BG was actually the first RPG I ever used a female PC in (thinking about it, it might have been the first game I actually could genuinely choose). It kind of became a habit after that.
In spite of being male (or maybe because I'm male?) I often prefer to play females in the games. Whatever it is Baldur's Gate or something like Pokemon game... I guess that playing female often provides greater esthetic impressions. Also, to hell with weak-female D.I.D stereotype.
If I'm playing a male, I feel as if I'm participating directly in the encounters/story and trying to impose my will on them as the male hero. If I choose a female Charname the feeling is more as if I'm an observer or a spirit advisor. Admittedly, I like to have that character I'm observing to be attractive.
With a female PC I want to get to admire her ability to get through all sorts of adversity. I particularly like the no-nonsense type of female adventurer. One of the voice sets in BGEE goes well with that type of strong female character and adds to the enjoyment of the game.
Yet, being able to choose either gender broadens the overall experience of the game substantially. It's as if the game is stereophonic instead of mono and has a different feel each time out..
I've always chosen male because I also am and like to imagine myself as Charname. I've got to play with a female character at least once, now that I read this, I've never done it.
I really mix it up a lot, although I do associate certain classes with genders (not strictly, but a little). I prefer femme paladins and bards, and gender-neutral with rangers/thieves, and bias toward male for fighters (straight). I don't play mages in BG, but would probably lean toward femme there.
Agreed on the voice sets, but it seems too complicated to add more, so I don't bother. The femme ones are a little better than the male, but I'm not overly fond of either.
Giving the choice? Hermaphrodite, floating, tentacle monster!
Otherwise it varies with which class type I play: generally I choose muscular females for melee characters and squishy males for casters. Or something in between.
Just like with tabletop roleplaying games, I tend to play Baldur's Gate as either gender in about equal amounts. If you can roleplay as an elf or a wizard, then I don't see why you shouldn't be able to roleplay as a person of the opposite gender.
I play most RPGs with a choice as female, but I'm playing through BGEE as male first (mainly so that for my other playthrough as female I can also see the f/f romance they mentioned adding at some point).
I play both - sometimes in the same game (multi-solo) I don't really have a preference for one or the other - my choice is usually related to the character concept and/or party concept I am looking for.
I'm a female and I have played my first games as a female, but now I like to switch between the two, also because I want to try all the romances. I played my first BGEE game with a male character.
Both. This goes for pretty much all games that give you the option. My female chars are usually pragmatic/realist/anarchist/cynical (sometimes bordering on evil) casters or rogues, and male chars are Clint Eastwoodesque "nameless mercenary with a conscience" heavy armor melee type guys.
With a female PC I want to get to admire her ability to get through all sorts of adversity. I particularly like the no-nonsense type of female adventurer. One of the voice sets in BGEE goes well with that type of strong female character and adds to the enjoyment of the game.
Yet, being able to choose either gender broadens the overall experience of the game substantially. It's as if the game is stereophonic instead of mono and has a different feel each time out..
Agreed on the voice sets, but it seems too complicated to add more, so I don't bother. The femme ones are a little better than the male, but I'm not overly fond of either.
Otherwise it varies with which class type I play: generally I choose muscular females for melee characters and squishy males for casters. Or something in between.
I played my first BGEE game with a male character.
But Will Play a Human Female if I am doing Romance playthrough
With Dorn, Anomen or Rasaad