Component Selection (BG:EE 1PP)

I know there's already a post about 1PP but I thought it was best to ask separately.
The horned helmets from the Candlekeep store does not have horns if you install 1PP. I will be sad about this because I like the horned helmets.
Furthurmore, I don't install every component of 1PP, can we choose what it uses? I really don't like the coloured staves component at all, plus I try to avoid the flaming swords so it doesn't feel too magical.
EDIT: My suggestion is that 1PP comes compiled with BG:EE and offers to run the WeiDU file after the game is finished. If you decide not to you can do it later.
The horned helmets from the Candlekeep store does not have horns if you install 1PP. I will be sad about this because I like the horned helmets.
Furthurmore, I don't install every component of 1PP, can we choose what it uses? I really don't like the coloured staves component at all, plus I try to avoid the flaming swords so it doesn't feel too magical.
EDIT: My suggestion is that 1PP comes compiled with BG:EE and offers to run the WeiDU file after the game is finished. If you decide not to you can do it later.
"We'll be closely examining the 1pp content and making sure that it jives with what we're trying to accomplish. Where possible we want to integrate all the great fixes and work that Erephine's done, but as for opinions on how good things look, or what's the better choice I'm totally going to force our art director Nat to make the judgement call there. Muahahaha! we'll be keeping a close eye on it as it gets integrated and attempting to pick and choose what makes the most sense.
Having said that, if there's a lot of feedback about things people like/don't like we'll (of course!) take that into consideration.
I just love how the shields looked in Bg1, they are MUCH better than those weird pieces of metal in bg2/
A buckler in BG2:
The exact same animation and size as a small shield, and its not even round ( you can check 'buckler' in google, 99% of them are round )
my point is that they messed up big time with the shields and helmets animations in bg2, and because BG2 is a direct continuation of BG1 I dont see a reason why suddenly all the helmets and shields should look any different.
I love how there is a change in artstyle between BG1 and BG2. I also love each artstyle itself, so please try to get BG1 as "oney" as possible, and BG2 as "twoey" as possible.
Well, Even the Spanish small shields are Round in that matter, also the middle eastern, Japanese and even the Aztec small shields are Round. Simply, if its doesnt look like a buckler, not in the size of a buckler - Dont call it a buckler! because its not a buckler.
For the other kinds of larger shields.. they dont look either like any shield from any culture, even if they do, I just Hate them. They look terrible, but thats just my personal opinion.
1pp changes a lot of the plate with chainmail ( Erephine loved chainmail
For the purpose restoring the original BG1 feel for BG:EE, bucklers and round shields are a must, and the original medium and large shields would also be very welcome. I wouldn't mind the BG1 helmets either, but unless Erephine has worked on them for 1PPv4 I'm afraid that's not possible.
When the time for BG2:EE comes, we'll see. I have nothing against changing the art style so long as the drawing quality remains intact (BG1 had a very high drawing quality, imo). If the BG2 shields are to remain those we know, I'd rather get BG1 shields instead (I understand that someone else may prefer the BG2 shields nonetheless).
as for the other stuff: I think where possible the plan is to go with BG1-stylings ('cause hey! It's BG1).
To make it clear again: I'm all for BG1 stylings for BG1:EE. I just wouldn't want BG2:EE to look like its predecessor. I also don't want my plate mail looking like chain, huu.
Overall I'd say 1PP is a good call, but it certainly needs to be up to the player what is installed, perhaps even to a higher extent than the generic WeiDU pack.
The shields are actually pretty good. I remember talking about historical inaccuracies in BG with armour but the shields aren't too bad. Now BG2, that's where it goes out the window man.
The bucklers are correct, the small round shields are correct (except for the funky metal rim). The medium shields and the tower shields, if they were teardrop or kite shaped would be correct. More or less they aren't bad.
I've been doing a lot of comparison between 1PP and vanilla BG, I've decided there are a lot of things I don't like about 1PP and a lot of things I don't like about vanilla.
If you mean the display of your character's appearance on the inventory screen, I really couldn't care less what those look like.
Animations, on the other hand, it's been so long since I played vanilla BG that I don't even remember which game's animations I like better.
I just want classic BG1 shields and BG2 plate mail sprites. Full stop.
I suppose the tower shields aren't very medieval in BG1. I do love their Roman look in that game, though. The teardrop tower shields in BG2 did nothing for me.
I just wish we could mix and match individual paperdolls (inventory screen) and avatars (in game sprite), so that way you could choose exactly what you wanted. I'm having second thoughts about 1PP coming installed with BG:EE now, just in case the originals from BG1 can be restored.
Sprites or animations is the same thing, the in game models.
On Fighters, human males always looked better in BG1 in my opinion, and so did male Elfs, but the females looked better for fighters and clerics in BG2. There were some small things that needed fixing in BG2, like making kneecaps bigger etc, to give an actual leg armor look.
Can't really say though that i like the look of plate armor in Baldur's Gate in general. Doesn't feel like plate, rather silver skin especially waist down. In fact, no Bioware game existed that i liked plate armor except Dragon Age 2, but i didn't like other stuff about that
Never trust Bioware for armor looks i guess :P
Although, I freaking LOVED the sprite for plate mail on male human clerics in BG1. Dat Mail Skirt! The Flaming Fist guys use that sprite and they look very intimidating.
I remember being 11 years-old and thinking "Okay, those guys look awesome and they belong to some cult called the 'Flaming Fist.' I am NOT going to mess with those dudes." Silver skin? Maybe in BG1, where plate mail just looked like bulkier chainmail on male human Fighters. In BG2, it was bulky in all the right places and had these rad pauldrons. The human female Fighters looked awesome, too.
Anyway this is my opinion, but yes, waist down the armors failed bad in BG2 for me.
At the end of the day I guess it doesn't matter that much. We don't spend a lot of time focusing on the sprites.