Imoen is purple now?

So I just rolled a new character in EE and it looks like this time around Imoen decided that she wanted to be purple:
My first 2 playthroughs she was her normal magenta colour. Since playing through the Black Pits, she's now purple every time.
Do NPCs have a history of changing colors? Is it a bug brought on by playing BP? Am I crazy?
My first 2 playthroughs she was her normal magenta colour. Since playing through the Black Pits, she's now purple every time.
Do NPCs have a history of changing colors? Is it a bug brought on by playing BP? Am I crazy?
I'll be switching her back to her usual colour as soon as possible!
Thanks for clearing that up.
His stupid flailing is the best part!
But yeah it felt really weird having the color change. Imoen and Xzar were the most notable ones to me. I'm like hmmmm... why are they giving Xzar a lighter shade of green.. .screw that, back to the darkness of his classic dark green!
Sometimes a monk just gets tired. I dunno.
As for Imoen's colors, it was recently pointed out to me that I had them backwards; the purple is the trim on her dress in her portrait; the dress itself is magenta.
Don't listen to them. You were right, her dress is purple
I can see why the devs might thing that it's less confusing to match the portraits, but was anyone's gameplay drastically impaired by confusion? If it's something that's been around for more than a decade, you're only going to have more players disliking the change than appreciating it.
After they made the circles match the NPC color schemes, it became kind of obvious that the NPC color schemes were too similar to each other. IIRC, Khalid and Jahira had the same circle color, and that's just frustrating.
It takes all of two seconds to change their colour back in the inventory screen. In fact, clicking the toggle button would probably take the same amount of time as changing their colours to whatever you want.
They're trying to make the game a bit more interesting. I, for one, love the new colours, and think they should add more.
Beamdog have done a good job so far on BG:EE, but making unwarranted content changes (even if they're just cosmetic) is most likely what the IP holders feared when they imposed their oft-cited "contractual limitations".
Similarly coloured circles around NPCs isn't really an argument, as the game worked just fine for over a decade without these circles - even similarly coloured ones are an improvement over that, and thus shouldn't be the reason for other changes. You know, this argument works both ways: why change stuff that has been there forever when the players who feel impaired by it can just "take[s] all of two seconds to change their colour [back] in the inventory screen"?
2- I do not understand how people can be so upset because of this little, innocent change.
OMG! Now Imoen wears purple clothes instead of pink! What have you done, Beamdog?! You ruined my game! You broke my immersion!!!
... Seriously?
manbearpig is serious, yo... stop using it sarcastically!
So yeah! Something about cereal and pigs!
Heh, I remember a demotivational about Imoen, wearing all bright pink and trying to hide in shadows happily. 'Hide in shadows:you're doing it wrong!' lol. I can't seem to find it on the net now though.
I think pink is most suited to Alora too, she is the epitome of bubbly girly kawai genki girl type. Haven't seen her yet in my game. What color is she? Ooh this is fun, wondering and expecting the colors of NPCs like it's a brand new experience to meet them. It's a good thing, methinks.