Found early game exploit ^ ^

The game was hard :P until I started getting ambushed between Nashkel and the Gnoll fortress by the white wolf that shoots an ice breath attack thingy. Thanks to Gorion leaving me his ice resist belt, I send my weakest character forward to absorb all the blows and then pelt it with bullets and arrows with my party behind my girdle wearer. East 900+ exp then sell the fur for 500g :P I was lvl 3 before reaching the Nashkel mines

What about now?
(Specifically, Imoen. Of course, some people hate Imoen, and they are entitled to have that opinion even if it is objectively wrong.)
1.) Sirenes. Bring someone that is immune to charm (Barbarian, Cavalier, Inquisitor, Berserk) and it's easy experience. Just make sure you go into melee it them as their Arrows of Biting hurts.
2.) Ankhegs. Same goes for theese as with sirenes, you want to get into melee combat with them OR use belt of piercing / boots of avoidance. The best and most effective way of farming them is using the Wand of Sleep or the sleep spell (Mage level). You can put down anything from 1 to 4 ankeghs at once with this spell.
3.) Basilisks. This is a once upon game trick, but get Korax the ghoul to tank the basilisks (Immune to stone) or the more reliable get a scroll of protection from petrify from Carnival vendor and put it on a fighter with oil of speed and he can run through the whole map and collect those 20K+ experience.
There are many more aswell, but i tend to use theese if i need some quick XP (Getting back dual class level or such).