As what race you could never play in BG/RPGs

For myself,I cannot play as dwarves or orc/half-orc...I just can not.But most of a times I play as a human character or elf character.What about you guys?
I'll play anything and anyone at anytime, no matter the amount of body hair.
I know that's terribly prejudice. I would include them in IWD or the like; but not Baldur's Gate. Human, or sometimes Half-Elf or Elf. But never any of the shorter races, nor half-orc, as I like to import straight through from BG1 to ToB
Maybe if the little folk were better represented there would be a bigger draw to play them (for instance fleshing out Gullykin to have more options if the PC is halfling, making Mazzy in Bg2 a romance option, adding a real dwarven fortress as a visitable area etc. - Not that these suggestions would work for BG:EE, just saying). I think this is what Dragon Age 1 tried to do with the "origin stories", anchor the PC's race in something from the start. It's a good idea, but tough to truly follow through on for the rest of the game...
In BG1 it's fully possible to have a party-combo of only gnomes, dwarves or halfings tho:
Alora (halfling, thief)
Montaron (halfling, fighter/thief)
Yeslick (dwarf, fighter/cleric)
Kagain (dwarf, fighter)
Quayle (gnome, illusionist/cleric)
Tiax (gnome, thief/cleric)
This means i can't play as anything else, aka no elf, dwarf, half-orc, halflings and god no gnomes, can't stand them :P i would prefer to play a kobold than a gnome or a halfling >_>
I still remember Jan's speeches with terror -_-
Okay I think I might have been a half orc once.Maybe. But I dont recall if I beat that game.
I'm strongly tempted by dwarves, half-orcs and gnomes from a powergaming perspective but haven't played them much because of the limiting factors above. It's a pity really, because stunty saves, cleric/illusionists and crazy STR/CON are appealing.
In (non-Tutu) Baldur's Gate, I prefered the dwarves. But my all-time favourites were (and still are) the half-orcs. Not to mention the fact that they are the least human looking race to chose from makes them an instant winner in my book.
Human can seem bit plain and boring,I can agree on that,because they are..well,humans,nothing really non ordinary about them,but still,I cannot play as more fantasy-like races,with elves as exception
Also Half-Orc is a very rare race for me. I once actually created a human main character with a half-orc side kick. It worked well altogether.
But when I will do a BG2 United Races party (all races covered, though in BG2 you'd have to miss out on 1 as there's 7, due to Haer'Dalis, even if you put half-elves, drow, elves and Avariel's in the same batch to pick 1 from, still with me in this long sentence?) I will pick a dwarven fighter-cleric as CHARNAME.
There's something about Gnomes and Halflings that I really dislike (not exclusive to BG). However, Mazzy and Tiax are exceptions to the rule - I love them. =D