Lightning never strikes twice???

Well. Something interesting happened to me just now. Yes yes I know this is yet another lightning strike thread but I just had to do this.
I was at the high hedge and it was raining. I encountered some ghouls. Then within the space of 15 seconds lightning struck 5 TIMES!!!!!(4/5 of those hit my party) It probably would have continued to blast my party had I not decided to quickly hit the rest button to make the rain go away before I died.
Seriously though... this feature is starting to wear my patience thin... At first it was mildly interesting and a little annoying but now it is getting ridiculous. I used to enjoy playing this game and watching the rain and lightning flashes on the screen but now when it starts to rain it fills me with a sense of dread. Kind of a buzzkill actually. I remember that in the original lightning strikes were quite rare and did no damage. It isn't so much the damage that bothers me about the EE lightning strikes; it is the unnatural frequency with which it strikes, especially considering how rare these strikes were in the original. I think that the frequency of this happening could be toned down a bit to make it more realistic and less irritating.
Now where is my entry in Volo's record book for most sequential lightning strikes?
I was at the high hedge and it was raining. I encountered some ghouls. Then within the space of 15 seconds lightning struck 5 TIMES!!!!!(4/5 of those hit my party) It probably would have continued to blast my party had I not decided to quickly hit the rest button to make the rain go away before I died.
Seriously though... this feature is starting to wear my patience thin... At first it was mildly interesting and a little annoying but now it is getting ridiculous. I used to enjoy playing this game and watching the rain and lightning flashes on the screen but now when it starts to rain it fills me with a sense of dread. Kind of a buzzkill actually. I remember that in the original lightning strikes were quite rare and did no damage. It isn't so much the damage that bothers me about the EE lightning strikes; it is the unnatural frequency with which it strikes, especially considering how rare these strikes were in the original. I think that the frequency of this happening could be toned down a bit to make it more realistic and less irritating.
Now where is my entry in Volo's record book for most sequential lightning strikes?
It is a very rare occurence in my games, and when it rains in the wilderness, I try to stop and rest as soon as possible. Makes sense in a RPing way, you really don't want to go out and fight with sword/shield and plate mail while there is a raging thunderstorm. All that metal can attract lightning, and also rain water can spoil the armors unless cared very well. Oh and all others can catch a cold from being soaked wet, all those heavy mage robes do not dry quickly. :-)
it panicked me and then pissed me off
On a side note, what with the new colors and all, it would be neat if we had a dying option for armors, eh? Or at least of you could choose a few basic colors when Taerom makes your ankheg armor.
I mean, when I say she was smokin' hot, I am not exaggerating!
I mean, he's surrounded by elves and humans, so you'd think they'd act as lightning-rods and protect the poor fool, but nooooooo... :P
If it was change I'd only want it changed to add more features. Like:
--lightning strikes are less likely if you're close to a tree
--lightning strikes are more likely if you're in metal armour
In general I'm fine with it, keeps things interesting.
Or something like one of these:
(refresh the page at that link to get new random encounters)
From a RP and realism (if there is such a thing in BG or D&D) perspective, I'd suggest not to engage in combat in the middle of a storm while wearing full plate metal armor in any case. I'd bet it is no fun what so ever. And it rusts your shiny metal armor. That would solve the entire thing.
I think it sucks that the OP got hit 5 times, but the engine is known for it's penchant for having runs of bad rolls. Not that the overall percent chance mechanic is flawed, but that individual bad runs (and quite probably good runs as well) do occur. I'd almost say that they were lucky because, in the grand scheme of the game, they probably will have burned off a bunch of bad rolls. Now they are due for a run of good rolls. But no one complains when they get a run of good rolls. i wonder why?