my most recent character was a Genasi with multiple personality disorder. In Baldurs Gate however, i think I have played pretty much every race. I like Gnomes for specilised multiclass thief/illusionist, but mainly play the taller races for the love interests.
Why can't my cheeky illusionist make Vic think he is tall and romance her eh
I probably wouldn't like to play as a gnome but I think they are interesting. I find half-orcs a bit wierd... maybe the new npc will change that, i hope it's well made. For me its a risk, half orc is probably the hardest race to get right.
In BG or P&P I played nearly all races except Gnomes. Half-orcs and dwarves were rare. I played lots of humans, elves and halflings but could never enjoy the gnome, can't really figure why....
I can't figure out why people seem to dislike gnomes. They are one of my favorites! I like how they are a bit down to earth like dwarfs, yet aloof and "weird" at times too. They are just lovely. My preferred races are probably half-elf, gnome and human. After that comes half-orc I guess.
If possible I always go for a female dwarf, even though they only really look good in DA:O. I hated DA2 most of all because it forced me to play a human, which I avoid where possible. A bearded dwarf lady still looks better than those broad-shouldered, boring humans :-)
Gnomes, they're not very interesting and they're very limited in what they can do well. I always tried to play a half-elf, but humans made better characters for every class.
I didn't enjoy playing dwarves until WoW, I think they just nailed the beards. That said, nothing has ever induced me to play a dwarf in NWN for very long, despite my new found dwarf appreciation.
Damn why people dont say why they hate playing certain race. I HATE Halfing because they represent small weak people who talk too much and on their free time they prefer not voilent games unlike half ogres. I guess if i was small in real life i would be more attracted to this race but they seems like bunch of WEEKLINGS TO ME BAH. Half orcs rule all. Strength is all you need baby. -In real life too :P. Those who didnt try half orces missed lot of staff: bereserk half orc with 20 strength as a start... is a good start .
Intelligence in BG world can be just as important as Strength. A Mage at higher levels is awesome and will dominate your half-Orc.
Also I dislike Dwarves because they are ugly and have silly beards.
Intelligence is stupid stat and i will explain why. I see intelligence as learning,reasoning,problem solving and planning. Wisdom which is deeper understanding of the environment,people,situations without interfering emotions. Half orc with high strength,wisdom,constitution, medium level intelligence(he is not stupid just not smart pants like all this geek mages, lets say 10 or even 9), Medium dexterity, and low Charisma. This Half Orc can understand when people try to manipulate him, also he will know that proud mages as yourself will understimate our kin and by that you will do huge mistake. Half orcs cant cast spells like others races but potions againt magic resistance and haste and like all flesh your mage will fall with 1 succeful blow. And yes i played mages and i like them less then bereserker for example who enters his rage and non of you weakling mages can stop him.
I’ve tried playing as a gnome so many times, but in the end, I’ve always just rerolled my characters. I just can’t go beyond 1-2 levels as one. I’m not sure why though, since it doesn’t seem that perplex. The unusual part is that I adore playing as Gnomes/Halflings in MMO games, just not in BG or IW.
As far as sub-races go; Dark Elf Is another race that I just can’t find myself playing, however I know the reason behind this issue though. Even if they’re fairly built with decent stats, the fact that they’re a +3 Level adjustment really ruins it for me. Just seeing that alone makes me cringe, lol. I know it’s not much to justify not playing one, but it really does make me turn the other cheek, since I prefer to play weak characters over the stronger ones.
Half-orcs are easy to anger, and as we know anger leads to hate and hate leads to the dark side. Evil holds the seed of its own destruction. When you become angry you make mistakes, and are easy prey to a fireball upside the head. You will not be given the chance to land a single blow. In conclusion: Mages rule and Half-orcs drool. Thank you.
Dwarves. Really no way I'll ever play a Dwarf, and I have no real issue with halflings or gnomes though I usually prefer humans, elf or half elf . Same goes for the thief class; it's just really not my style.
I love playing dwarfs in pretty much any game I can.. but my big problem with that in BG is that the romances are only elf and half elf.. and dwarf + elf is just wrong ><
So i usualy end up playing human male as well.. really a shame.. but you cant fight those romance options
It's funny, I love a big selection of races in the games I play, but yet always end up playing a human or an elf. However in Skyrim I said to hell with that and played a cute little cat girl (the meowmix or whatever that race is). So I've decided to try rolling a Dwarf or Gnome in BGEE and see what happens.
Never played a Half-Orc. Not suitable for anything other than a fighter. Possibly gnomes, they're just silly but I could play one in a Dragonlance campaign.
Why can't my cheeky illusionist make Vic think he is tall and romance her eh
I hate Gnomes and Halflings unless I roleplay with them, then its fun
I HATE Halfing because they represent small weak people who talk too much and on their free time they prefer not voilent games unlike half ogres.
I guess if i was small in real life i would be more attracted to this race but they seems like bunch of WEEKLINGS TO ME BAH.
Half orcs rule all. Strength is all you need baby. -In real life too :P.
Those who didnt try half orces missed lot of staff: bereserk half orc with 20 strength as a start... is a good start
Also I dislike Dwarves because they are ugly and have silly beards.
Wisdom which is deeper understanding of the environment,people,situations without interfering emotions.
Half orc with high strength,wisdom,constitution, medium level intelligence(he is not stupid just not smart pants like all this geek mages, lets say 10 or even 9), Medium dexterity, and low Charisma.
This Half Orc can understand when people try to manipulate him, also he will know that proud mages as yourself will understimate our kin and by that you will do huge mistake. Half orcs cant cast spells like others races but potions againt magic resistance and haste and like all flesh your mage will fall with 1 succeful blow.
And yes i played mages and i like them less then bereserker for example who enters his rage and non of you weakling mages can stop him.
I’ve tried playing as a gnome so many times, but in the end, I’ve always just rerolled my characters. I just can’t go beyond 1-2 levels as one. I’m not sure why though, since it doesn’t seem that perplex. The unusual part is that I adore playing as Gnomes/Halflings in MMO games, just not in BG or IW.
As far as sub-races go; Dark Elf Is another race that I just can’t find myself playing, however I know the reason behind this issue though. Even if they’re fairly built with decent stats, the fact that they’re a +3 Level adjustment really ruins it for me. Just seeing that alone makes me cringe, lol. I know it’s not much to justify not playing one, but it really does make me turn the other cheek, since I prefer to play weak characters over the stronger ones.
In conclusion: Mages rule and Half-orcs drool. Thank you.
i'm already one in real life, no real reason to be one in the games i'm playing if given a choice.
dwarves and humans all the way
So i usualy end up playing human male as well.. really a shame.. but you cant fight those romance options