Anyone for Multiplayer?

Been playing the IE games since I was a in my wee teens, and am quite familiar with Baldur's Gate. Since I got a new lappy and some half-way decent internet, I'd like to find a group of people that are interested in some SCS games.
I'd prefer to roll new characters but it really doesn't matter. I'm not into role playing, but if that's your gig, go for it. Let's see, I always play some form of support like Clerics, Bards, or Druids though I do enjoy my Longbow using Fighter/Mage. I'm kind of interested in rolling a Blackguard, as I like the Aura ability it has that stacks with another Blackguards. I see some pretty cheesy potential with a few in the party.
Anyways, message me here if interested.
Edit: Right, I'm pretty much available for whenever. I'm in college with loads of free time since I don't work. I know, I'm a slacker. The Navy pays my college fees, and gives me a nice check every month so, I'm using this time to be lazy for another month or two.
Been playing the IE games since I was a in my wee teens, and am quite familiar with Baldur's Gate. Since I got a new lappy and some half-way decent internet, I'd like to find a group of people that are interested in some SCS games.
I'd prefer to roll new characters but it really doesn't matter. I'm not into role playing, but if that's your gig, go for it. Let's see, I always play some form of support like Clerics, Bards, or Druids though I do enjoy my Longbow using Fighter/Mage. I'm kind of interested in rolling a Blackguard, as I like the Aura ability it has that stacks with another Blackguards. I see some pretty cheesy potential with a few in the party.
Anyways, message me here if interested.
Edit: Right, I'm pretty much available for whenever. I'm in college with loads of free time since I don't work. I know, I'm a slacker. The Navy pays my college fees, and gives me a nice check every month so, I'm using this time to be lazy for another month or two.
Sure, I'll run around with you guys.