Thanks ey. I'm not overly fond of it. I couldn't seem to get the colours right throughout. Lately i've been attempting to be more 'BG' with my artwork - more realism. I learned how to draw as a six year old reading comic books though, so I think this style has been ingrained in me over the years.
@SophiaI just realized that there was the name in the bmp files *facepalm* I only just noticed that myself. Not very stealthy poster, am I? I believe your claim and you are perfectly right. You won your right to guess, and you guessed correctly! My next submission is indeed Rufie, the adorable lost puppy.
Scared? Nah mate, you must have heard him wrong. I bet he actually said 'scary'
Agreed. Unfortunately, they'd have to go through WotC approval, which means we can't guarantee their inclusion. It was one of the first things we looked into when we started the contest.
I'm a little upset. I don't think I'll be able to make a portrait in time. This contest came at the worst time possible, I'm rushing to get all of my projects done for school and get ready for finals and graduation. A real pain, too, I wanted another chance at this contest thing since I didn't do so well last time. Also, I really wanted to draw Raelis Shai. And now I'm not sure if I can.
I have mixed feelings about Nixxi's pics - the quality of the drawings is top notch, but the armors tend to be on the dominatrix side of battlefield, and it makes me go 'bah?' whenever I see 'em.
Ow, come now, @LadyEibhilinRhett, you can post the picture even if it's not perfect, or after the deadline. I sure would like to know how Ms Raelis looks like (is she a thiefling too? I don't recall if it was mentioned).
Okay, this is either my last or second to last entry here - depends on how much time I have tomorrow. I'm sad to report that my metal-drawing still needs to be (greatly) improved, but I'm rather happy with everything else.
Captain Scar, whom I loved from the very first playthrough, and who made my cry out in dismay and cuss up a storm when I first learnt his fate. The blue thingy on his chest is a badge with a Flaming Fist crest. I don't care what (if anything) canon says on the matter - to me Scar is a copper, and every copper needs a badge. (The crest comes from Baldur wiki, and I don't know if it's at all accurate, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right?) :P
Very nice indeed, but I have to agree with Drugar. I always pictured Scar to look like Russell Crowe or Harrison Ford in their older years. Very good portrait though!
@Drugar@EntropyXII You are right about Scar's age. The problem is, I have no idea how to make a face look young/old. The guy on reference picture I used looked older, but the age got lost somewhere in the drawing process. Do you think adding wrinkles around eyes would help? Or a bit of stubble?
@Syntia13 Wrinkles do help. How I do this is by applying a low opacity mixture of purple/grey/blue around and under neath the eyes - putting emphasis on the grey (blue/purple should be used on a very very low opacity and only to add depth). Try and do this with the effect of lines spreading out from their point of origin to give a wrinkled effect. Light and dark shading will help add depth to the wrinkles. Be careful with applying too much. My portrait of Ender Sai was intended to look malnourished, not old and thus his eye shadow is darker and more akin to his skin tone.
Other places to apply wrinkles will be to accentuate smile lines around the mouth, and frown lines on the forehead (which I see you have done) using applications of dark and light shading.
Stubble will help. It's a sure fire way of making a man look middle aged or older. Stubble should be gruff and sand paper like (think of striking a matchstick off a rough surface) but this can be a time consuming process. Try giving him grey hair, or hair that has grey flecks. Can't beat a bit of grey hair to apply age! (i'm 26 and have an increasing amount of it on my hair... unfortunately. Makes me look 30).
Try taking inspiration from the Kheldorn portraits, or Jan. I always use them as examples of how to create older looking wrinkly faces.
I started on a monster for my own p&p RPG one day, it was inspired by the Invisible Stalker monsters in Baldurs Gate. Hidden in plain sight, but a terror to behold.
Thanks ey. I'm not overly fond of it. I couldn't seem to get the colours right throughout. Lately i've been attempting to be more 'BG' with my artwork - more realism. I learned how to draw as a six year old reading comic books though, so I think this style has been ingrained in me over the years.
I'd go with your comic book style. Excellent picture.
So now that I've run around in circles flailing a bit I can maybe form words? To start with two, thank you! Loved seeing all the interpretations of characters that so far have just been sprites and dialogue and now have faces
Congratulations @serabiet ! Say, is your avatar your work too? It's beautiful. Are you on Deviant Art or some similar page? Thanks @artastrophe@secretmantra@EntropyXII , it was nice competing with you! And thank you @Jalily and other Powers That Be for strictening (is that a word?) the rules of the challenge. I didn't think I could draw a half-decent portrait without using a bunch of photos as a crutch, and now I know I can. (Though I admit, the next challenge scares me.'s so alluring, though... Can I, or can't I? We shall see) ;P
C'mon and post! The more the merrier!
My first time painting digitally from scratch - with no photos as a reference.
Tis' bloody difficult!
That's rockin' dude!
Thanks ey. I'm not overly fond of it. I couldn't seem to get the colours right throughout. Lately i've been attempting to be more 'BG' with my artwork - more realism. I learned how to draw as a six year old reading comic books though, so I think this style has been ingrained in me over the years.
*facepalm* I only just noticed that myself. Not very stealthy poster, am I?
Scared? Nah mate, you must have heard him wrong. I bet he actually said 'scary'
Anyway ops, I didn't realize I was the only one who could guess, I would have tried other names too XD!
Completely agree. @Nixxi makes beautiful portraits.
A real pain, too, I wanted another chance at this contest thing since I didn't do so well last time.
Ow, come now, @LadyEibhilinRhett, you can post the picture even if it's not perfect, or after the deadline. I sure would like to know how Ms Raelis looks like (is she a thiefling too? I don't recall if it was mentioned).
Okay, this is either my last or second to last entry here - depends on how much time I have tomorrow. I'm sad to report that my metal-drawing still needs to be (greatly) improved, but I'm rather happy with everything else.
Captain Scar, whom I loved from the very first playthrough, and who made my cry out in dismay and cuss up a storm when I first learnt his fate. The blue thingy on his chest is a badge with a Flaming Fist crest. I don't care what (if anything) canon says on the matter - to me Scar is a copper, and every copper needs a badge. (The crest comes from Baldur wiki, and I don't know if it's at all accurate, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right?) :P
Still, v. nice!
Other places to apply wrinkles will be to accentuate smile lines around the mouth, and frown lines on the forehead (which I see you have done) using applications of dark and light shading.
Stubble will help. It's a sure fire way of making a man look middle aged or older. Stubble should be gruff and sand paper like (think of striking a matchstick off a rough surface) but this can be a time consuming process. Try giving him grey hair, or hair that has grey flecks. Can't beat a bit of grey hair to apply age! (i'm 26 and have an increasing amount of it on my hair... unfortunately. Makes me look 30).
Try taking inspiration from the Kheldorn portraits, or Jan. I always use them as examples of how to create older looking wrinkly faces. Stalker.jpg
@Jalily - Just to confirm, is the competition now closed? How long is it usually until votes are in?
I like the portrait, but I always imagined Scar in his mid-forties.
Congratulations! It was a tough choice, as all the entries were both technically impressive and showcased their characters' personalities well.
@Syntia13 @artastrophe @secretmantra @serabiet @EntropyXII
Thanks @artastrophe @secretmantra @EntropyXII , it was nice competing with you!
And thank you @Jalily and other Powers That Be for strictening (is that a word?) the rules of the challenge. I didn't think I could draw a half-decent portrait without using a bunch of photos as a crutch, and now I know I can.