The Arena

I like the Black Pits very much.
I think it would be cool if someone made a mod that allowed for Player v Player fights. I think it would be pretty sweet to take my CHARNAME and fight someone else's CHARNAME. No pausing either.
any ideas or thoughts on this concept?
I think it would be cool if someone made a mod that allowed for Player v Player fights. I think it would be pretty sweet to take my CHARNAME and fight someone else's CHARNAME. No pausing either.
any ideas or thoughts on this concept?
I agree. Although I think the idea of an Infinity Engine capable of half-way decent multiplayer with a potential PvP aspect is enticing; it shouldn't be implemented.
Again, I love the idea but, not in love with the way it would run.
It could even be that the arena is a offline thing. Where the player can take Imoen, Jaheira, etc... to the Black Pits to fight pre-made battles or even re-animated foes or even other NPCs. Or you could do a multi-player game where you fight against friends.
Lore wise the Black Pits could be reopened under new management like from the rescued Duergar. Or a new arena could be opened out near the Nashkel Carnival. Or maybe under Baldur's Gate where pit fights could be held. In BG2, it could be done within the Copper Coronet.
I still just don't see how they'd even balance the classes we have, stabilize multiplayer, and even implement it.
As people pointed out before, a PvP system demands some sort of standardization, including disabling cheats (and editing your your character, in this case, counts as cheating).
Hundreds of dual-classed Kensai/Mages with 25's in all stats.
Yep, pretty much what would happen unless they put a cap on things.
Sadly with the bad connections and such, the only class i would use is a melee (Fighter, barbarian, paladin) and then it would pretty much be two people beating up eachother while you're both hoping to land a hit.