Well, Sarevok DOES eventually send a party of 5 Ogre Magi after you. SCS2 moves this fight to just as you try to get back into Candlekeep, so no pre-buffing allowed. Otherwise you stumble upon them in their hideout.
Irenicus really does come THIS close to having his plans succeed, though. If Bodhi had have just offed you while she had the chance, everything would have been fine. Or, rather, If you want something done right, do it yourself!
Mellisan's plan really was stupid. Who does she think she is? Some priestess who thinks she can weild the power of a God! Ha!
Why didn't Frodo and co. fly to Mount Doom with the mighty birds that Gandalf summons and throw the ring instead of walking all that way. Why didn't Voldemort kill Harry with a gun or vice versa? Why were there so many failed attempts to kill Hitler. Sometimes things are not as easy as they look, you know.
1. Sarevok in the original takes enough damage from Gorions spell spam to almost (assuming he 1 shots all the ogres), or very rarely, OUT RIGHT (if he hits in the higher damage ranges) kill him (before Armored Figure's hp was buffed in a patch to prevent it), mean while Gorion took out Tamoko with a spell. So Sarevok is in the middle of the woods, blast to near death, with his cleric KO'd....he was in no condition to chase after you and while he was recuperating and working on his power bid in Baldur's Gate, he left hunting you down to Daveorn, who passed the word to Tazok, who actually put out the bounty flyers or directly hired merc's to come after you.
By the time you finally confront him, Sarevok is healed back and even upgraded his armor with a mantle of spell resistance (Scripted that blocked all spells (except Magic missile for some reason) until he was dispelled) that has to be disabled every 4 rounds by dispel magic in order to use spells against him (Dummied out in a patch around the time of Tales of the Sword Coast was released, unfortunately...it was awesome), and is packing his 3 strongest remaining minions after throwing everything else at you.
2.Irenicus does everything according to plan (even getting captured was all according to plan, since his little crap hole under Athkatla didn't have the needed facilities for the ritual), until AFTER he can feel emotion again, which causes him to slip up since it restored his massive arrogance that stopped him from simply killing you outright, since he got a big head and felt your were basically already dead and not worth considering.
Why were there so many failed attempts to kill Hitler. Sometimes things are not as easy as they look, you know.
Time travellers pardox
Dr. X discovers time travel and decides to go back and kill Hitler. As with all great discoveries, Dr. Y also discovers time travel at the time but decides he wishes to be rich and famous in this timeline.
No Hitler = No V2 Rocket program = No NASA = Delay in advanced circutry = Technology not available when Dr. X and Dr. Y are alive to discover time travel
So Dr. X goes back in time and tries to kill Hitler, only to have Dr. Y interfere with his plans time after time again.
I imagine this could work as a slapstick comedy, with Adolf running around to the tune of Benny Hill
Irenicus really does come THIS close to having his plans succeed, though. If Bodhi had have just offed you while she had the chance, everything would have been fine. Or, rather, If you want something done right, do it yourself!
Mellisan's plan really was stupid. Who does she think she is? Some priestess who thinks she can weild the power of a God! Ha!
Flying Nazgul Guns don't kill people, people do Cause if it had succeeded the first time, there would not have been any more attempts And sometimes things don't look as easy as they are
By the time you finally confront him, Sarevok is healed back and even upgraded his armor with a mantle of spell resistance (Scripted that blocked all spells (except Magic missile for some reason) until he was dispelled) that has to be disabled every 4 rounds by dispel magic in order to use spells against him (Dummied out in a patch around the time of Tales of the Sword Coast was released, unfortunately...it was awesome), and is packing his 3 strongest remaining minions after throwing everything else at you.
2.Irenicus does everything according to plan (even getting captured was all according to plan, since his little crap hole under Athkatla didn't have the needed facilities for the ritual), until AFTER he can feel emotion again, which causes him to slip up since it restored his massive arrogance that stopped him from simply killing you outright, since he got a big head and felt your were basically already dead and not worth considering.
Dr. X discovers time travel and decides to go back and kill Hitler. As with all great discoveries, Dr. Y also discovers time travel at the time but decides he wishes to be rich and famous in this timeline.
No Hitler = No V2 Rocket program = No NASA = Delay in advanced circutry = Technology not available when Dr. X and Dr. Y are alive to discover time travel
So Dr. X goes back in time and tries to kill Hitler, only to have Dr. Y interfere with his plans time after time again.
I imagine this could work as a slapstick comedy, with Adolf running around to the tune of Benny Hill