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Where do you hail from BG forum/community-wise?



  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I'm from the Bioware forums, and I still do quite a bit of reading and posting there. The no- and minimal-reload threads are still going strong, with lots of cool screenshots.

    Hi, Son-of-Imoen, nice to see you.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Gamebanshee for me, with a sprinkle of planetbaldursgate.
  • jcomptonjcompton Member Posts: 157
    Nobody from Team Flapjack? How quickly they forget.
  • ArkinArkin Member Posts: 32
    Planet Baldur's Gate for community, Sorcerer's place for reference.
  • SehagaSehaga Member Posts: 5

    Am I the only one who used the IRONWORKS FORUM? It had a great BG community WAY back 10 years ago. The place is all but deserted now, though their archives for the BG games are still fun to read, full of lots of good info and AARs.

    Another one from Ironworks right here. I wasn't really that active there as a poster, but I've read through most of the Baldur's Gate related material.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    TeamBG when it first came out. I've been involved in the modding community since it began. I'm the founder of the Chosen of Mystra mod community.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806

    I'm from the Bioware forums, and I still do quite a bit of reading and posting there. The no- and minimal-reload threads are still going strong, with lots of cool screenshots.

    Hi, Son-of-Imoen, nice to see you.

    Hi to you as well, nice to see you here too.

    @spacehamster: I know the Irongaming Forums, but have only lurked there, never created an account.

  • KnettgummiKnettgummi Member Posts: 152

    Oh, and I wasn't Cheesebelly back then. I was dark-lauron, from the House of Lunatics :P (so if anyone happens to remember me for some random reason, do send a PM, I'll feel all cozy and warm inside :3 )

    Hey man, I remember that name! :)

    I was only sporadically active on the Bioware forums, but I would pop by there whenever I went back to the BG series. My last run through must've been right around the time when the forums reset, IIRC (I've since gone all-macs, which has put off BG-ing far too long -- really excited for native osx support with BGEE!).
  • cmorgancmorgan Member Posts: 707
    edited July 2012
    G3, SHS, PPG (Primarily).

    Sorcerers, TatW, CoM, Candlekeep, Bioware, Ironworks, and some others (Rarely).

    Sometimes I think I might actually get something done, and then of course someone posts something, and there goes the day :)

    (I wanted to join Team Flapjack, but I wasn't 1337 enough. I wasn't even 10100111001. I was only /\/008.)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited July 2012
    I've been holding down the fort at the BG/IWD specific discussions on It is where I first heard of this website.
  • JensLynJensLyn Member Posts: 4
    Not much activity but i've primarily used the gamebanshee forums in my countless playthroughs.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806

    Hail and well met, brave warriors!
    My own adventures began on an IRC channel, I -think- run or soon became the owner of, that turned into That is where I met many other like minded adventurers and put together an Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate 2 online walkthrough.

    You did an excellent job on that one. Do you have plans for doing the same for BG1? I've been looking for such a good online walkthrough like you did for BG2!

  • AndyrAndyr Member Posts: 14
    jcompton said:

    Nobody from Team Flapjack? How quickly they forget.

    I think I was an honourary member for a time. ;-)
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    That place was the best.
  • theacefestheacefes Member Posts: 85
    I used Ironworks to read a review on a mod I made.

    What's G3?
  • cmorgancmorgan Member Posts: 707
    Hah! Funny!
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    I've been to most of the old school BG forums of the past at one time or another, Bioware, Black Isle, Interplay, Gamebanshee, Ironworks, Planetbaldur'sgate, etc
  • YorleenYorleen Member Posts: 150
    A little time on the TeamBG forums back to 2001/2002 and eventually the Bioware forums (NWN, Dragon Age...)
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    I remember your name. I was known as Apocalypse2000 at TBG back in the day.
  • YorleenYorleen Member Posts: 150
    I remember the name Solaufein actually, rather than Apocalypse :) At the time, I was already asking for a way to make the game start inside the library, lol - I'll be delighted if modding is made easier with BG EE.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
    I've used this name as well at that time, 2002 and later.
  • SilverbladeTESilverbladeTE Member Posts: 9
    *waves* :P
    Silverblade, yup, *that* Silverblade from Interplay forums of yesteryear! ;)
    Fizz, Bear or any of old crowd around?
  • Fake_SketchFake_Sketch Member Posts: 217
    Well, this is my first time I spend time with a BG community.
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