@Medillen - Chalenge accepted! In the next 24 hours, I aim to 100% complete Baldur's Gate 1. I'll start this evening, will take a break till tomorrow noon (for me, the counter will finish at 9 PM) since I have to study in the morning! I will post proof pics as I go around the place. I am not sure if I'll succeed, but I'll most definitely try! XD
100% ? No kidding ? That's close to impossible methinks, with all auxiliary quests... At most, finishing the core is sufficient and will still take some times ^^
@Medillen : I did a BG walkthrough youtube series. I might not have completed the game 100%, but I was around 95%. 16 hours with my countless rants during videos :P
I am actually a fast player. I've noticed that in Dragon Age Origins. While normal players finished the game in around 150 hours, I did it in 30 XD
As I accepted the challenge, I conclude my first gaming session of the 24 hours of Baldur's Gate with something I'd grade A+
I started off with a simple stat roll. Looted Candlekeep's inn for good, bought a composite long bow, long sword, some arrows and a helm and headed out (one the way stole Firebead's scroll of identify)
- Killed Shoal (5000XP) - LVL2/2 - Rescued Melicamp (2000XP) - Talked to Marl (900XP) - Bought book to Firebead (300XP) - Killed Spiders (1080XP) - LVL3/3 (through various kills on the way of course)
That gave me an initial boost. Completed various quests in Beregost. Silke, Karlath, Perdue, halfling and his boots. Bought plate mail armor at Smithy and took Garrick with me who helped me a great deal in stealing Algernon's cloak and Drizzt's Scimitar +3 Through a scroll of protection of petrification, I was ready to take a step against the basilisks.
- Basilisks and Mutamin (22000XP) - LVL 4/4
On my way back, killed wolf pack close to Temple (5000XP+) - LVL 5/5
Eventually, was strong enough to deal with Basiluss and the three hobgoblin bandits south of High Hedge which all together yielded around 3000 XP and 8000 gold, enough for me to buy Skull Trap and other neat spells.
Session ended :
I daresay that's not bad for a one hour run, right? :P If only I didn't have an exam next monday. I really fear I won't have enough time to complete the game.
@ajwz : That's one of the reasons I joined these fantastic forums - give some hints, inspire if possible, and learn a lot myself
At any rate, I concluded the second session of my "24" hours of Baldur's Gate (it'll end up being more like the 4 hours in the end I fear XD ) with an increasing intensity.
I began as I left yesterday, but I'll show my inventory screen anyway :
Quite simplistic really. Was running a bit low of arrows, but I would have compensated soon enough. At any rate, I set off to clear the southern west coast today (mostly because the northern one is inaccessible).
Went through Drizzt's area and cleared it up completely (killed Bandit trio and all Half-ogres) and westwise to the excavation area (which of course includes Brage)
- Helped Brage and returned him to Nashkel (Chapter 2) - Bought arrows at the local store - Killed Cleric, talked to Noober - Took Ankheg armor
I then went south, which is actually a tricky but awesome area. Since I was a mage, I was able to memorize the Chromatic orb and Cloudkill spells gained in this area.
- Helped Albert find Ruffie (1000XP) - Killed Vex and Zal (1000XP + nice bracelets for superior bow (ab)use) - Killed Amnish guys (not sure how much XP. Around 2000?)
The latter gave me some trouble, but Algernon's cloak helped me in conjunction with a horror spell. Gained around 70 arrows +1 from that encounter. Moved westwards, where I helped the Dryad, found a dead cat and looted a cave for a Halberd +1. Not plenty, but overall around 1000XP worth of action. Finally hit the Gnoll Stronghold though :
- Looted Caves (Tome of Charisma) - Killed the two ogrillions at the bridge (no specific gains for me) - Cleared the Stronghold
Overall, no big gains here except the Tome. Easy area really. The biggest threat being the Carrion Crawler in the caves. Moved on northwards, where I :
- Helped a Nobleman with his Mountain Bear troubles (1000XP more or less) - Helped a knight kill gibberlings (waste of time really) - Killed an ogre at the campfire, killed several more on top of a bridge and finally killed the bandits on the eastern side of the area (no idea how much XP, but surprisingly the latest encounter gave me the most trouble)
Time to move on, to the Xvart village. Easy one, with the two most worth things being the two cave bears worth 1300 XP. After this area, I just moved to High Hedge to trade. Gained around 10,000 gold coins from it. Bought Acid Arrows and went to the lighthouse area :
- Drank potion of Clarity from Candlekeep for immunity to charm - Killed Sirines : Tactics used is "one at a time". Acid arrows ripped them apart (12000 XP) - With arrows of Biting, cleared up cave with Golems with insane ease (if you poison them, they won't be able to move) (6000XP) - Cleared up ruined village/lighthouse of the wolves.
Onwards to Shoal's area again :
- Killed 3 sirines (biting arrows tear any spellcaster apart - 6000XP) LVL6/6 - Helped Wertle Woo guy - Killed the pack of ogres.
It was time to move back to High Hedge, identify tomes and use them. Final verdict :
Not bad for 1 hour and 5 minutes right? :P
Edit : forgot to mention that there is ONE thing to do still on the south-west coast : killing the Doomsayer
Swords of the Lady One order of fanatic Selûnites is known as the Swords of the Lady, who are often referred to colloquially as the "Lunatics." Its members are led by a few Selûnite crusaders who tend to act rapidly in response to threats from Shar and her priesthood, although their behaviour is often viewed as bizarre by the public at large[who?].
Oracles of the Moon The Oracles of the Moon is a group of female diviners who worship the Night White Lady. They perform fortune-telling rituals and are some of the highest bards and priests in the faith.
Pact of the New Moon Consists solely of lycanthropes sworn to Selûne, carrying out the most secretive and violent aspects of Selûne's work. Selûne grants these lycanthropes abilities other lycanthropes lack, such as an ability to speak in wolf form, also allowing her followers to invoke prayers and cast spells, rapid shapeshifting and increased strength. Was once declared heretical and anathema for espousing the Heresy of the New Moon but was renewed by Selûne's direct order in a vision to one of her lycanthrope priestesses.
Since our boy is a Male so we can forfeit the 2nd order ( unless he have the girdle of gender )
either way, this NPC is either murderous lycanthrope or a lunatic. which one he is???
@g314 - Either Fighter/Mage or Fighter/Thief for good solo speedruns Personally I prefer a good Cleric/Thief run though, challenging, but not good for fast paced gaming :P
At any rate, had a near-two hours session now (for a total of 4 as it is)
As I left of, the situation was this :
Southwestern Coast being cleared up except for Doomsayer (which admittedly I'll keep away from until I hit Baldur's Gate)
Time was nigh to complete the Eastern part of the map. With the exception of Ulgoth's beard and Durlag's Tower of course.
Started off immediatelly by departing to the Nashkel mines. In the areas I :
- Killed Greywolf - Saved the poor mage - Took the wand of frost - Returned a dagger - Kept myself safe with mirror images
It was a speedrun all the way through the mines really. Nothing challenging. Mulahey himself was easy as pie. Two Skull traps to kill off all his allies, a few sword bashes to kill him off. --CHAPTER THREE--
Exiting the mines, I reached another potentially fun but hard area. Just north, a group of Amazon awaited me. No biggy really. Cast web, use bow. Trick is really simple, especially with arrows of biting. Later on, in the same area :
- Picked up potion of magic blocking from Amazons - Killed Mage + Mustard Jellies (5000+ XP) - Took a Dagger +2, Killed Revenant (3000 XP)
Moved on to simply reveal the area to the south, went to High Hedge, traded stuff, went back and north towards the Firewine bridge where I :
- Killed the "best" swordsman of the Sword Coast" - Killed the Ogre Magi Kakh...rh... something, whatever his name is, by using the magic blocking potion
(it is as easy as using that potion and arrows of biting. Poor guy doesn't stand a chance. SUPER LUCKY loot - Haste scroll)
- Cleared up firewine ruins thanks to the power of haste (truly, elf with 19 dexterity + bow + haste = death to all that moves) - Took exit to Gullykin - Killed group of mercenaries at Gullykin (Haste, mirror images, web, bow. DEATH!) - Went north to Basilsk area, and killed group of adventurers there (tactic as above)
I was literally surprised by the ease I had so far. Time for a change of pace though, Ulcaster!
- Killed Icharyd (sp?) dude, got his fancy helmet (975 XP) - Cleared Ulcaster ruins (no trouble at all. Around 5000 XP gained, +1000 from book quest)
Onwards to the area south
- Helped Arbelle the cow - Killed Bandit amateurs - Killed Half-Ogre bandits - Killed ogre party for completing lady-dwarf's quest - Looted cave with Ettercap
I went south to carnival then. Not a big deal, just took care of the summoned ogre and the evil mage. Went to Nashkel, killed Nimbul, went north of Beregost, killed ogre, south to Beregost, completed Half-Ogre hunt quest, took spider body, wine and boots, killed Tranzig, went down south east took Samuel, went to Friendly Arm inn for the first time, where I completed all related quests in a matter of 5 minutes.
There were four areas remaining -
Larswood :
- Killed druid Osmadi and later Corsone, - Cleared some bandits and black talon mercs
Central East-most area :
- Killed four Red Wizards of Thay (bashing them on the head, armorless with magic missiles works) - Killed spider group east of the Wizards' location (Worth over 5000XP!)
Peldvale :
- Rescued Viconia (didn't recruit her) - Killed group of bloodthirsty bandits which can normally recruit you.
Bandit Camp :
- Haste, Bow. Nothing more than that really - Killed Bandits - Killed Chills - Killed Taugosz Khoszan (sp?) - Killed gnolls - Killed leaders inside the tent (acid arrows FTW)
Now have new equipment : full plate mail, the best bow in the game, a ring of protection +1, ring of Wizardry. After that was done, went to High Hedge to trade, but most importantly, to buy Freedom potions. Cloakwood is next!
Question is now : I use the XP cap remover. I know some people consider this as cheating, so I will ask you people : should I level up above the XP cap, or should I just continue on with the current levels? (which are normally TotSC maximums?)
@odee : I actually slept from midnight till 10 AM! But I think that my lazy self made it impossible for me to complete this challenge in time. Still, I'm gonna try. Completed Cloakwood as I speak XD
Thanks for all the support! I might not make it though, especially if I do Tales too. But hey, it's supposed to be a 24 hours run, not a 10 one! XD
@odee : I actually do sleep quite often. It's like day 90 or something in-game
Anyway, need to take regular intervals of break. Otherwise I won't remember anything!
This was my setup before departing for Cloakwood, in which I accomplished the following :
- Helped Aldeth against the Druids - Killed the group of taslois with the cloak of non detection - Killed ALL spiders in Cloakwood 2, or better, the one that don't respawn - Killed Centeol, recovered dead body and returned it to the boy - Didn't lie to the druids : I despise the Iron Throne - Killed the wyvern trainer - Killed the Hamdryad (or was it named something else?) - Killed all the wyverns in their nest - Killed the group of goonies in front of the mines. BOOOTS OF SPEEEEEEED!!!
Then I had to go back to high hedge and sold the stuff I didn't need. ON TO THE MINES!
Not plenty to say here. It's just one straight line. Battles were easy thanks to magic missile/fireball/web. The biggest difficulty came from the Battle Horrors, but thanks to haste and mirror images I dispatched them nice and easy. ONWARD!
- Killed most ankhegs in the farm fields - Helped farmer Brun find his son - Helped priestess of Umberlee - Killed zombies in northern farm fields - Stole book of dexterity - Talked to Marek - Killed Marek and took possession of the book of wisdom (killed all priestesses of umberlee... oh well!!) - Returned the dead boy from the priestesses of umberlee, got a neat shield! - Fought the Maulers of Undermountain (twice for some reason) - Got the Helm of Balduran - Convinced Ragefast to free the Dryad - Killed Ramazith (and looted his tower) - Killed dopplegangers at the seven suns - Helped Aldeth... again - Killed the sewers ogre magi - Disintegrated the Iron Throne. 6 arrows of detonation... overpowered XD
Really, not plenty happened. Just experience after experience. Level 8/9 now and am in...
Candlekeep. As I said, with 3 hours to go, I doubt I'll make it in time. Depends on how fast I'll do Werewolf Island (20 minutes should be viable)
Man, it's like I'm watching myself getting old fast! I played this game for a good chunk of my teen years, but you're finishing it in barely two or three days. O.O
Man, it's like I'm watching myself getting old fast! I played this game for a good chunk of my teen years, but you're finishing it in barely two or three days. O.O
I'm doing my best to complete it as soon as possible and as much as possible! XD
Still, have some things to do. Here's my penultimate update :
I headed to Candlekeep where I rushed inside the library. Without too much thought, I just destroyed the leaders of the Iron Throne. Then I :
- Looted the catacombs for good (traps disabled thanks to mirror images) - Killed Sarevok's team in the caves - Cleared the caves of all monsters (spiders & basilisks)
Headed fast towards Baldur's Gate, talked to Tamoko twice, and got captured by Angelo. No biggie, the answer is always 33 XD
- Helped Eltan and saved him - Retrieved Sarevok's journal - Made my way to the Undercellar - Eliminated Slythe and Kristine (no biggie here : haste, draw upon holy might, mirror images)
Oooon to the Ducal Palace!
Same tactic as with Slythe and Kristine, only this one time around, arrows of biting. Poor Dopplies got obliterated in around 10 seconds XD Dukes got Sarevok's journal, he attacked, I retailed. Teleported to the thieves guild, it was time for the expansion!
And off to Ulgoth's beard where I :
- Bought Improved invisibilty - Helped Shangalar (or was it Shandalar? One's the lich of the Twisted Rune, that I know XD )
- Agreed to help Mendas, which I TOTALLY rushed (just killed the guy of the merchant league and took the sea charts) - Rushed most of the wolfy island. Did the flowers and dolly quests, as well as helped good man Dradeel.
It was a matter of time before I was back and killed the Loup Garous
Phew, that took not a lot of time!
Durlag's tower is next. If I had 2 hours of time to play the game, I'd say I'd totally be able to finish it. But be it as it is, I'll have to go to dinner... and that will probably make me fail the challenge XD
Durlag's tower is next. If I had 2 hours of time to play the game, I'd say I'd totally be able to finish it. But be it as it is, I'll have to go to dinner... and that will probably make me fail the challenge XD
@Cheesebelly If i recall right, the challenge was BG1 fast-run marathon, and not BG1/totsc Fast-run marathon, so you dont have to do Durlag's Tower
Cheesebelly: to my opinion, you've won the challenge if you complete BG1 without expansion before the timer expands, just like mch202 says, that's the challenge you accepted.
Will you do an update for us before the timer completes in half an hour?
I am actually a fast player. I've noticed that in Dragon Age Origins. While normal players finished the game in around 150 hours, I did it in 30 XD
@lordkim : Thanks!
The wait time is killing me!
What is BG:EE? BG:EE is a rerelease of the Baldur's Gate RPG series.
When can I get it? Summer 2012
How much will it cost? Anywhere from $3.00-$300.00 USD*
*plus shipping and handling
I started off with a simple stat roll. Looted Candlekeep's inn for good, bought a composite long bow, long sword, some arrows and a helm and headed out (one the way stole Firebead's scroll of identify)
- Killed Shoal (5000XP) - LVL2/2
- Rescued Melicamp (2000XP)
- Talked to Marl (900XP)
- Bought book to Firebead (300XP)
- Killed Spiders (1080XP) - LVL3/3 (through various kills on the way of course)
That gave me an initial boost. Completed various quests in Beregost. Silke, Karlath, Perdue, halfling and his boots. Bought plate mail armor at Smithy and took Garrick with me who helped me a great deal in stealing Algernon's cloak and Drizzt's Scimitar +3
Through a scroll of protection of petrification, I was ready to take a step against the basilisks.
- Basilisks and Mutamin (22000XP) - LVL 4/4
On my way back, killed wolf pack close to Temple (5000XP+) - LVL 5/5
Eventually, was strong enough to deal with Basiluss and the three hobgoblin bandits south of High Hedge which all together yielded around 3000 XP and 8000 gold, enough for me to buy Skull Trap and other neat spells.
Session ended :
I daresay that's not bad for a one hour run, right? :P
If only I didn't have an exam next monday. I really fear I won't have enough time to complete the game.
I loved reading that - gave me a few tips and tactics for my next solo run
At any rate, I concluded the second session of my "24" hours of Baldur's Gate (it'll end up being more like the 4 hours in the end I fear XD ) with an increasing intensity.
I began as I left yesterday, but I'll show my inventory screen anyway :
Quite simplistic really. Was running a bit low of arrows, but I would have compensated soon enough.
At any rate, I set off to clear the southern west coast today (mostly because the northern one is inaccessible).
Went through Drizzt's area and cleared it up completely (killed Bandit trio and all Half-ogres) and westwise to the excavation area (which of course includes Brage)
- Helped Brage and returned him to Nashkel (Chapter 2)
- Bought arrows at the local store
- Killed Cleric, talked to Noober
- Took Ankheg armor
I then went south, which is actually a tricky but awesome area. Since I was a mage, I was able to memorize the Chromatic orb and Cloudkill spells gained in this area.
- Helped Albert find Ruffie (1000XP)
- Killed Vex and Zal (1000XP + nice bracelets for superior bow (ab)use)
- Killed Amnish guys (not sure how much XP. Around 2000?)
The latter gave me some trouble, but Algernon's cloak helped me in conjunction with a horror spell. Gained around 70 arrows +1 from that encounter. Moved westwards, where I helped the Dryad, found a dead cat and looted a cave for a Halberd +1. Not plenty, but overall around 1000XP worth of action. Finally hit the Gnoll Stronghold though :
- Looted Caves (Tome of Charisma)
- Killed the two ogrillions at the bridge (no specific gains for me)
- Cleared the Stronghold
Overall, no big gains here except the Tome. Easy area really. The biggest threat being the Carrion Crawler in the caves. Moved on northwards, where I :
- Helped a Nobleman with his Mountain Bear troubles (1000XP more or less)
- Helped a knight kill gibberlings (waste of time really)
- Killed an ogre at the campfire, killed several more on top of a bridge and finally killed the bandits on the eastern side of the area (no idea how much XP, but surprisingly the latest encounter gave me the most trouble)
Time to move on, to the Xvart village. Easy one, with the two most worth things being the two cave bears worth 1300 XP. After this area, I just moved to High Hedge to trade. Gained around 10,000 gold coins from it. Bought Acid Arrows and went to the lighthouse area :
- Drank potion of Clarity from Candlekeep for immunity to charm
- Killed Sirines : Tactics used is "one at a time". Acid arrows ripped them apart (12000 XP)
- With arrows of Biting, cleared up cave with Golems with insane ease (if you poison them, they won't be able to move) (6000XP)
- Cleared up ruined village/lighthouse of the wolves.
Onwards to Shoal's area again :
- Killed 3 sirines (biting arrows tear any spellcaster apart - 6000XP) LVL6/6
- Helped Wertle Woo guy
- Killed the pack of ogres.
It was time to move back to High Hedge, identify tomes and use them. Final verdict :
Not bad for 1 hour and 5 minutes right? :P
Edit : forgot to mention that there is ONE thing to do still on the south-west coast : killing the Doomsayer
More please...
as for the Human Sun Soul monk, according to Wikipedia there are 3 orders to selune: Since our boy is a Male so we can forfeit the 2nd order ( unless he have the girdle of gender
either way, this NPC is either murderous lycanthrope or a lunatic. which one he is???
Cheers, man! Keep it up!
Personally I prefer a good Cleric/Thief run though, challenging, but not good for fast paced gaming :P
At any rate, had a near-two hours session now (for a total of 4 as it is)
As I left of, the situation was this :
Southwestern Coast being cleared up except for Doomsayer (which admittedly I'll keep away from until I hit Baldur's Gate)
Time was nigh to complete the Eastern part of the map. With the exception of Ulgoth's beard and Durlag's Tower of course.
Started off immediatelly by departing to the Nashkel mines. In the areas I :
- Killed Greywolf
- Saved the poor mage
- Took the wand of frost
- Returned a dagger
- Kept myself safe with mirror images
It was a speedrun all the way through the mines really. Nothing challenging. Mulahey himself was easy as pie. Two Skull traps to kill off all his allies, a few sword bashes to kill him off.
Exiting the mines, I reached another potentially fun but hard area. Just north, a group of Amazon awaited me. No biggy really. Cast web, use bow. Trick is really simple, especially with arrows of biting. Later on, in the same area :
- Picked up potion of magic blocking from Amazons
- Killed Mage + Mustard Jellies (5000+ XP)
- Took a Dagger +2, Killed Revenant (3000 XP)
Moved on to simply reveal the area to the south, went to High Hedge, traded stuff, went back and north towards the Firewine bridge where I :
- Killed the "best" swordsman of the Sword Coast"
- Killed the Ogre Magi Kakh...rh... something, whatever his name is, by using the magic blocking potion
(it is as easy as using that potion and arrows of biting. Poor guy doesn't stand a chance. SUPER LUCKY loot - Haste scroll)
- Cleared up firewine ruins thanks to the power of haste (truly, elf with 19 dexterity + bow + haste = death to all that moves)
- Took exit to Gullykin
- Killed group of mercenaries at Gullykin (Haste, mirror images, web, bow. DEATH!)
- Went north to Basilsk area, and killed group of adventurers there (tactic as above)
I was literally surprised by the ease I had so far. Time for a change of pace though, Ulcaster!
- Killed Icharyd (sp?) dude, got his fancy helmet (975 XP)
- Cleared Ulcaster ruins (no trouble at all. Around 5000 XP gained, +1000 from book quest)
Onwards to the area south
- Helped Arbelle the cow
- Killed Bandit amateurs
- Killed Half-Ogre bandits
- Killed ogre party for completing lady-dwarf's quest
- Looted cave with Ettercap
I went south to carnival then. Not a big deal, just took care of the summoned ogre and the evil mage. Went to Nashkel, killed Nimbul, went north of Beregost, killed ogre, south to Beregost, completed Half-Ogre hunt quest, took spider body, wine and boots, killed Tranzig, went down south east took Samuel, went to Friendly Arm inn for the first time, where I completed all related quests in a matter of 5 minutes.
There were four areas remaining -
Larswood :
- Killed druid Osmadi and later Corsone,
- Cleared some bandits and black talon mercs
Central East-most area :
- Killed four Red Wizards of Thay (bashing them on the head, armorless with magic missiles works)
- Killed spider group east of the Wizards' location (Worth over 5000XP!)
Peldvale :
- Rescued Viconia (didn't recruit her)
- Killed group of bloodthirsty bandits which can normally recruit you.
Bandit Camp :
- Haste, Bow. Nothing more than that really
- Killed Bandits
- Killed Chills
- Killed Taugosz Khoszan (sp?)
- Killed gnolls
- Killed leaders inside the tent (acid arrows FTW)
Now have new equipment : full plate mail, the best bow in the game, a ring of protection +1, ring of Wizardry. After that was done, went to High Hedge to trade, but most importantly, to buy Freedom potions. Cloakwood is next!
Question is now : I use the XP cap remover. I know some people consider this as cheating, so I will ask you people : should I level up above the XP cap, or should I just continue on with the current levels? (which are normally TotSC maximums?)
I am impressed , I wanna try speed run too .
Question : don't you ever sleep?
Turn xp cap off - especially if you plan a bg2 run too
Err I mean in game sleep
@odee : I actually do sleep quite often. It's like day 90 or something in-game
Anyway, need to take regular intervals of break. Otherwise I won't remember anything!
This was my setup before departing for Cloakwood, in which I accomplished the following :
- Helped Aldeth against the Druids
- Killed the group of taslois with the cloak of non detection
- Killed ALL spiders in Cloakwood 2, or better, the one that don't respawn
- Killed Centeol, recovered dead body and returned it to the boy
- Didn't lie to the druids : I despise the Iron Throne
- Killed the wyvern trainer
- Killed the Hamdryad (or was it named something else?)
- Killed all the wyverns in their nest
- Killed the group of goonies in front of the mines. BOOOTS OF SPEEEEEEED!!!
Then I had to go back to high hedge and sold the stuff I didn't need. ON TO THE MINES!
Not plenty to say here. It's just one straight line. Battles were easy thanks to magic missile/fireball/web. The biggest difficulty came from the Battle Horrors, but thanks to haste and mirror images I dispatched them nice and easy. ONWARD!
- Killed most ankhegs in the farm fields
- Helped farmer Brun find his son
- Helped priestess of Umberlee
- Killed zombies in northern farm fields
- Stole book of dexterity
- Talked to Marek
- Killed Marek and took possession of the book of wisdom (killed all priestesses of umberlee... oh well!!)
- Returned the dead boy from the priestesses of umberlee, got a neat shield!
- Fought the Maulers of Undermountain (twice for some reason)
- Got the Helm of Balduran
- Convinced Ragefast to free the Dryad
- Killed Ramazith (and looted his tower)
- Killed dopplegangers at the seven suns
- Helped Aldeth... again
- Killed the sewers ogre magi
- Disintegrated the Iron Throne. 6 arrows of detonation... overpowered XD
Really, not plenty happened. Just experience after experience. Level 8/9 now and am in...
Candlekeep. As I said, with 3 hours to go, I doubt I'll make it in time. Depends on how fast I'll do Werewolf Island (20 minutes should be viable)
Still, have some things to do. Here's my penultimate update :
I headed to Candlekeep where I rushed inside the library. Without too much thought, I just destroyed the leaders of the Iron Throne. Then I :
- Looted the catacombs for good (traps disabled thanks to mirror images)
- Killed Sarevok's team in the caves
- Cleared the caves of all monsters (spiders & basilisks)
Headed fast towards Baldur's Gate, talked to Tamoko twice, and got captured by Angelo. No biggie, the answer is always 33 XD
- Helped Eltan and saved him
- Retrieved Sarevok's journal
- Made my way to the Undercellar
- Eliminated Slythe and Kristine (no biggie here : haste, draw upon holy might, mirror images)
Oooon to the Ducal Palace!
Same tactic as with Slythe and Kristine, only this one time around, arrows of biting. Poor Dopplies got obliterated in around 10 seconds XD
Dukes got Sarevok's journal, he attacked, I retailed. Teleported to the thieves guild, it was time for the expansion!
And off to Ulgoth's beard where I :
- Bought Improved invisibilty
- Helped Shangalar (or was it Shandalar? One's the lich of the Twisted Rune, that I know XD )
- Agreed to help Mendas, which I TOTALLY rushed (just killed the guy of the merchant league and took the sea charts)
- Rushed most of the wolfy island. Did the flowers and dolly quests, as well as helped good man Dradeel.
It was a matter of time before I was back and killed the Loup Garous
Phew, that took not a lot of time!
Durlag's tower is next. If I had 2 hours of time to play the game, I'd say I'd totally be able to finish it. But be it as it is, I'll have to go to dinner... and that will probably make me fail the challenge XD
If i recall right, the challenge was BG1 fast-run marathon, and not BG1/totsc Fast-run marathon, so you dont have to do Durlag's Tower
edit, i'm too lazy to fnd out how to insert code
Will you do an update for us before the timer completes in half an hour?
awesomely done, BTW.