Strips flesh from target, slowly increasing damage
8. Summon Fiend
8. Fire Storm
8. Unlife - Turns the living into an undead
9. Spell-Lash - Instantly kills caster but causes 1d4 per caster's level in damage to everything in the area.
After this just one more posts about Arcane Spells, the Bard and Incantation spells. I'll leave the Oriental and Arabian magic until after going through the finalizing of Divine spells.
So over the next couple of months, we'll do a spell here and there eventually working our way up. It's entirely possible that we won't get half way through it all but it at least gives us a bit of a roadmap of what to do.
At the moment we're using pre-existing spell animations from the BG, IWD and Planescape games. With some of them recoloured. But since I'm ripping apart the art resources of other games like Lionheart, the plan is to incorporate other spell animations not from an infinity engine game.
After we've gone through the Arcane and Divine spells, we're going to have to settle on the final list of specialty priests too. There's been 40 responses and the results are pretty definitive. We could do the same thing as the spells and pick up to 50 specialty priests but work on them from a one by one basis. So we'll use the voting form along with the proper Forgotten Realms' mythology to decide who makes the cut, but then refer to the voting form on which ones we'll prioritize.
Previously we were working on a case by case basis but that was getting a little hard to keep track of. That by laying everything out so the beta tester can see what's on our minds might just be the better course to take. It'll be good to get all the planning out of the way too, wastes alot of time going through the supplements.
Bard Spells:
1. Sound Bubble - Immunity to silence and increases the potential for Bard's Song
1. Otto's Chime of Release - Releases target from hold magic
2. Ghost Pipes - Summons an instrument that plays a Bard's Song by itself.
2. Silence 15'
2. Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter - Target suffers 2 STR penalty and recieves a saving throw penalty dependent on the target's INT
2. Echoes - Target suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws and AC
3. Calm - Creatures with less than 5 HD or 5 Levels lose their aggression
3. Suggestion - Weakens saving throws against school of enchantment
3. Curse/Blessing of the Gypsies - Decreases or Increases target's luck
4. Otto's Drums of Despair/Rousing Anthem - Applies a penalty or bonus to allies saving throws
4. Otto's Tonal Attack - Forces target to lose spell casting abilities
4. Shout - Deafens creature for 2d6 rounds and causes 2d6 points of damage
5. Otto's Gong of Isolation - Stuns, Blinds and Deafens target
5. Charm Animals
6. Brightsong - Creates an area with the Free Action effect
6. Mass Suggestion - Mass version of Suggestion
6. Starharp - Frees creature from hold magic and has a chance of healing 2d4
8. Otto's Irresistible Dance - Forces a target to dance and weakens AC by 4
8. Great Shout - Stuns enemies for 2 rounds, deafens for 4 rounds and causes 1d10 points of damage
Wild Magic:
1. Nahal's Reckless Dweomer
2. Nahal's Nonsensical Nullifier - Randomly changes target's alignment for duration of spell
2. Chaos Shield
5. Vortex - Summons a tornado that causes 1d4 damage per level of caster and has a 5% of triggering a wild surge
6. Wildshield - Protects against wild surges and absorbs 2d6 spell levels
6. Wildstrike - Inflicts a wild surge on the spell caster
7. Improved Chaos Shield
7. Hornung's Surge Selector - The caster can choose the desired effects of the wild surge
8. Wildzone - Creates a zone of wild magic
9. Wildwind - Advanced form of wildstrike that also causes 2d6 points of damage
2. Forget - Creatures within the area forget their commands
3. Augmentation I - Improves damage inflicted by spells up to level 3, by giving an additional point in damage.
3. Charmthwart - 3+ bonus saving throw against the school of enchantment
3. Drawmij's Marvelous Shield - Improved version of Shield that grants AC0 against hurled missiles, AC1 against propelled missiles and AC2 for other attacks
3. Far Reaching I - Extends the range of level 1 & 2 by 50% and level 3 by 25%
3. Maladweomer/Empradweomer - Increases 4 penalty or bonus to save throws vs spells
3. Minor Malison - Inflicts -2 penalty to saving throws to all enemies
3. Squaring the Circle - Turns area of effect of all spells to the largest field.
3. The Phaerimm's Dweomer Vortex - Creates a conical field that drains up to 6 spell levels
4. Dilation I - Increases the area of effect by 25% for spells up to level 3
4. Far Reaching II - Extends the range of level 1, 2 & 3 by 50% and level 4 by 25%
4. Forcefend - Grants protection against single target spells.
4. Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer - Retains memory of three additional spell levels
4. Rary's Spell Enhancer - Improves the effectiveness of magic
4. Ray of Oblivion - Removes memorized spells
4. Spelltouch - Allows to store a 3rd level spell or lower in an object
5. Dismissal - Sends an extraplanar creature back to its' plane
5. Far Reaching III - Extends the range of level 1, 2 & 3 by 150% and level 4 & 5 by 50%
5. Jonstal's Double Wizardry - Can fire two spells at once
5. Magic Staff - Allows a wizard to store one spell level for every three levels of the caster
5. Mordenkainen's Involuntary Wizardry - Forces a wizard to prematurely cast a spell
5. Pierce Magic Resistance - 50% chance of dispelling protections of 5th level or less
5. Rary's Mind Shield - 2+ saving throw vs enchantment and immunity versus Charm, Command and Emotion
5. Rary's Superior Spell Enhancer - Improves the effectiveness of magic even more, plus adds a point of damage to each attack
5. Wall of Force - Creates a stationary wall that prevents things from passing through it
6. Augmentation II - Improves damage inflicted by spells up to level 5, by giving an additional point in damage.
6. Dilation II - Increases the area of effect by 50% for spells up to level 3 and 25% for level 4 and 5.
6. Dweomerburst - Destroys a barrier of 5th level or lower, exploding in 1d6 hit points of damage, those in the area are stunned for 1d4 rounds
6. Jonstal's Improved Double Wizardry - Can fire two spells at once
6. Mordenkainen's Lucubration - Allows a wizard to remember a spell from 5th or below that he has used
6. Rary's Urgent Utterance - Reduces the casting time to 1 for one spell
6. Spell Reflection - Reflects all magic other than touch, wands or area-effect
7. Banishment - Can send a extraplanar creature back to its' home plane.
7. Curse of Forgetfulness - Removes the knowledge of a spell from the target permaneantly.
7. The Phaerimm's Draincone - Drains spell energy from the target
7. Forcecage - Cages a creatures so they cannot move
7. Intensify Summoning - Grants 2 bonus hit points per hit dice on summoned creatures
7. Mordenkainen's Penultimate Cogitation - Allows a wizard to remember a spell from 6th or below that he has used
7. Persistence - Keeps a 6th or lower spell ready for instant release or for maximum duration
7. The Simbul's Synostodweomer - Aborbs spells for healing points
7. Steal Enchantment - Steals the enchantment of a weapon for self
7. Stealspell - Steals a single spell from an enemy
7. The Phaerimm's Weirdshield - Summons a shield that protects against magical swords.
8. Mystic Shield - Prevents all arcane spells lower than 7th, and divine spells lower than 6th from hurting the target
8. Prismatic Wall - Conjures a stationary wall with 7 layers, each with a colour that stops a specific kind of spell.
9. Absorption - Negates a spell and absorbs it as magical energy
9. Algarth's Embattlement (aka Box of Spells)- Stores 6 spells for later use, suffers 1d4 hit points for every spell stored.
9. Disruption - Destroys all undead under 6HD and those above make a saving throw vs spell
9. Mordenkainen's Disjunction - -1% per caster's level penalty to magic resistance.
9. Mystic Sphere - Prevents all arcane spells lower than 8th, and divine spells lower than 6th from hurting the target
9. Pierce Any Shield - Pierces any magical or non-magical shield
9. Power Word Banishment - Banishes any extraplanar creature
9. Prismatic Sphere - Conjures a shield with 7 layers, each with a colour that stops a specific kind of spell.
9. Sammaster's Conjunction - Fires two spells at the same time
9. Sathrah's Ingenious Recollection - Remembers any lost spell
9. Triad Gem - Stores three spells into a magical gem for later use
The Incantatrix also gets Shield, Alacrity, Dispel Magic, Extension I, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Minor spell Turning, Extension II, Feeblemind, Greater Malison, Lower Resistance, Contingency, Globe of Invulnerability, Power Word Stun, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Semipermanency, Spell Turning, Maze, Chain Contingency, Spellstrike, Extension III & Permanency.
Far Reaching, Dilation and Squaring the Circle can't be implemented at the moment because there isn't an opcode for it. But maybe we could leave them in the mod's structure hoping that it may be added someday after putting through a feature request?
Then there is the banishment spells; 5. Dismissal, 7. Banishment & 9. Power Word Banishment. Bit pointless to have all three, so maybe we should just keep Banishment?
Then there is the 'sequencer' spells; 4. Spelltouch, 5. Magic Staff, 9. Algarth's Embattlement & 9. Triad Gem. Those spells need to be cut down, I'm think of keeping Magic Staff and Algarth's Embattlement.
Then there is the double spellcasting spells of 5. Jonstal's Double Wizardry, 6. Jonstal's Improved Double Wizardry & 9. Sammaster's Conjunction. These could give a different selection of spells to cast twice.
Then there is the recall spells; 4. Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer, 6. Mordenkainen's Lucubration, 7. Mordenkainen's Penultimate Cogitation & 9. Sathrah's Ingenious Recollection. These could be incremental versions of Wondrous Recall where each spell has spell level limits.
And that's all the viable Arcane spells from the Wizard's Spell Compendium :S
There are some gamebreaking or impossible spells in the lists,
but if you should have dubts on how to implement a spell
please ask to the community, we will be super-happy to give some suggestions!
I've just come up with a rather quirky way of going about creating a Sorcerer kit. At the moment the spell menu that pops up at character creation is hardcoded and cannot be changed. However if you apply a usability flag that blocks the use of any school based spell you are then forced to select the "pick for me" button which will force upon you a pre-selected list of spells found in a 2da file. Now if the spells in that list are all linked to a school, then the game will crash but if there are spells in that 2da file that aren't linked to a school they will be added with no problems.
So my pitch is that for the Sha'ir and the Wu Jen, we do things a little differently when it comes to spellcasting. The Sha'ir will have its' spell selection linked to its' gen servant but the Wu Jen is linked to the 5 oriental elements. Originally I thought we'd have to create scrolls for the Sha'ir and Wu Jen which would be completely useless for other wizards and just provide clutter but if the Sha'ir ones are summoned to the spell book upon summoning a genie then we probably should come up with a similar method for the Wu Jen.
So I think that we could use this "pick for me" method and have 5 spells added to the Sorcerer's spell book based on the five elements. So there would be a fire related spell for each level, and the same for water, wind, earth and metal. We could even make it that these 5 spells house subspells just to give some diversity to the Wu Jen's selection.
I'm going to run through a test to make sure this is possible but this would be a rather simple solution to the Oriental and Arabian mages.
[edit] ok I've just tested out this theory and it works perfectly. For future reference the usability code to block all school based spells is 0x00003fc0. So now it's just a matter of picking the 5 elemental spells for each level of the Sorcerer. Might as well get that sorted out now along with the Sha'ir. The only funny thing is that instead of the spells being visually blocked out, all of them have green outlines but can't be selected.
1. Elemental Burst: Fire - Sends sparks of fire for 1d4 fire damage
2. Fire Shuriken - Launches a shuriken that causes 1d4 fire damage and inflicts a -2 to attack rolls. Can cast a second at level 7 and a third at level 13.
3. Fire Rain - Causes 1d8 fire damage per caster level to a max of 5d8.
4. Wall of Fire
5. Fire Breath - All within the cone area suffer 1d6 of fire damage for each caster level to a max of 15d6
6. Fire Eyes - Two beams of fire damage causing 4d6 per round.
7. Elemental Servant: Fire - Summons a fire elemental
8. Incendiary Cloud
9. Elemental Aura: Fire - Immunity to normal and magical fire, and invincibility to fire elementals.
1. Elemental Burst: Air - Stuns everyone in the area for 1-2 rounds
2. Enchanted Blade - Summons a magical sword in the caster's hand that can unleash long rang energy attacks
3. Magnetism - Draws creatures towards the target
4. Dancing Blade - Summons a blade that fights on its' own
5. Metal Skin - AC becomes 2 but movement rate is halved
6. Metal to Rust - Turns metal weapons to dust
7. Elemental Servant: Air - Summons an air elemental
8. Whirlwind
9. Elemental Aura: Air - Immunity to gas and air attacks, invincibility to air elementals and gains Protection from Normal Missiles effect.
1. Elemental Burst: Earth - Sends sharp pierces of metal to the target for 1d8 damage
2. Strength
3. Statue - Turns target into a statue for a certain duration
4. Dimension Door
5. Mass - Makes target incredibly heavy
6. Flesh to Stone/Stone to Flesh
7. Elemental Servant: Earth - Summons an earth elemental
8. Earthquake
9. Elemental Aura: Earth - Immunity to nonmagical weapons and invincibility to earth elementals
1. Elemental Burst: Wood - Sends sharp pieces of wood to the target for 1d8 damage
2. Summon Swarm - Summons a swarm of rats, insects, etc...
3. Spike Growth - Spikes fill the area causing 2d4 damage everytime the target moves, also movement is halved
4. Polymorph Other
5. Thornbush Arrows - Summons multiple thorns that cause 1-2 points of damage each
6. Conjure Animals - Same as Divine version
7. Elemental Servant: Wood - Summons a nature elemental
8. Sunburst
9. Elemental Aura: Wood - Immunity to wooden weapons, invincibility to plant-based attacks, gains 1 hit point per hour and immune to movement altering effects.
1. Elemental Burst: Water - Summons a wave to push back an enemy
2. Ice Knife - An dagger of ice is fired causing 1d4 points of cold damage and causing the target to become numb
3. Cloudburst - Fire spells cannot be cast in the area and occasionally thunderbolts strike those in the area
4. Ice Storm
5. Cone of Cold
6. Death Fog
7. Elemental Servant: Water - Summons a water elemental
8. Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
9. Elemental Aura: Water - Immunity to normal and magical cold, and invincibility to water elementals.
So the mage would work exactly like a Sorcerer and will have a spell of a different element for each level. The other oriental magic spells will be used for a future Ninja kit.
count me in for beta testing it to death or my forum name isn't The_Shairs_Handbook haha ;P
come to think of it will we have the option to choose the sex of our little Gen Familiar or are you going to make it aligment based like wizard familar??? for an exampel a LG Sha'ir gets male djinnling gen while a CG Sha'ir gets a female Shinnling gen... and so on.... the disadvantage with this is that two aligment would be left out... I know there is shadow genies that are called Khayal and Ice genies that are called Qorrashi... so their gens would naturally be called (I think) Khayalin and Qorrashlin (maybe we could use them to fill out all the nine aligment familiar spot)...
Then we'll give each genie 9 spells, each for the 9 arcane spell levels. The Sha'ir will have access to a limited selection of basic utility spells but the stronger stuff with be cast directly through the genie. We'll make a script for each genie, so it will act on its' own accord if the player doesn't assign it actions. We'll discuss the kit basics when we get beyond the spell creating phase. But the general idea will be that the genie acts as a familiar that scales with the player with the Sha'ir acting as support for the genie.
Djinnling - Wind
1. Wall of Fog - All those in the area have their vision impaired
2. Flying Jambiya - Launches or animates a flying Jambiya
3. Reveal Invisible - Same as Invisibility Purge
4. Wind Blade - Creates a sword of wind that is a bludeoning weapon
5. Shield of Winds - Protects against gases and nonmagical weapons or creature
6. Summon Wind Dragons - Summons 1-10 whirlwinds inflicting 4d6
7. Vanish - Similar to Mass Invisibility
8. Unleash Monolith: Wind - Conjures a decoy with a large amount of hit points
9. Windtomb - Immbolizes creature and causes 4d10 points of damage
Efreetikin - Fire
1. Fire Burst - Explodes the area for 1d3+1 point of damage per level of the caster (max 10)
2. Sundazzle - Causes blindness to all
3. Fiery Fists - Casts flame on the hands causing 1d6+1 flame damage by touch. Leaving a smoke effect of 1d4+1 for every round after
4. Sunfire
5. Shroud of Flame - Causes 2d6 points of fire damage per round, bits of flame spark off the target to damage others
6. Summon Fire Dragons - Summons 1-10 tongues of fire inflicting 4d6
7. Sun Stone - Arabian version of magic missile
8. Unleash Monolith: Flame - Conjures a decoy with a large amount of hit points
9. Meteor Swarm
Maridan - Sea
1. Chill Touch
2. Fog Cloud - Obscures vision and reduces spell duration by 50%
3. Icelance
4. Ice Storm
5. Water Blast - Shoots a 2d6 blast of water. Can blind
6. Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
7. Acid Storm
8. Unleash Monolith: Sea - Conjures a decoy with a large amount of hit points
9. Maelstrom - A damaging whirlpool appears for 1d10 rounds
Daolanin - Sand
1. Sand Slumber - Puts target to sleep
2. Dust Curtain - Causes a storm that inflicts a -4 penalty to their attack rolls
3. Sand Spray - Summons a spray that damages 1d4+1 and blinds
4. Stoneskin
5. Sandstorm - Creates a vortex that inflicts 3d10 and blinds
6. Sand Shroud - Imprisons undead for 2d8 rounds
7. Create Shade - Summons a shade monster
8. Unleash Monolith: Sand - Conjures a decoy with a large amount of hit points
9. Sand Form - Turns ally into an elemental of sand
Vanish, Shroud of Flame, Chill Touch, Icelance & Acid Storm aren't actually from these domains but were included because there wasn't anything viable from those spell levels. I introduced Shroud of Flame to act in the place of the level 9 spell Conflagration, Vanish to balance out Reveal Invisible and some spells that suited the 'sea' theme of the Maridan.
I think capping each genie with 9 spells is enough without going too overboard. So each spirit has its' own play-style. We could buck the p&p trend a little, because I think there is too many blindness causing spells. I think the Marid should have its' Water Blast spell inflict deafness, to go with the general vibe of it being a mage disruptor.
On a side note, I'm going to remove Shout and Greater Shout from the spell lists. They would be much better suited as Samurai's abilities, since it has innate skills identical in name and function as those Bard spells.
So the last bit with the planning is to go through the Divine spells. Once they are sorted, I'll go through one last cull of everything and then the spells will be finalized for good. Then I can get done the .bam spell icons over an upcoming weekend.
The Wu Jen gets five spells of each element in their quick spell menu. The number of charges each spell gets will scale like a sorcerer. Upon casting the fire element it will give you a selection of subspells depending on the caster's level. Within the fire element spell, you'll get the 9 ones mentioned above but there will be level restrictions. So at the highest level you will have 6 charges for each element, so you'll expend an element if you use it 6 times. So you'll have to cycle between fire, metal, water, wood and earth. Instead of purely just using fire magic exclusively.
With the Sha'ir, you get a Summon Genie spell placed in your innate skill menu with one charge. That will house four genie summons to pick from. Upon summoning one of the genies, the 9 spells mentioned above will be placed directly into your quick spell menu with charges dependent on your level. The genie itself will have some spells too, so it will be of use in battle but could be housed like a familiar within a lamp item. But when you sleep and the genie summon skill returns, if you summon the same genie then the "lamp" item disappears. If you summon another genie, the "lamp" item disappears but so does the spells the genie gave you to use.
This means with the Elven Dualist we can do some interesting things. Since they specialize in opposing schools, for example Conjuration and Divination we can have two spells created, one for each school that houses all the magic within those schools. But if you use up one charge of the Conjuration spell, then one charge is subtracted from the Divination spell and vice versa. So if a max Elven Dualist has 20 charges each, they could either expend through 20 Conjuration spells, 20 Divination spells or a mix inbetween.
I have a thing against putting Arcane spells within the Divine spellbook when the kit isn't a divine class. So we can use this method for other kits like the Ninja. With the Ninja, we'll use the Ranger base to give it access to hide in shadows but then disable the Divine Spellbook and just give the ninja spells directly to their quick spell menu.
1. Battlefate
1. Bless/Curse
1. Cure/Cause Light Wounds
1. Dispel Fatigue
1. Protection from Chaos - Same as Protection from Evil but protects against Chaotic alignments
1. Regenerate/Degenerate Light Wounds - Causes Light Wounds effect but heals incrementally by 1HP per round
1. Sunscorch
2. Chaos Ward
2. Coat of Mist - Gives AC2 and a +2 saving throw against fire
2. Cure/Cause Moderate Wounds
2. Dust Devil
2. Know Alignment
2. Nap - Puts creature to sleep and rejuvenates them
2. Protection from Animals
2. Regenerate/Degenerate Moderate Wounds
2. Slow Poison
2. Watery Fist
3. Cure/Cause Blindness or Deafness
3. Cure/Cause Disease
3. Cure/Cause Medium Wounds
3. Detect Illusion
3. Dispel Magic
3. Efficacious Monster Ward - Prevents monsters of 2 or fewer HD from entering the area
3. Emotion Control
3. Hold Person
3. Invisibility Purge
3. Magical Vestment
3. Miscast Magic
3. Protection from Amorphs
3. Protection from Insects and Arachnids
3. Regenerate/Degenerate Medium Wounds
3. Remove/Bestow Curse
3. Rigid Thinking
3. Spliff's Wonder Bubbles - Summons 1d4 bubbles plus 1 for every caster level. The bubbles cure random amounts of damage and inflicts a random beneficial status effect
3. Strength of One
3. Thief's Lament - Reduces all thief skills by 25% in the area
3. Unearthly Choir - Inflicts 2d4 damage per party member in the area
3. Zone of Sweet Air
4. Animal Summoning I
4. Chaotic Combat
4. Chaotic Sleep - Causes creature to fall asleep in random sporadic periods
4. Defensive Harmony
4. Farsight
4. Fire Purge - Prevents fire magic from being cast
4. Heroism - Grants bonus hit points to fighters, rangers and paladins
4. Mental Domination
4. Minor Ward - Grants minor immunity to physical attacks
4. Neutralize Poison/Poison
4. Regenerate/Degenerate Serious Wounds - Causes Serious Wounds effect but heals incrementally by 1HP per round
4. Sticks to Snakes
4. Tanglefoot/Selective Passage
5. Animal Animal II
5. Cause Insanity - Inflicts a random insanity effect. EVIL only.
5. Champion's Strength
5. Chaotic Commands
5. Elemental Forbiddance - Prevents elementals from entering the area
5. Flame Strike
5. Golem - Summons a straw, rope, leather or wood golem
5. Grounding - Grants immunity to normal electricity and grants +2 bonus to magical electricity
5. Magic Resistance - DOESN'T EXIST
5. Major Ward - Grants major immunity to physical attacks
5. Mindshatter - Inflicts insanity effects
5. Othertime
5. Produce Ice
5. Protection from Fiends 10'
5. Protection from Petrification 10'
5. Regenerate Critical Wounds/Degenerate Critical Wounds - Causes Critical Wounds effect but heals incrementally by 1HP per round
5. Righteous Wrath of the Faithful
5. Unceasing Vigilance of the Holy Sentinel
5. Undead Ward
6. Animal Summoning III
6. Call Phoenix - Summons a phoenix. GOOD only.
6. Forbiddance - Prevents the use of teleportation and summoning magic against specific alignments
6. Heal/Harm
6. Metal Skin - Target's AC becomes 2 and movement rate is halved
6. Physical Mirror
6. Regenerative/Degenerative Heal - Causes Heal effect but heals incrementally by 1HP per round
6. Seclusion
6. Sol's Searing Orb
6. Spiritual Wrath - Causes 10d6 damage but inflicts 3d10 on themselves
6. Super Heroism - Improved form of Heroism
7. Breath of Life/Breath of Death - Cures all diseases/Inflicts deadly diseases
7. Henley's Digit of Disruption - Either destroys an undead creature or suffers 2d8 damage.
7. Impervious Sanctity of the Mind - Immunity to all mind-affecting spells
7. Mindkiller - Advanced form of Charm
7. Protection from Death - Prevents the target for dying until the spell wears off
7. Spacewarp - Gravity and movement rate warps in the area
7. Timelessness - Freezes target in time and grants immunity to everything
7. Uncontrolled Weather
7. Symbol
So most of the spells are already there. The main question is about the spell Magic Resistance that doesn't appear in p&p, so I'm inclined to remove it but should I?
I might as well post the druid and cleric spells right now than to wait.
1. Armor of Faith - DOESN'T EXIST.
1. Call Upon Faith
1. Command
1. Detect Evil/Good
1. Ebony Hand - Increases attack rolls of harmful touch spells by 1, 2 at level 4, 3 at level 7 and 4 at level 10. EVIL only.
1. Invisibility to Undead - Undead can't see you
1. Light/Darkness
1. Magical Stone
1. Protection from Evil/Good
1. Remove/Cause Fear
1. Sanctuary
2. Aid
2. Calm Chaos - Pacifies humans and demi-humans
2. Chant
2. Draw Upon Holy Might
2. Find Traps
2. Hold Person
2. Resist Acid and Corrosion
2. Resist Fire/Resist Cold
2. Restore Strength - Removes Stamina and Strength reducing effects
2. Silence 15' Radius
2. Spiritual Hammer
2. Wyvern Watch - Creates an insubstantial wyvern that creates a paralyzation effect
3. Animate Dead - EVIL only.
3. Continual Light/Darkness
3. Dictate - aka Greater Command
3. Glyph of Warding
3. Hold Undead - EVIL only.
3. Holy Smite/Unholy Blight - DOESN'T EXIST.
3. Life Drain - Allows to drain 1d8 plus 1 per caster's level. EVIL only.
3. Negative Plane Protection
3. Prayer
3. Remove Paralysis
4. Blessed Warmth - Immunity to natural cold and a +3 saving throw bonus to magical cold. The higher the caster's level, the more targets affected
4. Cloak of Bravery/Fear
4. Cure/Cause Serious Wounds
4. Free Action
4. Heart Blight - Inflicts a series of heart attacks. EVIL only.
4. Imbue with Spell Ability
4. Protection from Electricity
4. Protection from Evil/Good 10'
4. Protection from Gas 5'
4. Protection from Lycanthropes 10'
4. Protection from Traps 5'
4. Protection from Undead 5'
4. Recitation - Improved version of Prayer
4. Spell Immunity
4. Unfailing Endurance - Grants immunity to fatigue or exhaustion
5. Animate Dead Monsters - Improved form of Animate Dead. EVIL only.
5. Barrier of Retention - Holds targets within a 10x10x10 cube
5. Bestow Hit Points - Adds 1 hit point per level to maximum hit point total. GOOD only.
5. Crown of Flame - Summons headgear that burns evil creatures for 2d6 damger per round. GOOD only.
5. Cure/Cause Critical Wounds
5. Dispel Evil/Good
5. Easy March - Movement rate increases by 2.5 without risk of fatigue. Also suffers -1 penalty to attack rolls.
5. Impregnable Mind - Immune to Charm, Domination, Feeblemind and Hold
5. Insect Plague
5. Mass Cure
5. Raise Dead/Slay Living
5. Righteous Magic - DOESN'T EXIST
5. Scourge - Inflicts a disease that weakens saving throws vs spell at a -3 penalty and reduces STR, DEX and CHA by 3. EVIL only.
5. True Seeing
6. Aerial Servant
6. Asphyxiate - -1 penalty to saving throws, suffers slow effect and suffers 1d6. EVIL only.
6. Blade Barrier
6. Command Monsters
6. Conjure Animals
6. Crown of Brilliance - Summons headgear that has a chance to blind opponents for 1d4 rounds. GOOD only.
6. Entropy Shield
6. Great/Black Circle - Hurts either evil or good for 1d10 points within the area. 1d4 for other alignments
6. Protection from Electricity 10'
6. Recall Spell - Remembers spells 5th level and under. GOOD only
6. Stone to Flesh/Flesh to Stone
6. Summon Undead - EVIL only.
7. Confusion
7. Crown of Glory - Summons headgear that forces creatures with less than 6 HD to fall under the charm spell. GOOD only.
7. Gate
7. Holy/Unholy Word
7. Regeneration/Wither
7. Restoration/Destruction
7. Shield of the Archons/Tanar'ri
7. Spell Drain - Drains spell and absorbs it. GOOD only.
Armor of Faith, Holy Might/Unholy Blight and Righteous Magic aren't p&p spells. So they could be removed since some of the specialty priests have versions of these spells.
1. Allergy Field - Causes creatures to sneeze, suffering a -1 penalty to attack rolls and ability checks
1. Animal Sanctuary - Grants sanctuary effect to animals
1. Call Animal or Bird - Summons 3d6 1/4 HD or 2d6 1/2 HD animals
1. Calm Animals - Pacifies Animals
1. Detect Balance - Detects neutral alignments
1. Entangle
1. Faerie Fire
1. Hibernate - Sends animals to sleep
1. Invisibility to Animals - Animals can't see you
1. Revitalize Animal - Applies a Cure Light Wounds effect on animals
1. Shillelagh
1. Strength of Stone
1. Voodoo - Inflicts a random 'cause' or 'cure effect
2. Amulet - Creates an amulet necklace accessory that gives +1 bonus to all saving throws and AC
2. Barkskin
2. Boneiron - Weaker form of Enchanted Weapon
2. Charm Person or Mammal
2. Flame Blade
2. Goodberry
2. Grassdart - Summons 1d6+1 darts that inflict 1d3
2. Hailstone - Summons either a large hailstone (1d4+1 damage) or a shower of them (1 damage point per hit)
2. Sharpleaf - Creates throwing knives that damage for 1d3+1
2. Siren Song - High intelligence creatures gain a +2 bonus to saving throws, mid level intelligence are immune and low level intelligence suffer a -2 penalty to saving throw
2. Wild Deer Speed - Turns movement rate to 15
3. Bramblestaff - Summons a staff that adds +2 to attack rolls and inflicts double damage.
3. Call Lightning
3. Cloudburst - Negates fire spells and steam inflicts 1d3 scalding damage per round
3. Continual Faerie Fire
3. Control Animal
3. Hold Animal
3. Invisibility to Animals 10' - Animals can't see you in a radius of 10
3. Lion's Claws - Grants claws that damage 1d4+1 and attack twice a round, claws are considered magical
3. Meld into Stone - Turns caster into inconspicuous block of stone
3. Oxen Strength - Turns AC to 8 and gives a STR of 18/00
3. Protection from Fire
3. Snapdragon - Creatures within the area suffer 2d4 and half movement rate.
3. Spike Growth - Same as IWD2
3. Summon Insects
3. Thunderclap - Stuns and deafens for 1d10 rounds
3. Tree - Turns caster into a tree, making it inconspicuous
3. Warmth - Grants a +2 bonus to normal and magical cold saving throws
4. Adamantite Mace
4. Bad Medicine/Good Medicine - -2 penalty to THAC0, saving throws, morale and damage potential or raises THAC0, saving throws, moral and damage potential by 1.
4. Bear Hug - Causes 2d8 points of crushing damage per round
4. Call Woodland Beings
4. Earthmaw - Turns the earth into the jaws of a monster
4. Giant Insect - Summons giant insects
4. Magnetism - Draws creatures towards target
4. Needlestorm - Inflicts 1d12 points of damager for every level of the caster for a maximum of 5d12
4. Produce Fire
4. Protection from Lightning
4. Shellskin - Grants a base AC of 4 plus 1 AC for every 5 levels
5. Animal Growth/Shrink Animal - Doubles or Halves hit dice, hit points and damage potential of animals
5. Cloud of Purification
5. Geyser - Summons a geyser that unleashes 3d12 points of scalding water damage.
5. Ironskins
5. Memory Wrack - Target's short term memory is destroyed
5. Nature's Charm - Creates a zone that enthralls creatures
5. Rainbow
5. Spike Stones - Same as IWD2
5. Thornwrack - Thorns errupt from the skin, causing 1d3 damage each
5. Viper's Bite - "Bites" the target for 1d4 damage, if the target fails the saving throw vs poison they die
5. Wall of Fire - Creates a barrier of fire that inflicts 4d4 points of damage plus 1 point per caster's level
6. Anti-Animal Shell - Creates a forcefield that protects against animals
6. Fire Seeds
6. Summon Fire Elemental
6. Summon Water Elemental
6. Wall of Thorns - Those who enter the area suffer 8 points of damage plus additional damage dependant on the target's AC
6. Whirlwind - Causes 1d8 points of damager per round
7. Call Hunt - Summons deadly hounds that can cause fear
7. Changestaff
7. Creeping Doom
7. Earthquake
7. Eruption - Molten rock erupts for 1d8 points of fire damage per round
7. Finger of Death
7. Fire Storm
7. Holly Dart - Kills enemy instantly or causes 2d8+1 damage
7. Summon Air Elemental
7. Summon Earth Elemental
7. Sunray
7. Water Form - Turns creature into water, granting half damage to piercing and slashing attacks. Immunity to poison and gas. -1 point per die against fire, +1 point per die against electricity
7. Wind Walk
Some of the low level spells seem lame but they are for the Ranger, not so much the Druid.
And that's all the spells from 2nd edition p&p. Over the next 2-3 days I encourage people to provide feedback on the spells because then I'll go through cull overlapping spells and then lock them in permanently. Then I'll get the spell icons done altogether.
Perhaps for a few of the lower level cleric/druid protection spells you can increase the benefit per level by +1 or every 4 levels/+1?
Also I've always considered the druid more of an offensive caster vs. the cleric. Adding a few elemental damaging spells could rectify some of the lame early spell choices.
Again love what you have planned, can't wait till you release the next beta!
With the druids it'll depend on the domain you pick. Some of the offensive spells are restricted from say a Gray Druid and an Arctic Druid. If we were to add some elemental spells to the earlier levels of the Druid, it would in turn change the way the Ranger is played, so that's why most of the useful spells pop up after level 3-4.
I forgot to mention but the Specialty Priests get to pick spells from the General, Cleric and Druid lists. So some of the weaker divine spells are there to replace healing or protective magics that aren't allowed to some kits.
As for the Arcane spells, the idea to saturate the availability of scrolls in the game with some highly useful ones but also some junk ones. There's a rarity value to each spell which will determine where they pop up in the game. So it wouldn't be a simple matter of going straight for the powerful spells. Plus we are going to apply the p&p school restrictions which means the Conjurer, Enchanter and Illusionist won't be able to use Magic Missile. The majority of Gnome/Elven specialists will have to rely on other offensive magics.
first i must say this looks amazing... but anyway here comes some good advice that might be interesting to look into....
was looking at the Enchanter and i noticed that it is somewhat weaker against the other specialty wizard... manly becouse as soon as the enchanter encounter something that isn't humanoid most of their spells fail them.... construct and undead... in 2nd edition PnP enchenter was a real enchanter and not only a charmer... with that i mean they could disenchant and enchant golems, weapons and so on....
most of the offensive spells are in conjuration and evocation school wich is barred for the enchanter...wich can make playing enchanter a little bit tricky if you don't have spells that can effect other creatures than living humanoids...
so the spells the enchanter would need to be complete would be more Hold spells:
spells like:
Hold Giant
Hold Golem (important spell i think)
Hold Undead (I still dont understand why they put a hold spell in necromancy school... hold and charm spells is domain of enchanter... it like moving abjuration spells of protections agains something into illusion school and say it is a illusion spell) with other word hold undead should be moved to enchanter school i recommend
About Wu Jen and Sha'irs
they look great but i must say there missing some uber super powerfull low lvl spells that gets uber strong at higher lvl.... i do belive that at least one uber super low lvl spell should be added to them or they will be weak spellcasters when you compare them to wizards and sorcerers...
uber super power low lvl that gets extremly powerful at higher lvl are:
Melf acid arrow (gets stronger and stronger there is no damage cap on this spell)
Flame arrow (same thing as acid arrow... gets extremly strong... never gets outdated)
Skull trap (uber spell no damage cap)
Slumber (if you add it to the game ... ultimate sleep spell)
Shark Bolt (extremly good spell... 80 is the cap damage for a lvl 2 water spell)
now I don't mean that those spells above should be added to sha'irs or wu jen (except maybe shark bolt haha) but maybe a similar spell..and i do belivie we might found some of them in wizard's spell compendium books if we research it more carefully ......
i hope this feedback was somewhat helpfull
about the familiar of sha'irs
i noticed a bug with wizard familiar when i played bg1.... the bug was if i summoned the familiar in candle keep in beginning of the game and didn't picked them up and walked down to Gorion and walked out of candle keep.. then the familiar would stay in candle keep and you wouldn't be able to reach it untill you returned again to candle keep.. ( i couldn't resummon my familiar the game said that already had one)
as you see this bug might be troublesome for sha'irs if it happend to them...easiest way would be a duraion on sha'irs familiar... like 48 hours duration or something... to get around this bugg or buggs that might be found later on in the game... or the sha'ir have a desummon familiar ability that works once per day...
I think Hold Undead is Necromantic because they don't have the sort of sentience that an Enchanter could exploit. While the Necromancer is suited to commanding and manipulating the 'minds' of the undead. Hold Golem to me seems a little strange since the Golem's mind isn't really suited to mind manipulation. In p&p it seems the best way to deal with a Golem is to destroy it with a spell like Crystalbrittle.
With the Wu Jen, I did leave out some spells because I wanted to make them even across the 5 elements. Same with the Sha'ir, its' about trying to strike a balance between the elements to try and mix power with utility. If we were going purely on numbers then the fire element would be twice the size of the other elements and there wouldn't be much incentive to use the other genies or elements. This way I think would enforce some strategy to playing these elementalists rather than going for power.
I'm pretty sure with the familiar bug you could just resummon it if it gets stuck, since the genie would be emulating the Monster Summoning spell rather than the Find Familiar spell. We can't use the Find Familiar spell as it stands cause it has some hardcoded limitations but I'm sure a regular summon with a permanent duration and some scripted dialogue actions would emulate how a Familiar works.
I'm currently culling the spells via a process of singling out buzzwords or themes. For example a protection spell has a circle outline, shield spells have the same shield outline, spells with the name evil have that smoke figure. So some of the spells even though viable will probably be neglected, just because they don't read well visually.
Red Knight
Finder Wyvernspur
Sheela Peryroyl
Garl Glittergold*
Baervan Wildwanderer
Baravar Cloakshadow
Callarduran Smoothhands
Labelas Enoreth*
Corellon Larethian
Sehanine Moonbow
Erevan Illesere
Marthammor Duin*
Clangeddin Silverbeard
Deep Duerra
Some of them might be impossible to implement and will be replaced by the next on the list.
And unless I'm mistaken at the time BG takes place she is actually missing in the realms and Lliira, goddess of joy, is taking care of her portfolio until she returns.
She tried to leave Toril in her avatar guise during the Time of Troubles and was abducted and held captive by the Abyssal Lord Graz'zt, who believed she knew the locations of great treasures. Her release is central to the P&P adventure "For Duty and Deity"
And Lurue is as much a human deity as an Elven one. The name "Lurue" is human, the elves call her "Yathagera"
By the way, any chance of update the priest enemies of the game so they would benefit from the kits?
Didn't tried yet, but i have a doubt now after installing the mod, multi-class to cleric will invoke the celestial spirit to make possible to choose my patron? And what about dual-class an NPC to cleric for example (Xzar to be more specific)?
Dual class works as it always has, you can dual from a kit to a general class, but you cant dual into a kit. I hope to the ability to choose a god when dualling in the near future. It shouldn't be too difficult.
And if you choose to update the npcs in the game it also adds relevant priest kits to certain creatures, e.g. bassilus, mulahey, kelddath ormmlyr, anyone who mentions they follow a specific god if that god is part of the kit pack.
Since we havent properly done druids yet there is the option to add a basic sphere system to druids at install, should make them a bit more useful.
I'm a third of the way through the spell icons. I think I could get them done in a week's time. The plan is to get the black and white versions done all at once, then I'll post them here for feedback. Then once they've been approved I'll add the effects and get them into .bam format.
There are some things I've noticed so far:
- Petrification and Paralysis have the same status effect (that frozen stickman), so I'm using that solely as the paralysis effect and I made a stone icon that will represent petrification.
- Spells named after a wizard/mage will have a gothic letter in the top left corner. So some icons will be nearly identical except for that letter. This saves me time rather than having to make nearly 1000 unique spell icons. So Alustriel's Sword of Stars and Laeral's Invisible Blade will be the same, except one has the letter A and the other the letter L. Sometimes instead of a letter I've used a symbol like the symbol of Angharradh to represent elven magic or the magic swirl of the original Reckless Dweomer to represent Wild Magic spells.
- Also I'm going to ditch the idea of having two versions of a spell that has two spell schools. Mainly because some of them have three to four schools attached for no apparent reason and that would make those spells up to 4 times more likely to appear. I think it would be better for each spell to have equal representation.
- I've also condensed the visual language of the spells. So spells that have Remove and Dispel in their name and if they cure a status effect, will look fairly similar. Spells that are variants of the Amor spell will have the same visual shape of armor and spells that are variants of the Shield spell will have the same shield shape. Also spells that are "improved" or the next level above will have an arrow to the right side showing that they are stronger versions. The downside is that some icons look fairly similar, the upside is that you can read them better than before. The general idea is to have half the spells 'related' to each and the other half being unique symbols.
Two questions I have.
1. Most people use Archaic's GUI over the Beamdog one right? If so then I'll get the colours in line with that. Not such a big issue here just that I'll take the colours from the stain glass setup and that I'll use the brown stone backing over the dark blue one.
2. I'm going to go through and make .bams for the scrolls this time round. The question I have is about Divine Scrolls, where did the original developers get their selection of divine scrolls from? Is it from a supplement or did they choose themselves?