Funny backstab stories

I was playing earlier today and my level one assassin decided to hide in shadows(she failed about five times before getting it right) then sneak up behind a dread wolf and back stab it. Instead of killing or damaging said wolf she decided to break her sword then get eaten by said wolf. Anyone else have similar experiences?
"Imoen : Backstab double damage
Imoen causes 2 damage on kobold"
Desperate players commit desperate acts.
I guess before you get there you should make sure she understands that you stab the kobold with the pointy end of the weapon...
So my party was waiting at the other corner of the map, Khalid rushed in to the scene, as I was praying he would reach the scene before my stealth check failed and all those monsters ate my poor shadowdancer. Khalid came and all enemies rushed to attack him, and my SD, still hidden in shadows, retreated a few steps, Khalid manuevered the pack to a tactical position. My SD, being the willy guy he is, remembered a flaming oil potion in his belt and threw it to the pack. Khalid and my SD was safe. The monsters were not. All hobgoblins and most of the lesser wolves died from the huge blast and Vampiric Wolves were hurt too. Then we did a few kiting and finished them off with magical ranged ammunition. Whew! That was fun!
So I learned a lesson:Backstabbing is definitely fun and powerful, but ONLY against a low number of enemies. Against a huge group of enemies, an exploding ball of flame is always much more effective. Lol
On Topic:
I played BG2 with a kensai/thief (yes, I know). I lol'd every time combat started, my guy stabbed a wizard for 100-120 damage and spell protections popped up around the corpse flopping to the ground.
I was on a mission in a prison run by a bunch of crazed, fanatical warrior-clerics called the Hammerites (they all carry round huge iron sledgehammers - a symbol of man's grasp of technology raising him above rude nature, also good for hitting non-believers).
They are pretty puritanical with their buildings; bare stone walls, naked iron plates and pipes all over the place and most importantly of all, no carpets. I was chasing down one of the guards, quickly and quietly. Of course the floor was bare flagstones so I couldn't run up behind him, just walk about 1% faster than he was walking, inching towards him, hoping that he wouldn't hear me, or get to the end of the corridor and turn around.
Finally I got to a couple of paces behind him, blackjack raised in triumph and swung my arm forward!!
As masters of technology, the Hammerites are pretty much the only guys in the game to have overhead, electric light fittings, such as the one I had just struck with my weapon. I might as well have crept up behind him with a gong.
By the time I'd worked out what was going on, he'd whirled around and begun evangelising me with his sledgehammer.
Back when I did a solo run through Icewind Dale with an elf Fighter/Magic-User/Thief, I mondo-critted Yuxonmei with the Long Sword of Confusion +2. Confusion pops. She went from giving me a smug exposition about being a snake-lady who lives forever and has six arms and lots of servants, to "oh god all this blood I need some fresh air I'm going outside". Then I cornered her in the hall and sent her snakey self back to the Abyss for a century.
It was like one of those awesome fight sequences from a Conan movie. Except instead of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gerry Lopez, and Sandahl Bergman, it was just Melinda Clarke.
Imoen dealing 2 damage on a backstaaaauuugh next time I tell you to meet me for combat training with the Watchers, meet me for combat training with the Watchers, oh wait, we're outside Candlekeep now!
The first time I went up against Thaxll'ssillyia, I had Yoshimo backstab her. It worked! ...and then she turned around and shattered Yoshimo's bones with her wings and proceeded to breathe cold and negative energy at everybody else. Turns out she was Onyxia's classmate. Yoshimo's just bad at backstabbing, isn't he. Finally I got sick of her antics and just Feng Shui'd the Health Bagua of her room with traps.
I love the voice actor for that girl. But I never thought of running Icewind dale solo. Though I could never beat that game due to me losing interest to it. I've started like three games and end up stopping at the same spot.
Doesn't Yxunomei need like a +4 weapon to hit? Most of my weapons, excluding Spinesheath and Conlan's Hammer, never work on her. How did you get that Longsword to work?
EDIT: Upon further research, apparently you DO only need +2 weapons to hit her. Wow I assumed you needed higher and have been doing that fight all wrong for a while...
As for a backstabbing story, none of the