Mind Blank (Abjuration) Level: 8 Range: Caster Duration: 1 Day Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None In the interests of one's self-control and privacy, Mind Blank shields a creature's mind from almost any mental effect - Charm, Command, Domination, Fear, Feeblemind, and any scrying by crystal balls or other divination methods.
@CamDawg Dale of Windy Ice? Why would a white dragon be named Dale? He should have a name like Dalekursaxisple'tsaramnoran. (Dragon names are so much easier to come up with when there is a keyboard in front of you.)
@CamDawg Dale of Windy Ice? Why would a white dragon be named Dale? He should have a name like Dalekursaxisple'tsaramnoran. (Dragon names are so much easier to come up with when there is a keyboard in front of you.)
He was just Dale to his friends. I shall miss him.
In some versions of P&P, Mind Blank also functioned as Spell Immunity: Divination (keeping you from showing up in prophecies, making you immune to Scrying, and whatnot).
It was so important, Wizards cast it every morning before showering.
Although having a 1-day duration might be a little overpowered.
It was so important, Wizards cast it every morning before showering.