How do you Defeat Mulahey and his Minions in the Nashkel Mines - This is IMPOSSIBLE

I don't know if I've visited the mines too early (I felt I was under pressure from Montaron and his colleague to do so) I still only have level 1 characters (with 1 at level 2) and feel grossly underpowered for this fight. Even if I don't show mercy to Mulahey, I'm overwhelmed by enemies and my characters are killed in seconds. Does anybody have any tips on how to win this battle?
Once the fight starts have your mage cast sleep into all of the Kobolds while your tank kills the slumbering jackals off one by one/deals with any who are still standing. The rest of your team should engage Mulahey. Try your best to interrupt his spells so he doesn't hold some of your more important party members (someone with magic missile spells is good for this or Imoen with the wand of Magic Missiles works just as well). Use the Spook spell on him if you can and watch him dance around in fear while you pump him full of arrows.
This fight will be difficult at 1st level but it is doable. Just try the above over and over until it works out
But the fight still could be winnable. I don't use the same NPCs you have, so I'm not sure of exact details, but put missile fire (including Magic Missile) on Mullahay while your tanks go after the skeletons and Kobolds, one tank on each group is best. If you have a third tank, put him on Mullahay. Most important thing is to hit Mulahay every round so he can't cast, and get him down as fast you can. The skeletons are the next biggest threat.
For general equipment, you should be able to have all your tanks in Plate Mail or better by this point.
And don't forget to cast whatever buff magic you have, it won't be much at 1st level, but at least your cleric can cast Bless (as soon as you enter the level, before you move forward). If you have a cavalier be sure you use Protection from Fear. Other classes will have different buffs, use what you got!
Also, what potions and spell scrolls do you have, if any?
Sorry, I just watched an entire season of How I Met Your Mother and for 2 or 3 days I'll be thinking like Barney Stinson.
Some things to help if you don't want to do that:
Save after you enter his little cave.
Have Montaron hide in the shadows and get behind Mulahey for the opening strike.
Set your characters up near Xan in the right side of the cave to avoid aggroing the Kobolds and a Skeletons, before battle.
Harass Mulahey with Imoen's bow, and Xzar's Laroch's Minor Drain. The latter, only when you see him casting with a yellow ball ( Hold Person ).
If you have the Wand of Missles still, use that when he's casting for the same reason above.
Give your MT the potions ( Main Tank ) so he can keep the aggro on him. You can bottle neck Mulahey, the Kobolds, and the Skeletons with two fighters if you're on the right side of the cave.
Recruit Xan real fast. I think he has Sleep. Use that once your Fighters have the enemies balled-up. It will only leave Mulahey for 5 rounds ( 30 seconds ).
Aside from the Fighters ( with heavy armor ) everyone else should be slingin' or bowin' at Mulahey.
Just a few things off the top of my head. I don't know if they have Mulahey walk toward you at the beginning like in SCS, if not, then you should be alright.
Good luck.
Another thing. Once you first talk to the Mayor of Nashkel, you have all the time in the world to clear the mines unless it's changed in BG:EE.
They ( NPC ) only rush you to get to Nashkel.
Oh, I'd wait a few levels before you take on Greywolf and the group northeast of the mines after you leave.
"Nahahaha! I have become Death, Destroyer of Worlds!"
Like others have said, it all comes down to positioning your party so you only have to fight 3-4 spawns at a time. Use anything you have to prevent Mulahey from casting his spells and focus him down first.
Combat winners, even at level 1, played right, you can kill him without his ever being able to speak.
Sometimes it can be damn hard to set a trap successfully though.
Anyway definitely need some more info on your characters, gear and items you are wearing. Then probably it should be possible to figure out.
Imoen's wand disrupts Mulahey's spells.
Wand of lightning is very dangerous to use in Mulahey's chamber it can result in a total party kill and Mulahey is %50 lightning resistant anyway. Wand of frost found in Nashkel mine entrance is quite powerful though. I remember having a potion of fire breath there once too, use one on Mulahey and it will cook him up quickly.
Ways to get right up on Mulahey to take him out fast include a Thief's or Ranger's stealth, a cleric's Sanctuary, and potions of invisibility.
As Pantallion said above, Sleep and Command are probably your best bet at level 1. I can't remember if Mulahey tends to save against Sleep, but that is a great spell to try even if so... And in a recent game I watched him succumb twice to Command Word: Die. With Command he'll only stay down for 6 seconds, so if you have more than one casting of that spell prepared it could make the difference. Doom and Blindness are also good here to make quicker work of him. A backstab gets double damage, so if you have a Thief to hit him with that will help take him out faster.
^ This should help.
EDIT: (minor language warning)