Narbucchad's Demise Wizard's Staff

I made quite interesting discovery today while browsing in Near Infinity. I found wizard's staff named Narbucchad's Demise under the name PSTAFM0.ITM (and PSTAFM0A etc.), which I have never heard of before. It has magic ranged attack (magic missile projectile) and also can shoot magic missiles. And most importantly has entirely new icons and animation (however has no inventory animation).
Modding staffs with magic ranged attacks for my mages was one of the first things I did with my BG:EE because it wasn't possible before, but I had no idea that there was already such a staff. I wonder how long it has been there.
Modding staffs with magic ranged attacks for my mages was one of the first things I did with my BG:EE because it wasn't possible before, but I had no idea that there was already such a staff. I wonder how long it has been there.
It would be superb if Beamdog perhaps added a +1 Narbucchad's Demise somewhere, as well as the circlets. It would also be pretty cool if they showed up on the inventory screen.
Did their contract prohibit using that part of 1pp?
Another good reason is that Overhaul like to keep us excited about the game by trickling out new material gradually in patches, so maybe these items will be included in a later patch.
Or maybe Overhaul just decided that these items don't fit the game and rejected them!
Anyway, it's cool. It seems so silly that a mage is reduced to slinging when out of spells
As for the inventory paperdoll missing, I really don't know why. It's a shame, if I figure out how these are added to the item, I want to add at least normal staff paperdoll.