do i remember correclty or is bard a spellcaster and spells are the most OP skills in the game so you can cast invisibility on self and play song confusing everyone than enjoy stabing them with a stick or quarter staff or katans
Do I remember correctly or does a bard get his first level 2 spell at level 4 his second at level 6 and at level 10 at the end of BGEE has a total of 3 level 2 spells? Hope he brought his pillow...
it is not powergaming character and powergaming thread so if you really want op skills why are you in bard skald thread?
Just trying to tell the other side of the story - I played a jester in BGEE and found it annoying and much less useful than I expected it to be and have since run across others that felt the same YMMV but that doesn't mean your experience (or conjecture) is any more valid than others - since the OP is asking for opinions I thought I would share mine in spite of the fact that you seem to want to belittle it.
so if you played bard and had hard time you played wrong
Ahhh I played wrong - who knew?
Well with that gem of BG wisdom ringing in my ears I'll just stop feeding the trolls and wander on...
I say blade. They can get insane ac, and the epic song basically gives you skald song later. Also dual wield. Your pc as a skald will lead from behind and that seems less fun to me.
Well with that gem of BG wisdom ringing in my ears I'll just stop feeding the trolls and wander on...