Is it possible to get another game, not whit baldurs gate name and location, but still in forgoten R

Is it possible that the developers would make another game in forgotten realms, whit 2d/3d edition? Dragon lance would make an great game, and for. eks make an game around Tanis, Kitara,Caramon,Raistlin etc... Lots of interesting char. wtch could be joineble, great plots allready written, witch whit not very mutch rewriting would fit as an hand in a glow, M.Wees&T.Hickman dragon age chronicles would be an great pc game, im sure!
If it is problem whit getting the names, copyrights etc whit baldurs gate and icewind dale, why not make a completely new game in forgotten realms/ dragonlance?
Or even better, my pc dream, an game simular to baldurs gate in wheel of time univers. :-)
If it is problem whit getting the names, copyrights etc whit baldurs gate and icewind dale, why not make a completely new game in forgotten realms/ dragonlance?
Or even better, my pc dream, an game simular to baldurs gate in wheel of time univers. :-)
Well, I cross fingers for an huge succses, i never undstood why there wasnt made more game whit d&d as pool of radiant etc
WotC most likely prefers games based on their campaign settings to use the current rules. Consider it publicity.
I WANT ANOTHER GAME IN 2D and 3e! Fr, Dragon lance, I dont care, just get some good authors and make me antoher game/book!
How many of the current fan would like an game in 4e? my ques is 1% or something, but they would ofcourse conquer an new custumors base, but com on! Screw the money and make something to be proud of!
Its not that they accepted that another company used 3E to make DDO, DDO was made using 3E rules because those were the current rules of the time.
But if the custumors wants 3e, why insist on staying whit the newest when the mass of people think its a bad rules sett..... They could at least let someone use their 3e rules to make games, but then they would never been able to sell games whit 4e,hehe.
So they should bite in the sour apple and go back to 3e, that was beginning to be VERY good. Almost like on pen and paper. this 4e makes me angry, yes angry actually. Blood and ashes
You can find out more about it on WotC's website.
Wouldn't surprise me if overhaul developed their own IP for a project after all the EE projects. That's the way Bioware went with Dragon Age afterall.
they exist
I am dubious about the whole project at best, but they are asking people to playtest some beta stuff and give their feedback. They want to make it a "player designed" system.
All this info was in the news back in January and I'm sure it can still be found online.
I've played probably about 50 different pen and paper rpgs over the years starting in 1982 and I happen to enjoy 2nd edition D&D the most (although the original Deadlands was a close second). Also I've reached a point where I can run a campaign with nothing more than dice, a pencil and paper because i know the system so well.
I guess if D&D 1st edition was called something different, say Mines and Minotaurs nobody would bat an eye about people playing years later but because of the name and its history, people think its weird. Having perused some of the later system rule books, its simply a different game with the same name. Not better or worse, but not for me.
As far as 1st ed people? There must be a lot because I can't imagine WotC would spend the money and time to draw the old players back if there weren't any out there. Big companies like that don't get big like that without doing their due diligence.
Surf the web. There are more than few 1st ed web pages out there. Dragonsfoot may be the biggest, but I'm not sure.
True story: About two years ago, I was looking at an independently published book of adventures that were printed under a different game name but were, in actuality, D&D 1st ed adventures. So I'm talking to my buddy about it, and suddenly this stranger comes up to us. This guy is mentally disabled but he is the nicest guy ever and it was so cute how excited he was to meet people that played first edition. He didn't know we even existed still. He talked our ear off, asking questions and stuff for like fifteen minutes until I had to apologize and leave because I was already running late. The whole thing just made my day.
Also, I apologize if I came off as a little defensive. Despite having 30 years experience playing (30 years this year as a matter of fact) I've never posted on a D&D related message board because of the vitriol that I've seen between players of the different editions. Back in the day, we were all just gaming nerds. We had to stick together. This is anger thing is new to me.
The question wasn't intended to come across superior. It's simply that of the over a hundred gamers I've been acquainted with not a single one is still playing 1e. Just trying to get some context to bring my understanding of the topic out of pure anecdote. I've personally never played it myself, it's was pretty hard to get a hold of the books when I started out and I quickly fell in love with the sheer versatility of 3e/3.5.