Baldur's Gate Reloaded = BG1+TotSC ->NWN2 conversion

After six years of hard work, it's finally here. I have so much respect for the BGR project team for pulling through and finishing this instead of abandoning it like so many others would have. They're my new favorite modders now.
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Also, for multiclassing your companions without being restricted to one class (To make Ajantis a Paladin/Divine Champion/Annointed Knight, for example), do this:
-Open the NWN2 Toolset (NWN2ToolsetLauncher.exe)
-Click on Plugins at the top -> Campaign Editor
-Select BGR
-In the box at the right, Under 'Behavior', click 'AllowUnrestrictedLevelUp' and change it to 'True.'
-Click 'Save Campaign' above the box, and you're finished.

Get it here:
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Talk about it with other players here:
Also, for multiclassing your companions without being restricted to one class (To make Ajantis a Paladin/Divine Champion/Annointed Knight, for example), do this:
-Open the NWN2 Toolset (NWN2ToolsetLauncher.exe)
-Click on Plugins at the top -> Campaign Editor
-Select BGR
-In the box at the right, Under 'Behavior', click 'AllowUnrestrictedLevelUp' and change it to 'True.'
-Click 'Save Campaign' above the box, and you're finished.
Post edited by Flashburn on
Since the xp in the original resulted in differing max levels depending on your class - I naturally assume as it's NWNs the level cap will be be the same for all classes, so what is max level for all classes? Ten (since that was the highest level one could accomplish in BG as a Thief, Bard & Druid)?
Also, how do the stats & class combinations match up compaired their inital BG counterparts? Characters such as Tiax (Cleric/Thief), Jaheria (Fighter/Druid), Coran (Fighter/Thief) etc combine two classes that aren't favoured classes for their race. How is this addressed? Regarding the stats, are they same as they were (str,dex,con etc)? I ask because it doesn't bode well for NPCs such as Xan.
Will mods work with Baldur's Gate Reloaded? I think the only one I have installed is additional classes (Enlighten spirit, Blood Magnus & Palemaster - closser to PnP counterpart). Or will I have to uninstall them?
& last but not least, items. Certain items such as the gauntlets of dex took scores to a set value. Will this remain the same or will they instead add a flat + to the stat?
Sorry to bombard you, it looks like you've done a fantastic job. I can't wait to play it!
-From what Mr. Rechner has said, there's no XP cap. Also I didn't make this, I'm just letting everyone here know about BG:R.
-I have no idea about the multiclassing thing. Montaron is a rogue/fighter but Jaheria is limited to just being a regular druid. I assume it will let me choose whatever classes I want when Monty levels up to 3 since I just started playing. To keep from getting an XP penalty, I'd suggest keeping base classes only 1 level apart from each other.
-Character stats seem to be legal in the point-buy system of NWN but they've tried to remain true to their original stats. Imoen doesn't have 18 DEX but she does have 16 INT. Likewise Jaheria has 14's across the board except in INT since getting 17 CON and remaining true to everything else is hard in the point-buy system.
-Kaedrin's PrC pack and a bunch of other stuff is being utilized so it would be better to clear out your override folders in your My Documents and Program Files versions of NWN2's override folders.
-Can't say about the magic items either; I just started. One thing I've noticed is that items that are hidden in pixel-hunty hidey-holes like the Ring of Wizardry and the diamond on the way to the FAI aren't there.
I thought that might be the case with NPCs like Jaheria, hopefully we can pick what we'd like to advance characters in. I already have some exciting ideas for NPCs like Kagain (Fighter/Wizard/Eldritch Knight/Palemaster).
The rest will be surprises along the way.
I would LOVE to see some let's plays on youtube! Anyone willing to do some? If nothing, this is great inspiration to play BG:EE for a hundred times more. ^^
Obsidian Entertainment
So, um, this is pretty darn cool. And he used Neverwinter Nights 2 to do it!
Unfortunately, that mod is still very much unfinished, and given how long such projects take it may never be... but who knows!
Not that I've downloaded the IWD Remake yet, I spent all of last night downloading Baldur's Gate Reloaded. Tonight I'll find out if I can get it to work.
Anyone thinking about their BGR PC/s & party combinations yet?
The amazing team of modders behind this mind-blowing 7-year project made it available completely FREE for everyone to enjoy. All you need to relive (or experience for the first time) the classic RPG epic in amazing 3D is a complete edition of Neverwinter Nights