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[Mod] Black Blade

JaeldynJaeldyn Member Posts: 49
Hello fellow adventurers,
I've just recently given a try to modding for a kit which I intend to give to a NPC in BG2EE, and would like your input on it.
So, I still have found no descriptions, yet, here are the advantages and disadvantages:

Black Blade (well D'oh, it's the name of the topic)

- +1 to max Dexterity
- May become specialized in any bladed weapon that a thief can use (**)
- Gain 1% Magic Resistance each level and 2% more every 3 levels (maximum of 50% at level 30)
- Cumulative Miscast magic on succesful hit for 5% (10% at level 20)
- May put 3 points in two weapon style.
- Can cast Dissipate Magic once per day every 5 levels starting from level 5.
- Thac0 progrss in between fighter and thief values
- +1 to saving throws at level 1,10 and 20

- Can not use any magic items other than Weapons and Armor
- Can not use any ranged weapons
- Can only use bladed weapons
- Backstab only reaches x4 (at level 9)
- Can not distribute thieving skills(Each levels, thieving skills automatically sets Hiding in shadow, Moving silently and Detect Illusions at set values)
- Can not dual class
- Can not be of lawful or chaotic alignment
- -2 to strength and -1 to constitution~

So as you may have noticed, this kit is basically a Wizard Slayer/Thief, but as a thief kit.

Of course here is the basic draft for the kit (with HLAs not yet implemented, but I tried to make them for the upcoming game like the greedy dungeon plunderer I am, I couldn't stop myself from trying to)


  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Not anything particular about this kit but I'd recommend having less advantages and disadvantages. Too many advantages and you have an OP kit. Too many disadvantages and you are hamstringing a kit. The more powers and disadvantages you add to a kit, the more you "force" a character instead of allowing a player to choose how to play the character.

    I'd definitely suggest keeping it simple as possible because when you start adding too many variables to one side or another a kit just kind of loses it's value.

    My 2 cents..
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  • JaeldynJaeldyn Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2013
    Super thac0 may be an over statement since they only have 7 thac0 instead of the 10 rhe thief usually get at max level, and it is still less than a paladin too. (Same for the saving throws, it wont be a net +1 to every save throws but points that will eventually put them between a fighter and a thief saving throws, the idea being that you play a wizard slayer with a few thief perks)
    He actually wont get UAI later since i plan on making a distinc HLA table later.
    As for the dex bonus, i didnt think it would have that much of an impact when you cant use ranged since it wont give more AC when compared to 18 dex. Its purely for roleplay purposes since in the end the thieving skill wont matter either
    But maybe it does have too much advantage and disadvantage, ill try to tune it down.

    Would basically be a better fighter than a rogue but weaker than a fighter, yet still more useful than the vanilla wizard slayer
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    I for one think its awesome. without UAI it is balanced. it doesn't have the thief skills that you "need" to get through the game, and its not anywhere near as good as a fighter at fighting. its like a wizard slayer (crappy kit) but with backstab and dispel magic. i'd like to try out an npc with this kit
  • JaeldynJaeldyn Member Posts: 49
    For now it does have UAI though since the HLA table is not yet done so it uses the F/T table but i hope that before bg 2 is out it will be ready !
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  • JaeldynJaeldyn Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2013
    Well like i said he will not have have UAI (this HLA is too prone to cheesing).
    The kit is more aimed at being a mix of the wizard slayer and a thief, thay is by being overall a better fighter than a thief, though giving up some perks. Something like a Thief that is not a thief, and a warrior that is not a warrior. Otherwise the different conditions like the bladed weapons, the stats bonuses are just here for a rp purpose.
    As far as the dual wielding goes, i am an avid fan of RR that gave better dual wielding to rogues.
    I do agree that this kit is really subject to my whims though
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited March 2013

    I think @Smeagolheart had very good advice: simplify. Think about the essence of the kit. A wizard-slayer thief kit? Give it MR like the Wizard Slayer, and miscast magic chance like the Wizard Slayer. Don't let it use magical items, and don't give it UAI. There: done! Other stuff, like being more agile but less strong, being excrptionally profocient, using only bladed weapons, only melee weapons, etc. seem to be more about your conception of a particular character with this kit, than the conception of the kit itself. Best advice for people designing kits: don't confuse those two different concepts.

    @subtledoctor I agree especially with this "think about the essence of the kit" and keep it simple from there. Want Wizard Slayerish Thief? Think game balance: how would this be different than a dual class wiz slyr/thf, ftr/thief multi and plain thieves and fighters? What's this guy's motivation? How does he fit in?

    It sounds like you want a better fighter than a standard thief in exchange for some of the wizard slayer penalties (along with some mage battling goodness). I'd suggest something more like a bonus to Detect Illusions at start (kind of like the Bounty Hunter gets a bonus to traps). Reduced thieving skill points per level like the assassin or bounty hunter existing kits.

    I'd start with something like this then tweak from there:

    Mage Slayer
    - +15% to Detect Illusions
    - +1 to hit for ever 5 levels of experience
    - Once per day every 10 levels all hits for the next 10 seconds cause Miscast magic

    - Only 20 percentage points for thieving abilities per level

    Of course the beauty is you are only limited by the game engine and your imagination.
  • JaeldynJaeldyn Member Posts: 49
    Yeah I have been fiddling with trying to make the Miscast magic not permanent but rather activated for a few round.
    Also, I have been trying to find how to determine the casting level of the dissipate magic to make it be so he casts it as half of his thief level.
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    Is there some way to trigger Miscast Magic (or similar) whenever you Backstab? That would be hot.
  • JaeldynJaeldyn Member Posts: 49
    I plan on turning the miscast magic on hit in a spell so casting it before the backstab should do the trick
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Does this mod work fine with BGEE 1.3?
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  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    @subtledoctor :smile:
    I would like a mod where you can choose each kit you want to install. It is better than many single kits.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015
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  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    edited March 2015

    Or, do you mean a single mod that combines the various independent kit mods?

    THIS, plus the option to pick and choose which kits you want.
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