Custom Female sound sets/voices?

I feel so dumb right now asking for help about this, but does anyone know any good sites to download some good female sound sets... that preferably are not overly... well... generic to the beautiful woman tempting men kind of sound or several induendo's tied into it type? I get so tired hearing those but want a voice set that sounds like real, competent female adventures, and the only one that I managed to find, they're site went down for one reason or another. I'm sorry to be a bother, but it irritates me to a pretty decent point that I can't seem to find any like that.

Seriously now:
Yeah I think the female voices from BG1 are kinda bad too (especially female 3 AKA Hagatha). The only one I ever use is default. The others seem a bit too into themselves...
*cough cough*
Anyways, if you like my tutorial, please bump my thread or give me some likes so other players can more easily find it!
I don't know what kind of voice you're looking for, but I really like the one "f_bard" (and the male version, too). I use it for my thieves and bards, though it's probably not good for fighter classes.
You download the voices from the dropbox. There is a folder with all sounds from BG1 and BG2 (and other games). Take all of the clips you like (i.e. all named Mazzy-something) and re-name them to Female1A.wav, then put them in (wherever your BG install is) - i.e. Program Files/BGEE/Data/00766/lang/en_US/sounds (en_US is assuming you use English). This overwrites the default voices and when you pick "Female 1", it will be whatever NPC's voice you used. It won't have correct strings (the written lines you see in the dialogue box - your charname may say "I'm on it", but the text will read "Of course"), but you won't hear the silly voices anymore.
This is the naming convention (the file should also be in the dropbox as "soundlist.txt"). NPC voices are named the same way, so you just change what's before the letter - Mazzya.wav becomes Female1a.wav and so on.
XXXXXXXa.wav : Battle Cry
XXXXXXXb.wav : Becoming Leader
XXXXXXXc.wav : Tired
XXXXXXXd.wav : Bored
XXXXXXXe.wav : Badly Wounded
XXXXXXXf.wav : Selected 1
XXXXXXXg.wav : Selected 2
XXXXXXXh.wav : Selected 3
XXXXXXXi.wav : Action Acknowledgement 1
XXXXXXXj.wav : Action Acknowledgement 2
XXXXXXXk.wav : Action Acknowledgement 3
XXXXXXXl.wav : Being Hit
XXXXXXXm.wav : Dying
XXXXXXXn.wav : In Forest
XXXXXXXo.wav : In City
XXXXXXXp.wav : In Dungeon
XXXXXXXq.wav : Daytime
XXXXXXXr.wav : Nighttime
XXXXXXXs.wav : Rare Selected 1
XXXXXXXt.wav : Rare Selected 2
XXXXXXXu.wav : Rare Selected 3
XXXXXXXv.wav : Rare Selected 4
XXXXXXXw.wav : Reaction to Party Member Death