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Thank Ao it's not me...

...Developing this game. I didn't really know where to put this. Perhaps it should not have been put at all!

(here follows shameless sucking up)

I would just like to say that I am very appreciative of the work and improvements being done on my all time favorite game. A big, big thank you to the team of Devs who came up with the idea of the enhanced edition and the community moderators who put up with us.

But most of all I am thankful that you are making this game to suit all of us. It can't be easy juggling requests from the whole spectra of players who enjoy BG, from PnP purists to solo, hardcore, no reload runners, notorious backstabbers, goody two-shoes and the casual gamers. If this game had been changed into exactly what I wanted, I suspect very few people but me would actually enjoy it, and that I would not want. None the less I am glad I get to share my thoughts and discuss them with the very knowledgable and engaged BG community.

I think that will have to do. Once again thank you Overhaul, now I'm off to enjoy a pint...


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,675
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  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Melicamp said:

    I just wish the development of it wasn't "crowd sourcing" and instead a finished product would have been delivered on release day. I honestly feel like now we are in a final beta stage. Don't get me wrong, I am appreciative that an enhanced edition even exists, but we are months past the release date and some things still do not work. It also seems that some updates or content-adds released in new patches, create new bugs that then have to be corrected in subsequent updates.

    Finally, I think these folks that are submitting bug reports should really be lauded. They take the time out of their day to do this for free. Add them to your thanks as well, because they are basically working for Overhaul for nothing.

    Bug fixes causing other bugs is the nature of the beast. You can't 100% avoid that. Things also didn't work in the patch vanilla version of the game. Things not working right happens in all games.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,453

    Melicamp said:

    I just wish the development of it wasn't "crowd sourcing" and instead a finished product would have been delivered on release day. I honestly feel like now we are in a final beta stage. Don't get me wrong, I am appreciative that an enhanced edition even exists, but we are months past the release date and some things still do not work. It also seems that some updates or content-adds released in new patches, create new bugs that then have to be corrected in subsequent updates.

    Finally, I think these folks that are submitting bug reports should really be lauded. They take the time out of their day to do this for free. Add them to your thanks as well, because they are basically working for Overhaul for nothing.

    Bug fixes causing other bugs is the nature of the beast. You can't 100% avoid that. Things also didn't work in the patch vanilla version of the game. Things not working right happens in all games.
    Yeah and the original game was quite buggy. People seem to forget that every piece of commercial software has flaws initially and gets patched many times over the life of the product. Back in the day patches used to mean waiting for floppies to be mailed out from the publishers (kids today have it so good...). That could be really frustrating when the original software wouldn't even run unpatched, and yes, that's happened to me.
  • MelicampMelicamp Member Posts: 244

    Melicamp said:

    I just wish the development of it wasn't "crowd sourcing" and instead a finished product would have been delivered on release day. I honestly feel like now we are in a final beta stage. Don't get me wrong, I am appreciative that an enhanced edition even exists, but we are months past the release date and some things still do not work. It also seems that some updates or content-adds released in new patches, create new bugs that then have to be corrected in subsequent updates.

    Finally, I think these folks that are submitting bug reports should really be lauded. They take the time out of their day to do this for free. Add them to your thanks as well, because they are basically working for Overhaul for nothing.

    Bug fixes causing other bugs is the nature of the beast. You can't 100% avoid that. Things also didn't work in the patch vanilla version of the game. Things not working right happens in all games.
    Of course, but I'm talking about numerous items that people are finding on a single play through that are impossible to miss. It seems play-testing is what has been lacking imo. An example of this is the new Shadow Dancer kit. It's almost unplayable. You play it for 10 minutes and you can see that. I'm just curious why they would bother including it in the release if they play tested it and saw how much further it still had to go.
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    I agree that a lot of the bugs could and should have been fixed pre-launch, and that this could have happened if only there had been more extensive testing.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    To update or not to update. That is the developers question.

    (And stop screaming "My kingdom for a horse!" cause you ain't gonna get one in BG...)

    I don't mind bug reporting. Occasionaly a feature request is implemented to balance it.

    No let me get back to quoting the Bard...

    Ah, Garrick, I knew him...

  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    edited March 2013
    Considering the enormous risk (not to mention the amount of work involved just getting all parties to "sign on" to this project) involved, I can only shake my head incredulously that a company actually did anything as insane as this.

    Man, I am glad that humans are that stupid! Thank you for making this! And I really hope that they are stupid enough to continue, and re-make BG II, and NWN...yeah, they have to be totally bat-$h1t crazy to do it.

    In fact, I don't think there are any appropriate words in the english language to describe just how utterly looney it is to re-make these games. But, here's hoping that the devs have not been taking their meds!

    The in-out scroll function alone is worth the money! Now, they only have to introduce being able to p-a-n around...hehe. Sort of like in FF Tactics. Ok, ok, I know. Still, why not ask? They are crazy enough to remake the games, so...why not ask for crazy stuff?
  • MelicampMelicamp Member Posts: 244
    WebShaman said:

    Considering the enormous risk (not to mention the amount of work involved just getting all parties to "sign on" to this project) involved, I can only shake my head incredulously that a company actually did anything as insane as this.

    Man, I am glad that humans are that stupid! Thank you for making this! And I really hope that they are stupid enough to continue, and re-make BG II, and NWN...yeah, they have to be totally bat-$h1t crazy to do it.

    In fact, I don't think there are any appropriate words in the english language to describe just how utterly looney it is to re-make these games. But, here's hoping that the devs have not been taking their meds!

    The in-out scroll function alone is worth the money! Now, they only have to introduce being able to p-a-n around...hehe. Sort of like in FF Tactics. Ok, ok, I know. Still, why not ask? They are crazy enough to remake the games, so...why not ask for crazy stuff?

    I would think adding to a game (not remaking it) that is loved by millions and is widely considered as one of the best in the genre is a little less risky then, say, making a brand new product and then trying to get people to buy into it. I'm not sure I get why its so insane a choice to do the "Enhanced Edition" but I'm glad you're enjoying the game. I am certainly glad they are doing it too, despite my issues with some things.
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    It is a risk (just considering the parties involved, the IP difficulties alone *shudder*), when one considers the very reason that you mention - "is widely considered as one of the best in the genre". Many have done the same, you know (though not really "enhancing, per se, but sequels), and failed pretty miserably.

    When you consider that the "enhanced" edition of BG is marginally better currently than, say, BGTuTu or so...with all the packs available. Only the scrolling is really different...oh, and the new NPCs, I guess. Though player packs for Tutu also include new ones.

    Of course, I exaggerated a bit in my text wall, above. However, I think it is pretty easy to see how it could be "messed up" - what if the "new" parts of BG:EE had all been DLC? Ouch!

    And so forth.
  • IkMarcIkMarc Member Posts: 552
    atcDave said:

    Yeah and the original game was quite buggy. People seem to forget that every piece of commercial software has flaws initially and gets patched many times over the life of the product. Back in the day patches used to mean waiting for floppies to be mailed out from the publishers (kids today have it so good...). That could be really frustrating when the original software wouldn't even run unpatched, and yes, that's happened to me.

    hmmm floppies.....

    Commander Keen!
  • GawdzillaGawdzilla Member Posts: 86
    I'd really like to see the journal fixed up, but hear hear! There is a time to say a hearty thanks, and that I surely do!

    Heck, I might even trade a finicky journal for the vastly improved inventory system :-D
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