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Auto-Sort Shop Inventories

Perhaps (almost certainly) this is me just being OCD but it has bothered me since I first played BG (so long ago *sigh*) but would it be possible to have shop inventories auto-sort so that all swords list together, bows list together, armour etc? I really hate the jumbled mess shops end up in. Alternatively if it would be easier let you manually sort items in the store inventory?
Does anybody know a mod that can do this? Sorry I know this is really OCD!


  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    This makes sense to me, but. If I sell something I generally don't want it now or ever and it is useful for it to be filed away in that "trash" section, at the tail end of a store's inventory.

    I fear mixing it all up would just add clutter in between the items we actually want.
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  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    That would be cool.

    It'd also be cool if they could "fold" item types, so you could have the store view ignore gems (or whatever).
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    I don't think the engine itself would allow folding of items in stores without changes not to mention the necessary changes to the UI. Anyone who wants to have any idea of the nightmare it is to change he UI in any Infinity Engine game just read Archaic's thread about his GUI mod.

    So it's my personal opinion we may see his in an eventual BG3 but not the EE of any infinity engine games...
  • suddenly_humansuddenly_human Member Posts: 22
    Thanks for the feedback guys. @mlnevese would standard listing work though? How did the original shops list their inventories - was it by item code the same as that used in the console to spawn them?

    As for BG3 I just hope they don't go down the route of the shop interface used in NWN. It was horribly clumsy IMO.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited March 2013
    @suddenly_human They're displayed in the order they are added in the .sto file. That's why anything you sell goes to the end of the list.
  • LoremasterLoremaster Member Posts: 212
    Such feature would probably be very useful in a bag of holding. There could be folders or sections for different kind of items. (At least separate folders for weapons, armour and miscellaneous stuff.)
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Filing Cabinet of Holding.
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    Sort by:
    - insertion order (date added)
    - name (alphabetically)
    - type (weapon / potion / etc.; then alphabetically by name within type)
    - price (expensive at top or cheap at top; make it easy to sell junk but keep the +5 Hackmaster)
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