Is there a mod for persistent bard song (and undead turning) while fighting?
So the way I always understood Bard Song to work in PnP was that while you were using bard song you could take basic actions such as moving and fighting but if you used any special abilities then the bard song would cease to function.
Currently this is possible via intense micromanagement but it's too much of a headache to be bothered with.
Is there a mod which achieves this desired functionality? Basically to be able to fight and sing but as soon as an ability (ie, offensive spin), item (ie, wand or potion) or spell is used then the song is turned off?
Making Turn Undead more user friendly is an option too ...
Currently this is possible via intense micromanagement but it's too much of a headache to be bothered with.
Is there a mod which achieves this desired functionality? Basically to be able to fight and sing but as soon as an ability (ie, offensive spin), item (ie, wand or potion) or spell is used then the song is turned off?
Making Turn Undead more user friendly is an option too ...
As it stands, even though I love playing my Skalds, I feel like 90% of the time my party's carrying around a radio. Sure, I can chain casting spells or attacking a few times before the round is over, but it's kind of a hassle I wish I didn't have to deal with.
Passive will be on all the time, Active will preclude other activities (except walking around).
lol I'm just saying. But...sometimes after some Mexican or Viet food...
I don't see a balance issue. The only bard character that can put out significant damage is a blade and their song is rubbish and it would be exclusive with the blade abilities anyway. A skald song can add from 12 to, say, 26 damage/round in BG1; adding an attack rotation for a skald isn't going to break the game.
In BG2 the additional damage the skald song adds is going to make any melee or ranged contribution pale in comparison when you consider other characters using whirlwinds and having 6+ attacks/round already.
It's really just about fun factor. Is it fun to have your character stand around doing nothing with an ability active? No.
If there is a balance issue I'd be fine with some drawback like the song being active setting your attacks/round to 1 which could fit.
For skald, just change the timing mode from "instant/limited (ticks)" to "instant/limited" at Near Infinity and change the duration to your heart's desire.
I'm not sure how one can make so that using special abilities can turn those effects off.... May need some clever scripting.
I think it is doable since HLA are basically spells, so you just need to find the name of the HLA, and give it to the kit with a GA_xxxxxxx at level 1
If I recall correctly, it does give you what you want, a song that last longer than one round.
Detect Traps can be used while attacking.
I just don't like riding the character searching for traps, turning undead, playing the bard song, etc. to make sure they don't break off and attack someone.
* +1 to attack rolls
* +1 to saving
* +2 to morale
Also, from the CBH - "it is impossible to rally allies who are actively battling opponents." I guess its assumed they aren't going to be listening to the bard while fighting for their lives ;-).
So, I'd say that the bard song as implemented in BG:EE is pretty good compared to PnP - it does more than +2 to morale: increases morale to 10, removes fear, and adds protection from fear, doesn't take 3 rounds to cast (i.e., goes into effect right away), and can be started in the middle of combat.
If you wanted to implement PnP bard song, you could make an innate ability with three subspells to choose from, an 18 second casting time, and a duration of 6 seconds per level of the bard. Perhaps worth it for a 10th level bard as a pre-battle buff. Don't know how you'd implement the restriction on not working on allies engaged in active combat, but what are the odds you'd want to use it in the middle of combat with an 18 second casting time?