I've long assumed (from his behaviour and banters) that Jan was originally intended to be Evil-aligned, but was switched to Neutral after he'd already been developed. Perhaps the original devs planned another developable Thief for Good parties, but ran out of time, and so just changed Jan to Neutral so that either alignment could use him, because they realised that it'd be short-changing the majority of players if they had no NPC who could develop higher-level Thief skills.
I hadn't previously noticed Jan's resemblance to an infamous terrorist, but it reinforces my assumption!
I know, they spelled his name wrong. Good thing he didn't notice.
I hadn't previously noticed Jan's resemblance to an infamous terrorist, but it reinforces my assumption!
Besides , gnomes with beards had existed way before terrorists looked like Osama.
I bet it's not as nice as Xan's Chinese and English Takeaway though! (not that i'd know, never eaten there)
yeah it is
it would be awesome if it was Xan's