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Should a Paladin only be able to recruit good / neutral aligned characters?



  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    edited March 2013
    Bhaaldog said:

    Pecca said:

    I see no reason whatsoever to implement this. Not even as a mod. Putting more restrictions to an existing game is meaningless (if not plain wrong) imho, because (almost) everyone already plays it the way they like. This would only hurt a lot of people, while benefit practically no one.

    Egocentrism at its finest.
    What? Seriously? How is it "egocentric" to say it wouldn't benefit anyone? People should always be allowed to play the way they want and not have roleplay choices - and that's what the choice to have evil party members as a paladin is - forced upon them by the game mechanics. It may be fine as a mod, but it wouldn't be one I'd ever try, not even for curiosity, because it's a pointless change to me.

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  • DarksheerDarksheer Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2013
    @Shout27 - Well I never suggested that 3rd edition rules should be used, I only asked if the 2nd edition rules had anything similiar. No need to get rude there.

    @atcDave - Agreed, there most certainly is several different factions and orders within paladin class that propably have different ways of dealing things. I don't really like the reputation system, but it is adequate. There should be more dialogue options for paladins when meeting evil characters or when they express their evil plans and attitude.

    @Nifft - Vicoania isnt on an active mission for any evil organization and even if she is a cleric of Shar she can be quite pleasant. Xzar, Montaron, Edwin and Dorn however are quite hard to understand why any paladin would be with them.

    I can see no reason why paladin would EVER party with Edwin. Supporting an obviously evil member of the Red Wizards in hunting down and murdering an innocent is no way for a paladin to behave. Deceiving Edwin and just taking him as a cannon fodder is not a paladin way either. It would be pretty naive for a paladin to think he could convert someone like Edwin.

    @Pecca - Well I personally would like to see a mod with some paladin restrictions and perhaps a few good lines how to "refuse" evil npc company. Without the extra dialogue it could be quite boring mod though.

    edit: a few typos :P
    Post edited by Darksheer on
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  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    OK, I might have overshoot my statement regarding the mod thing. But still, for people who agree with it, nothing would change (I assume that they already play paladins without evil characters in their party) except maybe for some dialog option. But for people who don't agree with it, it would be a major pain (and need to mod back). Also the extra dialog option for paladins could be added even without the restriction.
    So I still don't see who would benefit from this. What is the benefit?
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Getting back on track.

    I think Paladins should behave like Ajantis.

    Ajantis when he breaks and leaves he attacks evil party members

    I think a Paladin should have the chance to convert or simply use an evil character for the good of others. Problems arrive on kicking said evil characters from team... Without guidance what will they do?

    So on kickout, I suggest perhaps rep loss or even the loss of character controls while the evil character and CHARNAME duke it out over alignment differences...

    Not really a game changer, but doable with a mod if one wishes...
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    Bhaaldog said:

    @Nifft If you do not like what I have to write you are free to reply, ignore my threads or instead go and look up the defintion of what constitutes abuse (including inappropriate use of the forum flagging features).

    I'm free to do all sorts of things.

    Hostility, personal attacks, flaming and trolling are all appropriate uses of the forum flagging feature. When you do one of those things, you can expect someone to flag you, just like I did.
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  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    edited March 2013
    Bhaaldog said:

    Subtle Hint: There is a poll attached to this thread. Some people "like" the idea and some people do not.

    Definition of Egocentric: "thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others"

    Your welcome to dislike the idea but to make the statement it would not benefit "anyone" clearly is false as there are those who hold an alternative view.

    Yep, that's why I don't understand. Pecca says he disagrees because it would be a pain for many players to have this implemented. That's... regarding the game preferences of others... Opinions don't become "egocentric" if you happen to be a part of the majority. According to the poll, people who do not like this idea are the majority, so "I - and many others - dislike this" is a perfectly accurate statement.

  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    Bhaaldog said:

    Then you should look up the definitions of those behaviours as you have clearly misunderstood their purpose and I will report you as well if you wish to initiate hostility.

    It's far too late for me to "initiate hostility", considering you've been hostile to several other people before I even got here.

    Please do exercise your ability to flag post as you see fit. I'm certain the @mods will show good, impartial judgment.
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  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    At the request of the original poster I'm closing this thread. I encourage everyone to re-read the Site Rules, particularly this one about respecting others:
    Rule 4: Respect Each Other.
    This one should go without saying. Even if you don't agree with someone, do them the courtesy of addressing that disagreement in a civil manner, or don't address it at all. If you think someone has violated any of the above rules, please do not attempt to deal with the matter yourself. Inform a moderator, and let us handle it. We're very good at our jobs, and we don't outsource.

    This also extends to general rules of politeness: if you do something, and someone is offended by it and they ask you to stop in a polite and respectful manner, the polite and respectful thing to do is to stop doing it. If you attempt to start an argument in a thread that wasn't asking for an argument, and the people in that thread ask you to stop, then stop. This should go without saying, because it's part of common decency, but this is the Internet, and the Internet occasionally brings out the Stupid in people. It doesn't mean people are stupid, but it does mean that sometimes we all need a reminder.
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