Shorty saves calculated on level up?
So I read that the shorty saving throw bonus is calculated on level up. If I boost my con to 18 before I level via items and spells and then level up will I get +1 saves until I next level up?
Edit: How do those work anyway? In game text isn't very descriptive.
@Tresset Shorties get a one-time bonus to their saves based on this table:'s_Gate:_Races_and_Stats#.22Shorty.22_Saving_Throws
Dwarves and halflings get the bonuses to Saves vs. Death, Wand, and Spell while gnomes only get the bonuses to Saves vs. Wand and Spell.
One thing I never understood. Dwarves get a bonus to their constitution, Halflings and Gnomes do not. Yet, Gnomes are the class who only gain 2/3rds of the savings the others do? Is a gnome being able to roll Illusionist/x really worth not getting the extra save vs. Death? I know there's no difference 18-25, but there could have been!
2e was basically a bunch of people who didn't fully understand 1e trying to write a set of rule books.
Instead of the nuanced tables of 1e which implemented bell curves in attack distribution, 2e gave you THAC0.
Instead of ambidextrous Drow and ruthlessly pragmatic Rangers, 2e gave you ambidextrous rangers (because this one famous Drow was also a Ranger).
They used to have a truly terrible avatar and paperdoll, which usually prevented me from playing them, but the ones in BGEE are fine (for both sexes).