Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition no longer for sale - Ouch!

Looks like legal problems have put an indefinite halt on sales of BB:EE. I guess we can stop worrying about when it is coming out for Android ...
It a real shame though, as I'm sure they work hard on this product. It's painful to watch a dream die...
I think they missed an opportunity on the Android though, because that's where the TRUE GEEKS are at.
in the eye of the beholderego-centric. The Linux community, mainly the desktop variety, consider themselves the true geeks, and they have yet to even get much more beyond a tweet or two, with no hint as to whether or not a native version is even being worked on. The Windows users and Mac users each think they are the "true geeks." I think trying to group something like "true geek" into the platform they use is silly.To the point at hand, however, your thoughts are very pessimistic. There is no word as such, in fact most of the BGEE Team who are posting are saying that they are doing everything they can to resolve the issues. Have some patience.
Another Friedrich Nietzsche quote: If you believe all hope is lost for an Android version, one must wonder why you are still here.
(a worthless Like to the geek, that guesses where is this quote from)
Poetry? Are you kidding me?
I was talking about tablets, not computers or operating systems. However, anyone who uses a mac or an ipad isn't a geek. Mac and iPad users just want something that works, and can't be bothered to figure out HOW it works. Every Mac user, I ever met, actually believed that their machine was invulnerable to viruses! Android users are much more likely to modify their operating systems, root their kindles, add memory, or pull the back off their tablet to see how it works.
As for being pessimistic: I think you are being naïve. It's been almost 6 months since the mac release, which was more than enough time. They weren't re-writing it from scratch you know... They're not flow charting. they're not redesigning the graphics and animations... Most of the code/script would still be good, if any had actually been written.
I think the game didn't sell as well as they hoped, and their publishing partner isn't happy with their cut of the money. That's a big legal problem. I'm sorry if you're disappointed, but I've seen this before, it doesn't usually end well.
You have no more of an idea if or when the game will be released on the Android than anyone else who is speculating. The difference is that some people are holding out some hope, having some patience while the legal troubles are being explored. Others are proclaiming absolute disaster and that nothing more is going to happen. When it is officially stated, then you can take it as fact. The current news is bad, but there is no more word about it.
If we are going to take a 'rocks fall, everyone dies' approach, and everything is hopeless, then why are you here? Since it is so obviously hopeless, then everyone may as well abandon ship. You lead, some of the rest of us will hang back and wait for official news.
As for the quote, I selected it because it was the person. If you recall, a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche is used at the start of Baldur's Gate.
And naïve. Charming. I might be. In my favour, I consider myself slightly optimistic in this case (which is strange considering that I'm British and usually quite cynical and pessimistic). Widely speculated is the Atari bankruptcy, nothing to do with how well the game is selling. You'll notice that Atari is still selling their own version; this further backs the notion that the game is selling well enough that Atari thought it could make money from it during the bankruptcy. When Atari sells the game itself, it will likely get a larger percentage.
On the other hand, speculation is just that. The difference is optimism and pessimism. I've seen similar things with other developers, but none of them I have seen have been in the situation where the publisher is filing for bankruptcy. If what you were saying was the official news, I would agree.
If the reason is Bankruptcy, then the problem is even more serious, as this sort of legal wrangling could take forever.
Let me tell you something: In the business world, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. On the off chance there is still a hope for the Android version; I would suggest you complain a bit more, and praise a little less. Get it?
But how is any of that relevant to whether or not they're going to get out of the legal wrangling? I don't even understand where you are going with this tangent. I can only assume that you are secretly on the development team, and that you know how far along the progress is? If so, perhaps you can update the rest of us as to the whole legal wrangling? No? Oh well.
Yes, it is very serious. Serious enough that it was pulled from the store. But the only one here who is saying "it'll never happen, everything is doomed, dooomed, dooooooooomed," is you. ... No, I don't get it. How, exactly, is demoralising the development team more than they already are supposed to be a good thing? I might understand it is that negativity was aimed at the culprit, but this is just general negativity that seems to be aimed at anyone and everyone.
Also, do you treat everyone like a child, or is this only an internet tough-guy thing? I know all about business, I've worked all my life in business; I'm close to retirement, in fact. I'm not seeing how that, or what you are saying is relevant. Everything you are announcing as 'fact,' being the true geek that you are, you obviously know best, is—I am afraid to say—purely speculation. Negative, demoralising speculation. If you were a 'real' programmer, you would know that having people 'demoralise you into hurrying things up' usually has a tendency to do exactly the opposite.
I would like the Android version as much as the next. If it turns out that the Android version will never see the light of day, I will be most disappointed. But I'm not going to jump to some inane conclusion and start telling people something along the lines of "onward, to futility," or "we are all doomed," or, my personal favourite, "oh, what is the point."
No, I'm not going to complain more. It's in Overhauls hands and, by the sounds of it, they are as disappointed as anyone after putting in a considerable amount of effort. They are doing what they can to resolve it. Perhaps it won't be resolved, but complaining will do nothing to speed things up. I would rather lend support (or 'praise' as you call it) than try and demoralise everyone. If you honestly believe that everyone should take a 'complain more and praise less' approach, then I don't think you really understand how business, programming careers, or careers in general work quite as well as you seem to think. Trust me when I say that, as someone who is British and has an innate ability called "Being British*" it really does mean something when I say that complaining less is much better under the circumstances. For everyone. Do you know how tiresome it is for a fellow onlooker? It's quite tiresome, let me tell you.
* The most accurate description would be:
This innate ability gives the user the power to complain about the following: council tax, neighbours, neighbours' dogs, the stink of the city (especially near Sainsbury's in north-east-ish London (Chingford), there's a really bad smell almost all along that street, bad drains or something, I don't even know why I pay council tax), the neighbours parking across the users' driveway, the people urinating on the foot path, the drug dealing down the road, the blaring of police sirens, the cost of living and taxation, Americans and French people (that is a joke), politicians, the country, and a whole lot of other stuff.
Targets within the area of effect suffer penalties to Intelligence and Willpower.
As well as -8 penalty to the above-mentioned attributes, the target must make a saving throw vs. Breath or be stunned for four rounds. If the target is not also British and the attribute penalty to willpower becomes lower than zero, the target loses the will to live.
This ability is always active. Other British people are immune to the negative effects, and in have a 75% chance of gaining a bonus to Constitution and Strength.
I suppose I should stop before I actually start to complain about the complaining. Good luck to you! I hope you are wrong, for the sake of all the 'true geeks' out there.
"If you were a 'real' programmer, you would know that having people 'demoralise you into hurrying things up' usually has a tendency to do exactly the opposite."
REAL programmers are put under pressure all the time. We always work with deadlines...
The reason that I believe it should not have taken so long is that, 6 months ago, the development team stated that the Android version was close to completion, and would be released shortly after the iPad version. Then they said there was a unforseen problem dealing with compressed files, as the Android os doesn't handle them well. If you're a true programmer, do you see what I'm getting at?
If they were re-writing from scratch, you might have a point, but they would not need to do that. They would need to decompress the files and re-write just the lines of code that dealt with those files. Yes, that would be harder than it seems, but it wouldn't take 6 months, not if they were honestly working on it. Debugging would likly take more time then the fix, as every time you fix something, you break something else.
While I am not familar with this game's code, I am knowledgable in several programming langauges, and this is the kind of thing I do. I believe I would have had it repaired inside 4 months, and that is why I think they weren't working on it as hard as they claimed (whenever they botherd to make a statement).
Do you have any knowledge, or relevent skills, that would help prove your side of this debate?
As for complaning; YOU picked this little fight with me seververal posts ago, because I had the nerve to suggest that Android lovers were true geeks that would have appreciated BG more tha ipad people. I guess you have no respect for other peoples opinions? Oh, that's right, you're British.
As for being British: What the hell does that have to do with anything??? However, it just so happens that I work for British Company that does business world wide. I design programs AND apps. Funny, how the Britts came to me, an American....
It should only be a matter of time until the Android release. Can't wait.