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[Mod] Wild Sorcerer Kit

AlexmblsAlexmbls Member Posts: 22
This a simple sorcerers kit for big fans of wild magic ... :)

WILD SORCERER: Wild magic is a new type of magic that is characterized by powerful and dangerous surges of unpredictable magic. Generally considered to be an unfortunate byproduct of the Time of Troubles, wild magic has recently begun to attract the attention of many a curious or scholarly wizard.

Wild Sorcerers specialize in the study of wild magic. They have access to spells to protect themselves from wild magic and bend it to their wills. Wild magic is extremely unpredictable and should be used with caution.

- May cast one additional spell per level than a regular Sorcerer.
- May cast the 1st-level spell Nahal's Reckless Dweomer (already learned for free).
- May cast the 2nd-level spell Chaos Shield (already learned for free).
- May cast the 7th-level spell Improved Chaos Shield (already learned for free).
- Hit Dice: d4

- Upon casting a spell, there is a 5% chance of incurring a Wild Surge.

WILD SURGE: A Wild Surge generates a completely random magical effect from the spell being cast. Its effects may be either beneficial or detrimental to the Wild Sorcerers and they allies.

- Casting level varies slightly whenever they casts a spell-anywhere between five levels lower and five levels higher than the Wild Sorcerer's true level.



  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    Is it possible to give this kit to Neera, it would fit here story more than the normal wild mage, I think.
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    I agree, Neera seems like a Wild Sorcerer to me as well. :)
  • AlexmblsAlexmbls Member Posts: 22
    Ehh, upload v1.01
    1. Now Neera level 1 - Wild Sorcerer.
    2. Fix Neera staf - now really fire damage...
  • PhyraxPhyrax Member Posts: 198
    While we're at it: no sorcerer that is right in their mind would choose Color Spray (I certainly hope so!), could you change Neera's spell choice to something more useful (such as Chromatic Orb or PfP or PfE)?
  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    Thanks for this :)
  • AlexmblsAlexmbls Member Posts: 22
    Neera's spell choice may be changed...
    I need advice: select any two from Armor, Burning Hands, Chromatic Orb, Color Spray, Identify, Magic Missile, Sleep...
  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 486
    Great work!

    For Neera I'd give Chromatic Orb. It has nice randomness to it that fits for wild sorc/mage. It also remains useful through out the trilogy, if for nothing else then for killing trolls (acid dmg).

    I'd given the kit a small bonus in addition to wild mage stuff. The benefits aren't as great as they are for normal mage. 5->6 spells per day is a better upgrade than 6->7 . Additionally, being able to cast any spell from your tiny spell book, which you can already do if you have even a single spell slot left on that level and this benefit is further eroded by the 1 additional spell per day bonus. Perhaps 5% magic resistance as an added flavor to "counter" the 5% wild surge chance?
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    To be honest, I don't think it really needs a buff. 7 spells a day is incredible and not being quite as epic as a Wild Mage only means it's not quite as epic as what is arguably the most powerful caster in the game.

    I recommend Chromatic Orb and Color Spray for Neera, both seem to fit her.
  • AlexmblsAlexmbls Member Posts: 22
    So 1st level spell must be Chromatic Orb and Color Spray?
    And for high level Neera (4 and 6) need choice 2 more 1st level spell...

    What about spell choice from levels 2 (Agannazar's Scorcher, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Stinking Cloud) and 3 (Dispel Magic, Fireball, Hold Person, Melf's Minute Meteors, Protection From Fire)?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2013
    Considering her backstory given on the BGEE website (she set fire to the forest with a spell that got out of control), I'd say Burning Hands for level 1.

    I'd done this kind of mod informally to Neera by changing her class to sorcerer while keeping the Wild Mage Kit using EEKeeper. It worked, but I found the utility of Nahal's Reckless Dweomer to be greatly reduced for a Wild Sorcerer. Since a sorcerer can already cast any spell they know, the only purpose of NRD is to cast a spell of a level you've exhausted your castings per day (except 1). NRD might have some utility for a high-level Wild Sorcerer (Ring of Wizardry + NRD = over a dozen attempts at high level spells), but at low levels its pointless.

  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 486
    edited June 2013
    This is what I'd pick:
    1: Chromatic Orb, Burning Hands
    4: Chromatic Orb, Burning Hands, Identify, Mirror image
    6: Chromatic Orb, Burning Hands, Identify, Magic Missile, Mirror image, Invisibility, Fireball

    @Tome You will probably lose more spells than you gain by being a wild sorcerer because of wild surges. The benefits of wild magic are simply a lot worse for sorcerer. Of course for role playing purposes this kit is perfect. Still, I think minor buffs to make the kit worth while for other purposes than role playing and having fun with wild magic wouldn't hurt. Magic resistance seems fairly natural benefit of studying/using wild magic and having innate magic abilities. 5%-10% wouldn't significantly alter the game balance either.

    "Experts in the use of wild magic, chaos sorcerers derive their power from the terrible and wondrous forces of the planes of power and Elemental Chaos. Extremely impressive founts of power, chaos sorcerers are often extremely dextrous as well, using their agility and strong reflexes to slip out of the way of their own, often unpredictable, spells. Though their magic can be dangerous uncontrolled, chaos sorcerers gain a number of important benefits, such as resistance to all forms of magical energy, though on an unreliable and ever-changing basis."
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2013
    Here's an idea for the wild sorcerer: A replacement for Nahal's Reckless Dweomer (NRD) - There are 9 Wild Dweomers, one for each spell level. Each allows the wild sorcerer to cast any Wizard spell of that particular level (with some exceptions). Like NRD, casting a wild dweomer automatically causes a wild surge with the same caster level bonus. I'm working up the level 1 version and will be happy to share it after I test it. Currently calling it "Wild Dweomer 1" until I think of something better.

    Along the lines of @Bercon's idea, I was also thinking of save bonuses vs. Spells, Petrification/Polymorph, and Death. Say +1 vs Spells at 1st and 13th level, +1 vs. Petrification/Polymorph at 5th and 17th level, +1 vs. Death at 9th and 21st level?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Alexmbls - What "activates" the wild surge chance in the Wild Sorcerer kit? Is it setting the unusuable flag to be that of the Wild Mage kit? I never knew that flag controlled more than which items a class/kit could use.
  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 486
    I believe it is the kit flag. You can try it out by taking a saved game with normal sorcerer and using eekeeper to set the kit to Wild Mage, it should work.
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    I like this kit idea. Sure, it's horribly overpowered, but that can be fun sometimes.

    My suggestions:

    - Don't give them Nahal's Reckless Dweomer. It's a great spell for Wizards, but not really relevant for Sorcerers, and it combines a bit too well with Evermemory.

    - Don't give them Chaos Shield as a spell, give it as an Innate ability, starting with 1/day, with additional uses at 5th and 10th, and then Improved Chaos Shield 1/day per 5 levels starting at level 15. This means they have to ration their Chaos Shield uses and can't use the standard Wild Mage sequencer tricks. That's fine, being a Sorcerer is a better trick anyway!

    Regarding Neera, I'd build her according to the general Sorcerer strategy, which is Flexibility at Every Spell Level. This means every spell level has:
    - An attack spell
    - A debuff spell
    - A buff or utility spell

    Because a Wild Surge can potentially do horrible things to any spell's targets, for Neera I'd focus on party-friendly spells with many targets. Area debuffs like Slow and Horror are perfect.

    For her spell list, I'd recommend:

    1: Chromatic Orb, Charm Person
    4: Chromatic Orb, Charm Person, Color Spray, Glitterdust
    6: Chromatic Orb, Charm Person, Color Spray, Spook, Acid Arrow, Glitterdust, Fireball or Slow

    Why these spells:
    Chromatic Orb: hilariously random attack spell, it's perfect.
    Charm Person: this is how Neera gets through life.
    Glitterdust: excellent party-friendly area debuff, which remains good throughout the game. Also: "Ooo, pretty sparkles!" yeah, that's my Neera.
    Spook: single-target debuff.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Bercon - I'd done what you suggest previously, and it worked. I just didn't know how to make the wild surges apply to a real Sorcerer kit (as opposed to applying the mage kit to a sorcerer), since there was no "AP_*" ability to turn on wild surges in the Class Ability file for Wild Mages. I figured it was much more complicated to do than it is.

    @Nifft - I like that idea! Instead of having two innate Chaos Shield abilities, I took Chaos Shield and tweaked it. The Wild Surge stat boost starts at 5% and increases 5% every 5th level to a maximum of 25% at level 20. The duration is now fixed at 1 turn (60 seconds).

    For comparision, Chaos Shield (the 2nd level spell) is a fixed 15% boost with a duration of 5 rounds + 1 turn for every 5 levels (up to 45 rounds at level 20). Improved Chaos Shield (7th level spell) is a fixed 25% stat boost for 10 turns (600 seconds) - note that the description says 2 turns, but the duration is 600 in the spell file.

    I'd recommend that the Wild Sorcerer get the ability once per day at level 1 with additional uses every 10 levels (2/day at 10th, 3/day at 20th, etc..).

    I've attached a file with the innate Chaos Shield ability and revised Chaos Shield and Improved Chaos Shield spell files that exclude stacking with the innate Chaos Shield.
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    @AstroBryGuy - Very cool, that is a better idea.

    Though I'll ask if the Improved shield duration is a bug... if it's NOT a bug, then I think the Sorcerer's shield should last that long too, especially since they can't put it in a Sequencer like the regular Wild Mage.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2013
    @Nifft - Thanks!

    About the duration - I went with the spell descriptions being correct. So I figured that 25% wild surge boost for 45 rounds (i.e., the 7th level effect with the maximum duration of 2nd level Chaos Shield) would be OP.

    Since its an innate ability that doesn't burn spell slots, I was trying to limit its power relative to the spells. At low level it has about the same duration (a sorcerer casting Chaos Shield as a second level spell would be at least 4th level so it would have a duration of 5 rounds or 15 rounds), but with less effect (5-10% boost vs. 15%). At high level, it has the same effect (maxing at 25%) but less duration (10 rounds vs. 20 rounds).

    If the description of Improved Chaos Shield is incorrect and it should be 10 turns, I'd be happy to tweak the duration. Perhaps starting at 1 turn and increasing by 1 turn every 5 levels to a maximum duration of 5 turns?
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    @AstroBryGuy - being an Innate actually makes it weaker, since it can't be stuck in Sequencers, nor can it be spammed by Sorcerers (who have the most spell-slots in the adventuring world). Also, losing access to Nahal's means there's no OFFENSIVE use for the Shield*, so it's weaker by that metric as well. In that light I don't think the 600 second duration would be overpowered, but it's a bit of a balancing act.

    *) Offensive Shield use = cast Shield and then use Sequencers or Alacrity to drop as many Nahal's Horrid Wilting spells on your foes as you can. Great for the base Wild Mage, not much use for a Sorcerer, since a Sorcerer can spam by his very nature.
  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    Would it be possible to have one additional use of shield at level 5 (1, 5, 10, 20 ->)?
    Two uses / day up to level 20 feels very low imo.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2013
    @Nifft - Very good points. I'll make the duration scale up from 1 turn at level 1 to 5 turns at level 20. I also started the boost at 10% at level 1 (5% just seemed too low to be useful). It increases by 5% every 5th level, maxing out at 25%.

    @Freche - That works. How about: 1st, 5th, 10th, 20th, 30th? (EDIT: 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th - the last if you've removed the XP caps in ToB.)

    I've created the 1st-level Wild Dweomer, but I'm thinking that idea is *way* OP. With innate Chaos Shield, a high level Wild Sorcerer has a ~50% chance to cast *any* Wizard spell. I was thinking of re-tooling them as HLAs. A Wild Sorcerer could get access to each of the 9 Wild Dweomers using HLA slots. Also, they'd have to start with the Wild Dweomer for 1st level spells, then 2nd, etc..

    If you want to see the first Wild Dweomer in action, I've attached it to this message. When you cast it, it will give you a selection to cast nearly any 1st level Wizard spell (except Nahal's Reckless Dweomer and Identify). Of course, it also unleashes a Wild Surge. I haven't written a WEIDU installer yet, but I have the .tp2 file from DLTCEP with the spell description.
    Post edited by AstroBryGuy on
  • AlexmblsAlexmbls Member Posts: 22

    @Alexmbls - What "activates" the wild surge chance in the Wild Sorcerer kit? Is it setting the unusuable flag to be that of the Wild Mage kit? I never knew that flag controlled more than which items a class/kit could use.

    Yes, this setting the unusuable flag of the Wild Mage kit... no more changes need.... no AP_**** in CLAB file...
  • PhyraxPhyrax Member Posts: 198
    @AstroBryGuy: using the thesaurus:

    Level 1: Nahal's Reckless Dweomer
    Level 2: Nahal's Incautious Dweomer
    Level 3: Nahal's Impulsive Dweomer
    Level 4: Nahal's Thoughtless Dweomer
    Level 5: Nahal's Mindless Dweomer
    Level 6: Nahal's Impetous Dweomer
    Level 7: Nahal's Hasty Dweomer
    Level 8: Nahal's Foolhardy Dweomer
    Level 9: Nahal's Careless Dweomer
  • PepBGIIPepBGII Member Posts: 2
    Would this kit work on non-BGEE? I mean tutu or BGT?
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,069
    @Alexmbls - I'm working on designing an NPC kit overhaul mod that gives each NPC a kit more befitting of their background. I was wondering if you would allow me to use your Wild Sorcerer kit for Neera, as it makes far more sense given her story.

    (The mod page for my mod is
  • devicemdevicem Member Posts: 15
    Do you need to start a new game for the kit to take effect on Neera? Because, from loading a save it just doesn't work...
  • xenophonxenophon Member Posts: 17
    Is this updated with the new 1.2 patch?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited November 2013
    devicem said:

    Do you need to start a new game for the kit to take effect on Neera? Because, from loading a save it just doesn't work...

    If you've already met Neera, then yes. Once you enter a map with an NPC, their .cre file is copied to your save game. So, overriding the base .cre won't affect the copy in your save game.
    xenophon said:

    Is this updated with the new 1.2 patch?

    The 1.2 patch added new .2da files which means that kit mods will need to be updated.

  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    Any chance seeing this updated for current version ?
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    or for 1.3 version?
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