Surface RT

Hello, I'm not sure if there are any other posts related to Windows RT so I'm starting one. I would love an Xbox enabled Windows RT version of Balders Gate Enhanced Edition. I have the Microsoft surface RT and would buy it instantly!
Surface RT has sold just over a Million according to recent reports. The Microsoft app store is apparently fairly barren. I suppose as a developer you could look at that two ways. 1) Not enough people with the hardware to take the chance. 2) Wow, almost no competition, we're going to clean house!
It is. Myself, I own an Asus EEE Slate Tablet with Win7 on it, and I need neither mouse nor keyboard to play the BG1:EE.
Window mode and (seldom, for example to type the name of a savegame) screen keyboard works fine.
I'm not aware of any plans to implement a Windows 8 touch interface version right now.
I am talking of the normal BG1:EE which you can order via Beamdog.
I installed it on my Win7 Tablet, and it worked without mouse and keyboard.
What makes you think it would nor work on a (as you wrote) full Win8 on a touchscreen device?
Why should it run on Win7 and not on Win8?
Do you speak of Win8RT, or full Win8, or both?
Incidentally, the touch interface is designed in such a way that gestures (at least the ones that aren't multi-touch) just map to normal mouse movements and clicks, and any app running on a touch interface can therefore be agnostic about being "touch."
One thing I'm trying to do is to run BG:EE on my desktop running the full 8.1, and then remote-accessing to the game by connecting my new Surface 2 (RT) to my desktop. It didn't work with my Surface (1) RT, but I think this was because of a resolution mismatch. After I finish downloading the new patch I'm going to see if I can make it work, so that I can play BG from my couch.
--Microsoft Rann