Im almost to the part of the game where I'm going to enter Baldurs Gate City. I'm afraid to go because it seems like there's a lot of known bugs and I dont want to have to reload. Should I continue or wait for the next patch? If yes, when is it?
Just to add to what @Samus said any bug reported in the forums is added in the official bug tracker, if it's not there already. So you're not wasting your time when you report a bug and is actually helping making a game we all love better.
@lefreut Back when the game was released, there were weekly updates, sometimes more than one in a week. Then people started complaining that they couldn't play in multiplayer as different platforms had different versions of the game available. Also some people complained about the constant updates. So it was decided that updates would be synchronized across all platforms.
The fact is it's impossible to schedule updates in a way to satisfy everyone.
Thanks for the info. I think something a little more frequent does make sense though, even in the multiplayer context. Something regular, even if just once a month or something to push out updates would be great, so that if people are on multiplayer, they would just need to make sure they're on the right month.
Shifting from weekly updates to not releasing for such a long time is a bit weird, especially considering the severity of the spellcasting bugs on the ipad.
is the patch going to be released this summer like i'd read rumors of before? or will we have to wait until fall/winter? i understand having to wait as it seems the more computer games made these days the more unexpected glitches and bugs that pop up as you try to fix others. as your fixing bugs you cant estimate how many new ones will pop up anymore honestly.
Yeah, I know... Weak joke on Game of Thrones... Sue me
Because a Trent Oster always pays his debts.
(read aloud)
Enormous doesn't even come close to it
The fact is it's impossible to schedule updates in a way to satisfy everyone.