Durlag's Tower is breaking my brain (SPOILERS!)

Really unsure if this is the right place for this question, so please tell me if I'm out of line. But I'm having trouble in the under-levels of this tower and I'm just really not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I'm on the 3rd level down, I believe, and I only just figured out that I could attack the Sparring Dummies. Durlag's Doppelganger came and attacked. And I slew him. I slew him dead.
Now I'm at a loss. I attacked all three, and nothing happened. I've checked a few guides and found info on placing the rune stones in the Sparring Dummy's inventory, but that didn't seem to do anything. I've tried all three colors, in each dummy, actually. I've tried hitting them, talking to them, talking to myself, etc. I have access to what I *believe* to be the Throne Room (there's a red chair, looks kinda throne-y), but every FAQ I've checked says there should be some sort of crown in there?
There is not. I've hit TAB, but seen no hidden items. I've tried the stone gargoyles again, and nothing. I'd try standing on my head if it was an option.
If there are any adventurers on here with some sage advice to give out I'd love to hear it.
Thanks for any help you can give.
I'm on the 3rd level down, I believe, and I only just figured out that I could attack the Sparring Dummies. Durlag's Doppelganger came and attacked. And I slew him. I slew him dead.
Now I'm at a loss. I attacked all three, and nothing happened. I've checked a few guides and found info on placing the rune stones in the Sparring Dummy's inventory, but that didn't seem to do anything. I've tried all three colors, in each dummy, actually. I've tried hitting them, talking to them, talking to myself, etc. I have access to what I *believe* to be the Throne Room (there's a red chair, looks kinda throne-y), but every FAQ I've checked says there should be some sort of crown in there?
There is not. I've hit TAB, but seen no hidden items. I've tried the stone gargoyles again, and nothing. I'd try standing on my head if it was an option.
If there are any adventurers on here with some sage advice to give out I'd love to hear it.
Thanks for any help you can give.
if you have accsess to the throne room you've done most of the confusing stuff, also i think the dummies are useless after you reach the throne room.
Once you do that type in the following (case sensitive):
This should cause the doors to open.
The other option is to use your thief or knock spell to unlock the trap door at the lower right corner of the room. Go in there and there are a bunch of switches that you can use to open all the doors on the floor.
Well, thanks already for answering and providing all these options.
Attacking the dummies causes different doors to open and close, did you see where you were supposed to progress and whether attacking dummies caused doors to open? I believe north and south of the throne room should have paths.
Reality hits you hard bro!
Okay, all is awesome again. Hacked with a little CLUAConsole and can now continue with the quest.
Thanks for all your help Tresset and everybody else. Excited to get back to playing again!