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Evil Ranger Kit

I mostly play evil and found it very refreshing that the Blackguard kit opened the paladin class, which never appealed due to the alignment restriction, to my options. Now, I'm also interested in a evil-only ranger kit and if anyone thinks it's a good idea to have an evil ranger kit.

For a name, since the other ranger kit names aren't too flashy, I'd go with "Loner" - a woodsman who was not born with a deep connection to nature, but found to it later in life. Loners often suffered a loss or failure in their city life and withdrew from society to the solitude of the woods. They are bitter and generally dislike the company of people and learned the ways of nature to avoid them - so I guess stealth bonus - and more defend their chosen solitude than nature - ranged weapon bonus, maybe minor backstab multiplier since they try to kill intruders without making contact - the classic "shoot first, ask questions later" behavior.
For the "slightly weird, unsocial woodsman" flair, I'd give the kit a bonus for axes instead of dual wielding or - not sure if it's possible - the ability to backstab with an axe (a bit slasher movie-like). They aren't as much in touch with nature as regular rangers, they are just in the woods because no-one else is there. So they don't understand animals either - instead of Charm Animal, they'd get the ability "Enrage Animal" (which makes the target go berzerk and attack friend and foe alike).


  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    I cannot agree more.
    I like the Stalker-like nature of having a backstab. This kit could be something like a mix of Ranger/Thief - some Thief perks like traps and smaller backstab, but no lock picking or pickpocket. Or something like a Ranger/Assasin - poison and traps. Come on, it's an Evil woodsman, isn't he?
    Cons could include a - to Charisma (solitary evil woodsman), no Charm Animal, maybe lower armor options, only Thief weapon selection or no casting option. (Some of these, not all of them)

    I'd play the crap out of this kit.

    ...I actually used to go Stalker in BGTutu and Shadowkeeper-change his alignment to Evil.
  • dstoltzfusdstoltzfus Member Posts: 280
    Eh. Any ranger could have that personality. It would take much more than an avoidant or asocial personality style to create an entirely different kit. I would like to see a ranger kit that leaves the good alignment spectrum though.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Yeah, it's a bit mixed with thief. From the personality, it's probably the bastard child (or clone?) of Montaron and Kivan. Traps certainly make sense, maybe as a trade for divine spells (around the same level). I wouldn't mind if the alignment restriction was simply "any non-good", since it could as well be neutral; someone who stopped caring about people, but also doesn't actively wish them harm.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    How about a Disciple of Malar

    Bonus to hit animals and humaoids

    Later levels can be infected with Lycanthropy but in a cursed way unlike the Shapeshifter where it is controlled. Immune to everything a greater werewolf is immune to while turned. Quarter of that while not.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited April 2013

    Eh. Any ranger could have that personality. It would take much more than an avoidant or asocial personality style to create an entirely different kit. I would like to see a ranger kit that leaves the good alignment spectrum though.

    This was changed in 3E, 2E D&D Rangers were only allowed to be good for some reason. Maybe hippies? I don't know.

  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Wasn't it due to somebody's Aragorn fetish?
  • redlineredline Member Posts: 296
    edited April 2013
    Personally, I tend to prefer kits that are based on PnP, however loosely; kits that come strictly from someone's imagination just don't feel right to me. That might not be fair or rational, but it does have an influence on my mod choices, and I don't think I'm alone in this.

    That said, does anyone know of a PnP kit that did allow for evil rangers, or was that totally avoided in 2E? The Disciple of Malar sounds promising, if that was a thing.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Well, Shadowdancer, Dragon Disciple and Dwarven Defender aren't 2E kits...
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    BTW on topic I think it could an "urban ranger" type of kit like 3.5 ed UA.
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  • redlineredline Member Posts: 296
    edited April 2013

    Well, Shadowdancer, Dragon Disciple and Dwarven Defender aren't 2E kits...

    Very true, though the fact that they existed in some form, in some version of D&D -- combined with the fact that they were introduced by the developers, and not by an independent modder -- gives them a bit more legitimacy, in my mind, than something that's completely created from scratch.

    Like I said, it's not necessarily fair or rational, and I don't want to discourage anyone from going their own path if they have a specific kit/class that has no PnP equivalent. And I'm not a PnP purist, either -- if a kit needs to be viciously modified in order to fit into the Infinity Engine (e.g. Beastmaster), that's fine, too. But having some sort of existing D&D content as a baseline is nice, if only so that it feels like it's something that could have been official, if Bioware/Overhaul had unlimited time and resources.

    A cursory googling is showing me that most of the AD&D kits assumed the same alignment restrictions as standard ranger, though, so this might all be moot. Regardless, I like the OP's idea, and I think having an evil ranger -- either through a new kit or through easing the restrictions on Stalker, for instance -- could be fun.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    @subtledoctor- yes...basically. But if you want a straight class? just like a Swashbuckler is a fighter/thief, or a bard is a thief/mage...
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    edited April 2013
    Malarites might get a rage ability like minsc, as he is a deity of fury, in mini-alliance. Not nearly as sane as a berserker, nor as hulking as a barb. Trap instead of spells, maybe both place and disarm, kinda like how monks can do some thief stuff, limit weapon types to remove inappropriate imo stuff like maces, hammers, flails bastard and two handed swords, maybe even halbred, hammer and MAYBE longsword and probably the asian weapons. Similar to thief, but more geared towards what you could easily maintain in wet conditions, or stuff like spear or dagger, which are good in the wilds. Limit ranged by droping crossbows and longbows. For armour, only studded, hide or leather. No elven chain! Tree huggin sissies she'd say. Backstab as stalker would be overpowered. If no rage, than a paralysis poison ability, since a hunted wouldnt eat tainted flesh. Rage is more malarite, poison more huntey. No charm animal, but who cares? Maybe no favoured enemy, or restricted list as someone said.

    And for name? Black Blood. After malars organization... maybe could go with Bloodmaster, the title of a chief. Alignment for People of the Black Blood is ne, ce and n. Could include cn methinks, but no lawfuls or goods.

    Would be different from anything around now. Kinda been tossin this around awhile.

    Edit, there is a Black Blood prestige class in 3.5, but malar is oldschool. And hates elves.
  • dstoltzfusdstoltzfus Member Posts: 280
    @smeagolheart avoidant or asocial personalities have nothing to do with being good or evil, just as being shy or aggressive doesn't.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    I like the idea of "evil ranger kit," the way you elaborated on it was pretty unimpressive though it just sounded like a Stalker to me. =P
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I was kind of hoping for some sort of Chaotic Neutral - Chaotic Evil Ranger. I personally don't like playing as an evil Charname, or good for that matter, but at the same time an evil ranger would be something that probably would slip me into Evil for once if Neutral isn't an option....
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    @smeagolheart avoidant or asocial personalities have nothing to do with being good or evil, just as being shy or aggressive doesn't.

    Yeah I agree it makes no sense not to have possibility of evil rangers. I guessed that Gygax was basing his interpretation of Rangers on hippies or something as "good only nature lovers?" I have no idea how one can say Rangers can only be good. It makes sense a little with Paladins being only good.
  • dstoltzfusdstoltzfus Member Posts: 280
    @smeagolheart I didn't mean that there could be evil rangers. I merely meant that personality traits that you initially listed are amoral (what I mean is, they do not consider ethics. For instance, a good person can be someone who doesn't like to be around people or displays avoidant behavior.

    I believe the "rangers can only be good" idea comes from the inspirational source of the ranger class for D&D (you can easily find google sources). Actually, just looking it up, third edition removes alignment rules for rangers. Can anyone confirm this? It could be changed then, since a lot of BG has 3rd edition material...
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I was about to suggest humans as Racial Enemy, but I can see how that would be a bit overpowered, if you compare the number of humans vs. any of the racial enemy choices you encounter.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    Well, okay...evil ranger could also sound like a Stalker (in their description, it says they are "scouts, spies and interrogators"). Similar, but more malicious/evil.
    Like a Specops warrior specialized into traps and poisons + some backstab perhaps. Like Head Hunter. (Can't say assassin, cause we already have one. Can't say Bounty Hunter, because we have that as well. Yes...those overlap a bit...)
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    I found a nice dnd reference
    Avenging Executioner
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    That looks good indeed.
  • LateralusLateralus Member Posts: 903
    Hey guys, I started the exact same thread title! Unbeknownst to me you have chatted about this here, a few months ago. We are starting it up again here:

    We are trying to flesh it out a bit, check it out and provide some feedback!
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    Bishop from NWN 2 was a cool character IMO, and he was treacherous bastard.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    I don't mind Ranger being locked to Good too much, Chaotic Good would still let you get away with some things...

    But the one thing I think should go is the Fallen Ranger state...

    Fallen Paladins make sense, but I don't really see why Fallen Ranger would be a thing...
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    edited September 2013
    Kaltzor said:

    I don't mind Ranger being locked to Good too much, Chaotic Good would still let you get away with some things...

    But the one thing I think should go is the Fallen Ranger state...

    Fallen Paladins make sense, but I don't really see why Fallen Ranger would be a thing...

    If the ranger can't fall anyway, you can open the class to neutral and evil.

    I don't mind if a kit within a class is alignment-restricted (i.e. necromancer), but the entire class, I do mind. Druids are the one exception, balance and neutrality is the whole point of them. But then, they are also in the very middle, not the 'extreme' of good or evil, hence less issues with mixed parties and rp options to lean into either direction.
    There are only 2 kits now that are restricted to evil - blackguard and necromancer. Everything else can at least be neutral. On the other hand, the entire paladin class was restricted to good (and now it's still only one kit as exception) and ranger still is. Throw the evil players a bone and let them make use of all classes, even if it's just one kit.

  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Is Necromancer locked to evil? I thought you could be an any-alignment necromancer, maybe I was wrong.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    edited September 2013

    There are only 2 kits now that are restricted to evil - blackguard and necromancer.

    In fact it's only the blackguard. Necromancers sadly don't have any sort alignment restriction in Baldur's Gate.

    How embarrassing... I've completely forgotten about the new Dark Moon Monk kit, which is restricted to Lawful Evil only. My bad, there are indeed only 2 kits that are restricted to evil.
    Post edited by Kamigoroshi on
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704

    There are only 2 kits now that are restricted to evil - blackguard and necromancer.

    In fact it's only the blackguard. Necromancers sadly don't have any sort alignment restriction in Baldur's Gate.
    Same with assassins, if i'm not wrong.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Exactly. It's just that assassins cannot be Lawful Good, but that's true for all thieves. Any other alignment is fair game though.
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