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Which is the better option between a Blade and a F/M and why?

Planning on playing an Elf Blade or F/M, so no dual classing as I want to be able to use all class abilities from the start.
Which one of these will be the most fun option yet will still be viable in ToB?
What can the Blade do that the F/M can’t and vice versa?


  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    Both are viable.
    Both are fun.
    Do you prefer melee or do you prefer spell-slinging?

    In ToB, the F/M will have access to 7th, 8th and 9th level spells, while the Blade will fall behind in terms of spell power but will gain a better support song. Will you be using spells, or a have a party full of melee dudes in ToB?
  • TinterTinter Member Posts: 152
    The blade can set traps, sing, get Use Any Item (Carsomyr, amongst other options) and gets two stances which can be helpful.

    The F/M gets fighter HLAs, access to level 7,8,9 spells, eventually better THAC0 and hit points.

    Both are strong characters, and will be viable throughout the game. The stances probably give the blade a very slight edge early on, but better access to arcane magic means the F/M ends up significantly more powerful by TOB.

    The main thing, though, is thinking which of the above abilities sound more fun to play with/ RP as for you.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Gnome Fighter/Illusionist takes the cake. +saves and +1 spell/level is just too good to pass up.

    Blade is a bit lame at the moment with the fixing of various bugs which allowed blades to be competitive.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited June 2013
    Carsomyr is a POS, and no blade should ever touch it. Blades lack natural attacks as their primary disadvantage (rendering Carsomyr pointless), which can be remedied in the sequel by dual-wielding speed weapons for most enemies (their offensive spin allows them to compete with F/Ms in early BG1)...their thac0 doesn't matter since 80% of enemies in the game have crap AC, and the ones that don't can be easily dealt with using Tenser's and/or IH.

    While ultimately weaker then the swashbuckler (barring exploits), they can still put forth a good showing, but are lacking vs the few enemies requiring +4 or higher weapons....they can still do just fine...they just lag behind vs other options (replacing epic bard song with WWA as they did with the swashbuckler's assassination would go a long way of not only fixing a glaring oversight that effectively removes the Blades's main disadvantage (Bard's are still worse fighters then Skalds, and jester's don't take improved song since doing so turns them into normal bards, i.e. worse then Skalds..Skald of course should have their spellcasting penalized but...I'm tired of repeating all the stupid design decisions...I have several lists people can easily reference with search)), but also reduce their reliance on speed weapons).

    The lack of 7th+ plus spells is inconsequential, as the epic traps can duplicate a lot of the popular effects to varying degree (and 2nd Ed Bard's are supposed to reach 8th level casting....yet another thing left out in the hurried development of ToB). And you can always cast from scrolls.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    In my experience, blades make better tanks (more hp due to faster levelling, plus defensive spin) and fighter/mages make better damage dealers. As you continue into TOB, fighter/mages will pull further ahead in terms of damage and casting, but blades will get the insanely overpowered spike traps and timestop traps which put everything the fighter/mage has to absolute shame (want to see Demogorgon die the moment he turns red? play a blade). Plus Use Any Item is awesome, although there aren't that many things a bard can't use anyway. My personal preference is definitely for the blade, but both are really powerful.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    Well.. As unmodded, I would personally say Fighter/Mage...

    Blade gets...
    Defensive/Offensive Spin to help in fights

    And at high levels...
    Time Stop Trap
    Use Any Item to get to use some items they possibly can't normally
    Enhanced Bard Song

    Fighter/Mage on the other hand gets...
    Exceptional Strength bonuses until a strength tome is used
    Specialization in weapons for extra damage, hit bonuses and attacks

    At high levels...
    (Improved) Whirlwind Attack
    Casting spells beyond the 6th level
    Robe of Vecna is useable by Mage multiclasses

    And like said by others, Gnome Fighter/Illusionist is quite powerful as they get an extra spell a day for each level and saving throw bonuses (Though you will not be able to use Nercomancy spells)
  • TinterTinter Member Posts: 152

    Carsomyr is obviously not something you should generally wield, but its situationally very useful as a debuffer, in the same way that archery isn't very good in BG2 but arrows of dispelling are situationally useful. I wasn't suggesting it as a main weapon for general use; its more what leapt to mind, obviously UAI offers a number of options.

    I assume you mean swashbuckler=> mage is better? I know high level swashbuckler can cast from scrolls and wands but I don't think this reasonably counters actual spellcasting ability.

    This must be a playstyle issue partly, because while I don't think 7/8/9 spells are the be-all-end-all, I certainly wouldn't call them "replicated" by spike and time traps, however useful they are.

  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited June 2013
    No...just plain swashbuckler. Swash-mage is a pointless waste of time (I'd just rather be full mage now, if I'm going to bother being a mage at all), IMO.

    Their to-hit bonus puts them only slightly behind a fighter, but their damage bonus allows them to cause more overall damage. Their AC bonus is almost like a permanently active Defensive spin at higher levels, and unlike the blade, they can specialize, which is almost like a permanent OS (minus the extra attack/Kai) and once they have UAI they can throw on any weapons they desire and then use their HLA traps, WWA (for enemies requiring +4 or higher, where the loss of speed weapons would otherwise hurt them), and use scrolls, items or Shakti figurine to replicate various spell effects (which people tend to concentrate on their best damage dealer anyway, which only a pure Kensai can rival a swashy in terms of shear damage caused and the swashy is a HELL of a lot more versatile).

    Their DI is an at will true sight, their traps become extremely powerful nukes (with a save or die at 21+, in addition to deal ludicrous amounts of damage + a dot), their HLA traps can equal or exceed the more popular high level spells, the MASSIVE amounts of XP a single class thief gives for opening locks and traps (the reward amounts double at 11 and again at 16, and maybe 20 or 21...though I stopped paying attention after 16 since it was already ridiculous).

    Due to the shoddy implementation of bards and their weaker then it should be spell progression, they really don't bring enough to table. They're pretty strong in the early game due to the ability to use wands, but in BG2 a swashy blows them away, especially with a pair of speed weapons (a blade can pull the same trick for the same number of attacks, but the swashy will be dealing 10 more damage PER ATTACK, and due to ridiculous thac0 for a rogue, hit more often then a blade will).
  • TinterTinter Member Posts: 152
    edited June 2013
    Traps are not an advantage here because that the same. If I'm in a party with a blade, I'll take another thief, so thats fine; if I'm solo, experience is irrelevant. UAI is, once again, not an advantage. Detect Invisibility is nice though, thats very true.

    You can't replicate, from scrolls, being constantly buffed. Personally, spells like mirror image, contingency, stoneskin, PFMW, spell immunity, Improved Invisibility, Blur; arcane buffs give the blade durability much more than AC from defensive spin or from the swashbucklers bonus. The blades overwhelming tanking advantage is more important to me than an extra 6-8 damage per attack. Improved Song is also a nice buff.

    The blade also doesn't need to worry too much about specialisation because he much more access to improved haste- and, if he just wants to duke it out, Tensers Transformation will take his THAC0 beyond a Swashbucklers. Its true that a swashbuckler is a superior plain, unbuffed fighter- but obviously a blade should be fighting under buff spells, in which case they are a far better tank which also delivers decent damange output.

    I mean, I'd rather take a F/M, but a blade is still solid, because Arcane spells= win.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Most of those buffs are completely unnecessary (much like a kensai, the swashy will simply chunk enemies before they can strike, and yes, 80-100 additional damage per round completely negates the benefit of the OS's Kai function, since the swashy will still do a guaranteed 2 more damage per hit then maxing the rolls can possibly provide). Blades only get a handful of slots in general and tenser's, PfMW, and IH are all the same level, and blades only get 3 6th level slots.

    Even if you leave out the HLA traps, a pure swashy still has 6 more thac0 after all possible buffs (barring exploits), several uses of VERY strong thief only snares (like 10 per day or so at the end of the game), stealth at will (sneak in an obliterate the dangerous enemies on turn 1, eliminating the need for defenses at all), can completely ignore Illusions. And yes, even solo, the XP bonus matters (and if you're playing a party, it's even better). Swashy's benefits are level based and the faster they level the better. Only 4 enemies in the game would even need Tenser's and there's WAY more scrolls then that, + the Shakti figurine does basically the same thing once per day, so the ability to cast spells isn't really a bonus at all, and at the end of the day, the swashy will hit more often and MUCH harder.

    There are infinite rings of air control which cast improved invisibility once per you can have an constant Imp. Invis at all times which makes you immune to spells, save vs enemies who can see through invisibility. HLA can grant massive save bonuses or immunity to death magic. Again, only 2 enemies in the game really warrant spell immunity due to their cheesyness and you can either use the 2 scrolls of protection from magic or scrolls of spell immunity in those cases.

    Offense is the best defense....pure and simple.
  • LateralusLateralus Member Posts: 903
    F/Ms get to poll from both classes epic skill list, which can be great. Defensive spin is not really that great, and with about the same XP distributed to a F/M he can cast Stoneskin and spirit armor. Stoneskin is better because it makes you immune to several critical hits as well, wheres defensive spin always runs the risk of getting nat-20ed.

    Blades are flashy and unique, but fighter/mages get the job done faster and more effectively.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    I can't believe nobody has yet pointed out that you can't be an elven blade. Only half-elves and humans can be a bard. If it makes a difference to you RP'wise or you wanted the extra +1 bonus for swords, you'd have to choose F/M.
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    I would like to point out that Swashbucklers get the normal Whirlwind and not Improved, which gives a -4 penalty to hit and damage. Not sure if that's already calculated into all of that, but it might lower the overall result of the last one.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    The Bard Stronghold is awesome, so...Blade.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    @Kaltzor: You know, I never actually realized that normal whirlwind penalized damage. I thought it only penalized the attack roll. However, I just checked, and you're clearly correct. Learn something new every day, I guess. Thanks for mentioning it.

    So no, I didn't factor that in. The third comparison point should actually look like this:

    Swashbuckler w/ Whirlwind Attack
    Scarlet Ninja To, 9x: 4.5 (base) + 3 (magic) +10 (Str) + 2 (Specialization) + 8 (Kit) -4 (Whirlwind) = 23.5
    Belm, 1x: 4.5 (base) + 2 (magic) + 10 (Str) + 2 (Specialization) + 8 (Kit) -4 (Whirlwind) = 22.5
    Total: 234 (52 points up from blade)

    Ouch. That hurts the swashbuckler considerably. That's only 16 more damage than if he hadn't used whirlwind. I'm not even sure that's worth the time it takes to push the button.
  • georgelappiesgeorgelappies Member Posts: 179
    Wow, thanks for all the informative replies. I definitely got a lot more info then what I bargained for ;)

    I now have some more questions (which is actually a sign of great answers given):

    1. Is the Blade the best weapons based bard that can use spells or should I consider other types of bards as well.
    2. The Swashbuckler is a thief kit right? So it has no spells correct?
    3. Will the bard kit I may choose keep getting something every few new levels or so at the end of the game. It is always nice getting something new on a level.
    4. The fighter / mage will keep on getting new abilities until the end of the game correct. Even if it is only some more spellls.
    5. Are there enough XP in the game for a f/m to get to level 9 spells and all the hla for fighters and mages?

    Thanks for all the insightful replies so far.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    1. The blade is the best fighting bard. The skald is a better buffer (and an okay fighter), and the jester is a really good debuffer. But the blade is, imo, by far the most fun.
    2. Correct. The swashbuckler is a thief kit and therefore doesn't get spells.
    3. The bard kits will get new stuff about as often as anyone. If you count spell slots and additional uses of HLAs you already have, you'll get new stuff every level. If not, then every few levels until somewhere in TOB, when you'll have all the good HLAs already. That problem will persist for almost anything you can play, though.
    4. The fighter/mage will get new abilities at a very similar rate to the bard. So, uh, see above.
    5. 9th level spells, definitely. All the HLAs, not so much. You should be able to pick up all the good ones, though. It does somewhat depend on whether or not you're running with a full party.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I would go with a elf or half-elf (the latter if you want to romance Viconia) Fighter/Mage because IIRC you'll get higher level spells and better HLAs. It's been a long time since I played BG2, but my recollection is that mage buffs are better than Defensive Spin.

    That said, you could thoroughly enjoy a Blade. It's a fun kit. And it's nice to have some of the Bard skills.

    But for powergaming I would go with F/M.
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    edited June 2013
    in bg2 f/m or f/i > blade easy
    in bg1 f/m or f/i > blade but there is not that big of a difference

    blade -
    hla uai
    offensive spin doing max dmg per hit

    better thaco
    better apr at levels fighter 7 and 13
    better specialization further improving apr
    higher spell level
    mage hla better than bard
    fighter hla better than bard

    can't use necromancy
    +1 spell per spell level /rest
    better ST coz gnome

    but i actually woud go blade for more RP purpose or even jester for chaos song
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    The fighter/illusionist I'd be inclined to give you, because more spells and better saves are awesome, but what's with people saying fighter and mage HLAs are better? Have you people really never used spike trap? Never watched the sheer ridiculous unfairness of enemies dying the moment the battle starts? There is literally no ability in the game that trivializes major battles like a few well-placed spike traps. As I said before, if you want to watch Demogorgon die in literally the first second of the fight, rogue HLAs are for you.
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    i am not using traps because that is too much cheese
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    I'm not used to using traps because the regular ones need set traps skill (not sure about HLA ones) which is either the last or 2nd last in priority...
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited June 2013
    Traps are only cheese if you pre-trap a non-hostile target that would reasonably know you were doing it (A dragon's senses are so attuned he'd know you were up to something the moment you started fiddling with a trap in his lair). It's like playing a Mage but not using spells since they're stupidly broken and game-changing.

    Pre-trapping Demogorgon's lair, on the other hand would actually be pretty much legit, since you're told exactly what you're dealing with and have to specifically release him in order to even fight him (and it's no different then a mage loading up CC HW, with a 3 LR sequencer and one-shotting him the moment he appears or using sequencers or contingencies in had foreknowledge and set things up just like pre-trapping).

    On the other hand....stealthing in to see what you're dealing with, and then leading enemies into traps is just the proper way to use them.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    @zur312: I am totally in favor of limiting yourself in order to make the game more challenging. This is right and good. However, your own self-imposed limitations have no impact when you're giving advice for other people. If you don't want to use spike traps and timestop traps, then yes, rogue HLAs are kind of bad (barring specific UAI abuses). Since the OP has expressed no such leanings, giving advice based on your own unwillingness to use them seems... odd.
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    Jarrakul said:

    @zur312: I am totally in favor of limiting yourself in order to make the game more challenging. This is right and good. However, your own self-imposed limitations have no impact when you're giving advice for other people. If you don't want to use spike traps and timestop traps, then yes, rogue HLAs are kind of bad (barring specific UAI abuses). Since the OP has expressed no such leanings, giving advice based on your own unwillingness to use them seems... odd.

    traps are like ctrl+y if you want to use ctrl+y why start the game?
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    zur312 said:

    traps are like ctrl+y if you want to use ctrl+y why start the game?

    Why use timestop or improved alactrity or any HLAs then? Why use magic weapons? Why single out traps?
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    even basic liches use timestop so i dunno what are you talking about
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Spike traps are a part of the unmodified game and clearly operate exactly as they were designed to. They require no debug mode setting and no exploits, and it's extremely clear that the original devs intended for them to be an option for every player with a high-level thief or bard. Compare ctrl+y, which requires debug mode setting and so cannot be accessed, ever, without modifying a game file. It's pretty clear that, while the devs were okay with players having the option to cheat, ctrl+y was never intended to be part of the core game. Now, I'm not saying I think spike traps are balanced, but they're clearly meant to be used (or have the potential to; not every party has to have a high level thief/bard). With as much respect as I can ask this with, who are you to just decide that other players shouldn't use them?
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    i am not deciding for anyone

    just saying that using traps is the same result as ctrl+y if you can kill anything in fraction of a second
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