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How do you Defeat Mulahey and his Minions in the Nashkel Mines - This is IMPOSSIBLE



  • raelcariraelcari Member Posts: 133
    make with the party comp!

    basically the only tip I can think of without it, is focus down Mulahey and clean up the minions later. Try to make it so that the tankiest party member (khalid? minsc?) gets the aggro. and more importantly, dont stick to the story after this, but try to explore and do some side quests. Some of the later fights are gonna give you nightmares if you try them at low levels.
  • OneAngryMushroomOneAngryMushroom Member Posts: 564
    What I normally do is leave a tank to deal with the skeletons He summons and have another tank engage him directly and get my cleric to cast Command on him all the while i have my other party members either dealing with the kobolds and skeletons or plinking Mulahey with ranged. May need a healing potion or two, and are you casting buffs. buffs are nice as well
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Several people have offered credible advice about how to win this battle, but there hasn't been so much attention to the OP's other questions.
    Leematon said:

    I don't know if I've visited the mines too early

    Yes, you have.
    Leematon said:

    I still only have level 1 characters (with 1 at level 2) and feel grossly underpowered for this fight.

    Yes, you are.

    As others have suggested, it ought to be possible to win this fight even with level 1 characters, if you know what you're doing and plan it well and have a little luck with the combat rolls. However, I'm surprised that it's actually possible to get that far and still be only level 1, and it's certainly not a fight designed for level 1. I'm typically level 4 by that point, and of course it's much easier that way. It's not too hard at level 3 either, and I suspect that level 3 is probably what the original designers had in mind for this fight. But level 1 or 2 is really making it difficult for yourself.

    What Xzar & Montaron actually want you to do (or Jaheira & Khalid if you were playing Good) is get to Nashkel and talk to the Mayor, then they'll stop nagging you. The Mayor gives you the quest to investigate the mine, but you're no longer under a time-limit once he's given you the quest, so that's a good time to do some exploring and a couple of side-quests to build up a couple of levels.

    If I were you, I'd leave Mulahey where he is, climb back out of the mine, and go do something else for a while. Mulahey won't go anywhere, he'll still be waiting for you when you're readier to face him.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,453
    edited March 2013
    Actually I suggested that. A level 2 - 3 party should have few problems with is fight; but level 1-2 is making it really hard on yourself!
  • _N8__N8_ Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2013
    Move your party in front of Mulahey and use Jaheira's entangle at the cave entrance (you don't have web yet). Don't get stuck in it. Interrupt mulahey's spells with attacks and a magic missile wand or something until he's dead. Then kill his trapped minions with ranged. Tried it before, it works

    edit: Sleep, command, color spray etc. spells will help too but skeletons are immune to them. Most of the skeletons won't participate in the fight if your party stays in the far southeast end of the cave.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    If you are still having problems with the encounter, go top side and pick up Shar-Teel or Viconia. both start out at 2nd level and should be an upgrade on your party. Plus, Viccy can cast Command which should deal quite nicely with Mulahey for at least long enough for you to beat him to death. She can also deal with the Skells pretty nicely.

    Just a tip, if you are having problems with this encounter, you are dangerously close to another that will be a lot more challenging.

    I always find it best to get to 2-3 level before tackling the mines. I usually head over to the gnolls stronghold before attempting the mines. That is usually enough to push me over the edge.
  • secretmantrasecretmantra Member Posts: 259

    Just a tip, if you are having problems with this encounter, you are dangerously close to another that will be a lot more challenging.

    Actually, this is very, very true.

    Dude, you should wait to finish this fight. Seriously. Because if you're having trouble with this one, you really won't like the one that follows it a little later (and this other fight is triggered by completing this one).
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @secretmantra, there is that one. I was thinking of another one that merely occurs in the vicinity of where the OP is. it can get kind of nasty and has multiple opponents. Trying not to be spoilerish or I'd give more details.
  • secretmantrasecretmantra Member Posts: 259

    @secretmantra, there is that one. I was thinking of another one that merely occurs in the vicinity of where the OP is. it can get kind of nasty and has multiple opponents. Trying not to be spoilerish or I'd give more details.

    Oh, I think I know which one you are talking about ...

    Involves jellies?

  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    The group that sits in wait outside the cave exit to the mines and just a bit to the north. Couple of fighters, a thief and a wizard. Can be challenging for a 1st/2nd group, particularly if they are all cast out.

  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited March 2013
    The other fight that folks are talking about shortly after Mulahey can be avoided, though. You can come back to that one later if you like. (Do make a game save after you defeat Mulahey, though. You'll see why.)
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    That fight can be avoided, true. But the OP sounds new to the game and so might stumble upon it by accident. I remember the first time I did and went "oh, come on! Seriously? After just finishing up the mines and they throw THAT at me?"
  • secretmantrasecretmantra Member Posts: 259


    The group that sits in wait outside the cave exit to the mines and just a bit to the north. Couple of fighters, a thief and a wizard. Can be challenging for a 1st/2nd group, particularly if they are all cast out.

    Oh I get you.

    To be honest, I always avoided that area until later in the game (The fights in that area seemed to high-level for my party.) I usually just "back out" of the mines after defeating Mulahey.

    Nimbul always caused me the most serious grief after Mulahey.

  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @secretmantra, I tend to bulk up before the mines and then power through all of it. but I agree on the source of your grief. That is a tough battle for young adventurers.
  • bgplayabgplaya Member Posts: 129
    WebShaman said:

    Nope, it is impossible. Stop playing! Resign yourself to your fate! Sarevok wins!!


  • LeematonLeematon Member Posts: 33

    Several people have offered credible advice about how to win this battle, but there hasn't been so much attention to the OP's other questions.

    Leematon said:

    I don't know if I've visited the mines too early

    Yes, you have.
    Leematon said:

    I still only have level 1 characters (with 1 at level 2) and feel grossly underpowered for this fight.

    Yes, you are.

    As others have suggested, it ought to be possible to win this fight even with level 1 characters, if you know what you're doing and plan it well and have a little luck with the combat rolls. However, I'm surprised that it's actually possible to get that far and still be only level 1, and it's certainly not a fight designed for level 1. I'm typically level 4 by that point, and of course it's much easier that way. It's not too hard at level 3 either, and I suspect that level 3 is probably what the original designers had in mind for this fight. But level 1 or 2 is really making it difficult for yourself.

    What Xzar & Montaron actually want you to do (or Jaheira & Khalid if you were playing Good) is get to Nashkel and talk to the Mayor, then they'll stop nagging you. The Mayor gives you the quest to investigate the mine, but you're no longer under a time-limit once he's given you the quest, so that's a good time to do some exploring and a couple of side-quests to build up a couple of levels.

    If I were you, I'd leave Mulahey where he is, climb back out of the mine, and go do something else for a while. Mulahey won't go anywhere, he'll still be waiting for you when you're readier to face him.
    Thanks for the advice Gallowglass. I do want to point out however that I did speak to the Mayor on arriving at Nashkel, but when I then carried on to the mines, there was a point (after a fight near the entrance I think) that Xzar and Montaron left the group and I had to reload from a game save to bring them back. What caused this, if speaking to the Mayor was supposed to have stopped the clock?
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,453
    It might have been caused by Khalid and Jaheira being in your party. They do NOT play well together!
  • LeematonLeematon Member Posts: 33
    atcDave said:

    It might have been caused by Khalid and Jaheira being in your party. They do NOT play well together!

    You may be right. They're also in the party. :)
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Leematon said:

    atcDave said:

    It might have been caused by Khalid and Jaheira being in your party. They do NOT play well together!

    You may be right. They're also in the party. :)
    Then you're lucky it wasn't even worse! Sometimes Jaheira & Khalid and Xzar & Montaron will fight to the death instead of one pair merely walking out.

    As a rule of thumb, it is safe to have a party of all Good and Neutral characters or all Evil and Neutral characters, but Good and Evil together in the same party is risky. Some combinations of Good and Evil will tolerate one another, but others are scripted to fight. Unless and until you know which combinations will work, it is much safer to avoid mixed-alignment parties.
  • StickanStickan Member Posts: 136
    Seeing as you have party members you might not want to use, you could just send that couple to their death while you deal with Mulahey with the other four, should buy you a little time ;) 'Tis a worthy end to die by kobolds for any level 1 adventurer!
  • The_Shairs_HandbookThe_Shairs_Handbook Member Posts: 219
    If you have only charname and 4 followers and thinks it's hard and you use mostly tactics as fight them without tactic kind of guy.. then I would recommend you to go out and reqruit 2 other aditional followers... Kivan, Ajantis, Branwen should be easy to get...this will make it easier for you to kill Mulahey...
    Other option you have is gain more lvl or start to use enchantmenst spells....
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