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  • GodKaiserHellGodKaiserHell Member Posts: 398
    Dee said:

    Rest assured that any language that had fully voiced language support in the original game will (eventually) have it in the Enhanced Edition.

    Are you sure about this?
  • LateralusLateralus Member Posts: 903
    I would like to know if caviliers will be immune to cloudkill, and i want the +1 to con removed from half orcs, str is enough
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Lateralus said:

    I would like to know if caviliers will be immune to cloudkill, and i want the +1 to con removed from half orcs, str is enough

    You can make feature requests in the Feature Requests forum; everything that gets posted there at least receives a cursory look from us.
  • Wikkid_SuhnWikkid_Suhn Member Posts: 136
    I expected the stream of Dave Gross short stories and Nat Jones art to continue past the official release of the game. Are there any plans of continuing these truly unique-to-BGEE projects? What are those two doing anyway? Are they still part of the BGEE team?
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Will half-orcs finally get their rightfully 60-foot infravision ability as written in AD&D's The Complete Book of Humanoids and AD&D's Player's Option: Skills & Powers?
  • NeoDragonNeoDragon Member Posts: 169
    Thanks for the answer regarding the voices. That really helps. But what are your plans for languages with already recorded voices for the new content (like german) ? Do you plan to wait with the release until a specific number of language have the "new" voices (so you can release them all at once) ? Or is the implementation too complex to do it now and you want to wait until more ressouces are free ?
  • Syntia13Syntia13 Member Posts: 514
    Dee said:

    Will my dream of playing a Polish translation ever come true?
    The short answer is yes. As noted in my answer regarding the translation teams, it depends on how quickly our translators work--and we try to let them take breaks every once in a while, or the monkey starts to stare at us funny...

    Oh, I know translating takes time (boy, do I know it), and I have no doubt it will get done eventually. Thank you for answering, but what I'm actually curious about is whether or not we'll be able to switch between different language versions without reinstalling the game, so that a player who prefers the original version (me) and the player who only speaks Polish (my niece) can play the same game on the same computer without going through the hoops every time.

  • dementeddemented Member Posts: 388
    @Dee Do I take your non-answer to my question as a no?

  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Will familiars will be returned to their 'original strength' (i.e., 24 h.p., better abilities) in BG2 EE? If so, will PCs' familiars automatically be 'upgraded' or will they have to cast the spell again?

    (I asked a similar question elsewhere before noticing this thread.)
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Also, will avengers' shape change forms (sword spider, etc.) be returned to their 'original strength' in BG2 EE?
  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    Syntia13 said:

    ... what I'm actually curious about is whether or not we'll be able to switch between different language versions without reinstalling the game, so that a player who prefers the original version (me) and the player who only speaks Polish (my niece) can play the same game on the same computer without going through the hoops every time.

    This is already the case today. You do have to close the game and re-open it, but you can switch between languages at will.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    We're hesitant to answer questions about plot points in BG2--partly because we don't want new players to have the story spoiled for them just for reading the FAQ.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    Dee said:

    Rest assured that any language that had fully voiced language support in the original game will (eventually) have it in the Enhanced Edition.

    Are you sure about this?
    I may have been slightly misinformed about that, actually. I'll need to re-check that information.
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667

    I expected the stream of Dave Gross short stories and Nat Jones art to continue past the official release of the game. Are there any plans of continuing these truly unique-to-BGEE projects? What are those two doing anyway? Are they still part of the BGEE team?

    Nat is still here but we can't show you anything that he's been working on yet. Dave has moved on to a load of other projects. You can check out his twitter and blog to get a sense of what he's been up to.
  • DKnightDKnight Member Posts: 307
    Is the max lvl for ALL classes 10 or will fighters just get to 8?
  • dementeddemented Member Posts: 388
    Dee said:

    We're hesitant to answer questions about plot points in BG2--partly because we don't want new players to have the story spoiled for them just for reading the FAQ.

    That's understandable but this section does come with a spoiler warning. Nevertheless, I'm going to take your post as a yes to my question, become over excited and then spread the forum with hate when I'm disappointed.
  • guciomirguciomir Member Posts: 13
    Dee, did you see my questions on 1st page?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    edited June 2013
    I can't give any details about Adventure Y, since so many of those details are still being written, and I don't want to give away anything that might limit people's enjoyment of the piece when it does come out.

    With regard to BG1NPCs, we don't currently have any plans yet for implementing any of it. We may take a look later on, but it's fairly unlikely that it will ever be implemented.

    It's certainly possible to add kits to existing NPCs, but like anything else that's something that has to be considered very carefully beforehand.
    Post edited by Dee on
  • srvksrvk Member Posts: 65
    Can you improve the artificial intelligence of enemies? Like when you fight a group of enemies you will not be able to exploit the fog of war trick and lure them one by one but rather they will fight together as a group.

    Also is a bug regarding character interaction being addressed? I'm referring to the one where for example Candlekeep guards don't protect you from Skank and Carbos etc. Please take a look at my previous post where I discuss this bug more extensively
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    One of the initial selling points of the EE was that it was "mod-friendly"; thus far, this hasn't proven to be the case, as not only are the vast majority of BG1 mods incompatible with the EE but the few that work are reset with each update.

    Is anything being done to ensure that mods like Ascension and BG2 Unfinished Business will be compatible with BG2:EE at (or around) launch?
  • georgelappiesgeorgelappies Member Posts: 179

    Thanks for having this section. It really makes a difference to the community if we can see that the devs really are involved with the players by answering questions and such as in this thread.

    I would just like to know when will we be getting our native Linux version of the game please.
  • guciomirguciomir Member Posts: 13
    Would you consider making a contest, where fans provide ideas for NPCs (quite detailed summary who NPC is, what background he/she has, details about personality, some banters maybe, quests description)? Then you pick up a winner and make such NPC a small DLC expansion?
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Okay, some technical questions on importing to BG2:EE:

    1. If my PC is a mage with a familiar in his inventory when the Final Save is made, will that familiar still be there in Irenicus' dungeon? If not, does losing it count as "killing" the familiar (thus getting hit by the CON penalty)?

    2. Do any of the new BG:EE items transfer over (ie: Kazgaroth's Claw, Gold Pantaloons, etc.)?

    3. Do stat points granted by tomes to "returning" NPCs like Dorn, Jaheira or Edwin carry over to BG2:EE, or is it just the PC?
  • AlcopopStarAlcopopStar Member Posts: 28
    Any news on potential queer romance options? we live in the 21st century dammit and I want my gays!
  • RadhamanthysRadhamanthys Member Posts: 106
    @AlcopopStar You can look out for a half-orc in BG:EE.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239

    Any news on potential queer romance options? we live in the 21st century dammit and I want my gays!

    A follow-up, if I may: Dorn's romance was a bit underdeveloped in comparison to Neera's (who kisses you) and Rasaad's (who at least acknowledges that something's happening between him and the PC). Does it get any more substantial in BG2:EE? Is there any marked difference in his romance track whether your PC is male or female?
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    edited June 2013
    It was stated some while ago that the 'romances' in BG:EE aren't so much romances as flirtations that would blossom into something more serious in BG2. So yes, you will get your naughty moments with our favorite half orc.

    I imagine this is because if you have a full fledged romance in BG1, there's hardly anything to escalate to in BG2.

    A question from me; How has BG:EE sold so far? According to expectations? Exceeding expectations? Beyond your wildest dreams? I imagine the Steam outlet has, however unannounced it was, gathered some extra sales (with less profit for Beamdog I imagine). Without going into hard numbers, are the Masters pleased?
  • AlcopopStarAlcopopStar Member Posts: 28
    edited June 2013

    I thought I saw it in the steam top 10 a while back so I imagine pretty well.

    (not to mention that this is a surprisingly active forum, always a good sign)
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    Can we get a Portable Hole to place within the Bag of Holding or the other way around?
This discussion has been closed.