Party Advice Needed

I'm trying to determine the party I'm going to use, so far I've determined I definitely want to take Dorn, Kagain, Edwin, and Viconia. This clearly leaves me needing a thief, and I do not want one as my player character. Would I best off with Imoen (possibly dualed to mage), Safana, or Shar-teel (dualed to a thief)? If I took Imoen would she conflict (to the point of leaving or fighting) with any of these characters? If Imoen or Shar-teel duals will I be fine with no thief temporarily?
For my player character the classes that most interested me were Dwarven Defender and Archer. The potential problem with Archer is that I am limited to good alignment and my party is going to be almost exclusively evil. So long as I keep my reputation in check will I be able to keep my party intact? I am also a bit confused on why my Dwarven Defender's dexterity caps at 16. The only penalty I'm aware of is -1 for being a dwarf. So where is the other -1 coming from?
If there are any other classes for my player character that might pair well with this party I'm open to suggestions. Thanks in advance for your help.
For my player character the classes that most interested me were Dwarven Defender and Archer. The potential problem with Archer is that I am limited to good alignment and my party is going to be almost exclusively evil. So long as I keep my reputation in check will I be able to keep my party intact? I am also a bit confused on why my Dwarven Defender's dexterity caps at 16. The only penalty I'm aware of is -1 for being a dwarf. So where is the other -1 coming from?
If there are any other classes for my player character that might pair well with this party I'm open to suggestions. Thanks in advance for your help.
The dwarf Dex thing is a bug. See here for the fix:
You will have to remake your character for it to work.
With Shar-Teel, you've actually got two options. In my opinion it's best to dual her at L3 fighter, since it comes quickly and that way you won't be without a thief for a large part of the game.
You can choose to let her dualwield, in which case she'll become a downright frighteningly effective backstabber due to her massive strength.
Or, the more exotic route: You can let her be your archer, which also works since she's got great dexterity. At L3 fighter, put a proficiency in either Longbow (better overall) or Heavy Crossbow (more for the quirky appearance, though there are some very powerful bolts available in the game), then dual. At L4 thief, you regain her fighter abilities and can put another proficiency into Longbow/Heavy Crossbow, and you get a final proficiency at L8 thief.
Regardless of what you do with Shar-Teel, you'll have a real power party, and can pretty much have any kind of PC you want without problems. Personally I like having magical options, so I'd maybe consider a Cleric/Mage or gnome Cleric/Illusionist. But really, anything will work as said.
Also just saw the other question what other classes might be interesting. A second Blackguard, built to tank, might work. Dorn isn't very tanky if you compare him to Kagain or a Dwarven Defender, but the kit itself works great for it if you go for dex/con instead of str/dex like Dorn.
Your party already have kagain and dorn, a huge tanker and a killing machine, viconia can be not the best tank in terms of HP, but her Armor Class can go pretty low with an ankheg armor (about -4 or -5 with a shield) which make her a tanker too sometimes.
Don't be shy with the archer, in roleplay pruposes, just get the helm of opposite alignment and use it on your archer (don't know if it will make your archer a fallen archer, but in my opinion an fallen evil archer on an evil party would be awesome).
coran is the best archer
both thieves