Yes, they are incorrect in BG2 as some things that you see in the interface simply do not work... And there are a bunch of community fixes, the best one in my opinion is but why didn't they fix it in EE? That's strange...
Because being immune to normal weapons at level 1 is basically god-mode, only a few enemies are wielding magical weapons. Same reason they nerfed the Totemic summons.
Though the proper course of action would be to scale it's power growth as they level, reaching proper stats at lvl 10, just like Totemics.
I don't think it's ever been confirmed as a bug. As far as I know, people looked at the stats of the (greater) werewolves that you encounter in the game, compared them to the stats of the Shapeshifter's versions, and decided that it must be bugged because the Shapeshifter's were weaker, and then called it a "fix" when they modded the Shapeshifter forms.
The link you provided pretty much says that the changes in that mod are cases where the modder(s) changed things simply because they didn't like them the way they were, not because they were objectively bugged and needed fixing.
Because you're supposed to be turning into a genuine werewolf and greater werewolf, respectively. Otherwise they should've named the forms Nigh-useless werewolf, and heavily-nerfed Greater werewolf.
The only difference is retaining full control, where as a lesser being is in constant struggle with their instincts the whole time they're transformed and potentially going berserk, except those who jump off the deep end like Malarites.
As always, the decision for the shapeshifting druid probably involved game balance. If an "official" stat is required, you can check out the Shapeshifter kit (along with the Totemic Druid kit) from ADnD Druid's Handbook. ( ) You can see that what's in the game is a very different concept compared to the 2nd edition Shapeshifter kit.
@zur312 the argument here is that the stats of the Shapeshifter kit's forms (Werewolf and Greater Werewolf) are different than, and inferior to, those of the Werewolf and Greater Werewolf monsters that you encounter in the game. It has nothing to do with the wizard spell Shapechange, which actually lets you transform into a Greater Wolfwere, not a Greater Werewolf.
Is this a good time to point out that other than possibly Kaishas and company (unless Loup Garou is yet a third kind of human–wolf hybrid, that just happen to live in a village of werewolves), you encounter no Greater Werewolves in the BG series? Furthermore, the stats of Kaishas, Selaad and Baresh in beast form are, in fact, inferior to the stats of the Shapeshifter's Greater Werewolf form. In fact, the stats of the usused Greater Werewolf creature in BG2 are also worse than the Shapeshifter's form. Additionally, the stats of the Werewolves you do encounter are inferior to the stats of the Werewolf form.
it is probabbly game balance becaues otherwise the game would be really diffucult for average newbie and they would need to change the name Tales of the Sword Coast to Tactics of Sword Coast insane edition
i can already tell it is not 100% true "Elemental resistance locked at 50% " it is not locked
That could very well be. I've always just assumed that those tables were correct, as I've never looked into it myself or even used the kit.
On a side note, are you saying that based on your experience with BG:EE? If so, it's possible that it was changed, as those table were made with vanilla BG2 in mind.
my experience is bg2:tob +patch (not beta) i think it is pretty neat that they change shapeshifter but making already powerfull kit into monster like this mod is doing is not really my thing
but some players use OP weapons from weird mods or cheat to level 50/50/50 F/M/T hell yeah!
The biggest thing I think with the Greater Werewolf form especially (and to the regular werewolf form to a lesser extent) is the fact that your claws don't get progressively better with levels even from the standpoint of what they can hit (I don't think they get any better in this regard than +2). That I think is a mistake, given that the kit revolves around sacrificing using armour in order to be able to use this form.
but this form get you so much AC bonus that from no armor bad AC you have suddenly the best AC class from all your party characters even strong dexterious fighters with good armors
i can already tell it is not 100% true "Elemental resistance locked at 50% " it is not locked
It is. Locked in this case means you can't increase it with worn items only with spells. Test it yourself in an unmodded installation of BG2-ToB. Create a Shapeshifter, shift, and then equip the amulet of the Seldarine. You'll get the save bonuses, but not the added magic resistance bonus.
The creature you shapeshift into in vanilla BG2-ToB is called weregrdr.cre. This Greater Werewolf has the abilities listed in the BG2 Tweaks readme under "you were supposed to receive". Moreover, that list contains an error - It lists immunity to normal weapons, but the creature in question is immune to every weapon except those with the cold iron flag set (which means almost every weapon out there).
In order to grant creatures their abilities, there are two ways to go about it: - grant them by adding those directly in the cre-file as effects - or grant them by equipping them with undroppable equipment
The weapon immunity is added by the item ringloup.itm, the +3 weapon with 2D8 slashing damage by weregrdr.itm, and the 3HP/second regeneration by an effect.
Unfortunately, the Polymorph effect doesn't grant you the ThAC0, saves, effects, or equipment of the creature you polymorph into.
In order to let you attack at all with a weapon, the Greater Werewolf innate ability assigns you directly after polymorphing the item brbrp.itm. This item is a magically created weapon - hence the message that you can't change your weapon if you try to do so - which has a +2 enchantment with 1D6 piercing damage.
@zur312 It does, and it works with every other elemental resistance item too, but not with any item granting a magic resistance bonus (gaxx, seldarine, kaligun, power etc.).
but this form get you so much AC bonus that from no armor bad AC you have suddenly the best AC class from all your party characters even strong dexterious fighters with good armors
Having great AC is rather pointless when you have to sacrifice spellcasting and your +2 claws can't hit anything.
Just making the greater werewolf's claws +3 would be enough of a fix.
@zur312 It does, and it works with every other elemental resistance item too, but not with any item granting a magic resistance bonus (gaxx, seldarine, kaligun, power etc.).
so as i said it is wrong in that part you can buff something
but this form get you so much AC bonus that from no armor bad AC you have suddenly the best AC class from all your party characters even strong dexterious fighters with good armors
Having great AC is rather pointless when you have to sacrifice spellcasting and your +2 claws can't hit anything.
Just making the greater werewolf's claws +3 would be enough of a fix.
Well, it is a bug, or at least unintended behaviour. I do understand that immunities to normal weapons might have been excluded on purpose but a lot of other things don't work, like Thac0 bonus, saves etc etc. And the fact that is a bug has never been disputed. Actually shapeshifter was just hastily coded, they can;t wear armour but can helmets to give another example...
I have been reading about the issues with the shapeshifter kit in general both in BG:EE and SoA, I've been trying to figure out a way to look at the regular werewolf form as in the actual files/code/etc because as far I understand it regular werewolf claws aren't supposed to count as +1 or +2 or anything meaning they wouldn't be able to hit creatures which you can only harm if you have some sort of magical weapon HOWEVER; I've been able to kill the vampire wolves outside the temple near Beregost with the regular werewolf form and as far I know vampire wolves cannot be harmed unless struck by magic weapons/spells, also most of the time I manage to score 10-12 damage non-crit so essentially I've been trying to figure out how they actually work in BG:EE since there are so many people on the net saying different things about the shapeshifter that I merely wish to have a look for myself in the actual file/code in the game.
In order to let you attack at all with a weapon, the Greater Werewolf innate ability assigns you directly after polymorphing the item brbrp.itm. This item is a magically created weapon - hence the message that you can't change your weapon if you try to do so - which has a +2 enchantment with 1D6 piercing damage.
Yeah I gathered that but that's for the greater werewolf form right? unless the regular werewolf supposedly have the exact same pair of claws like the greater werewolf form? :P
Though the proper course of action would be to scale it's power growth as they level, reaching proper stats at lvl 10, just like Totemics.
The link you provided pretty much says that the changes in that mod are cases where the modder(s) changed things simply because they didn't like them the way they were, not because they were objectively bugged and needed fixing.
The only difference is retaining full control, where as a lesser being is in constant struggle with their instincts the whole time they're transformed and potentially going berserk, except those who jump off the deep end like Malarites.
for the second time
this is not a bug
they are different
look at the stats of both greater werewolfs druid's got better resist and better stats
maybe if you just shift pure druid with no buffs and without equipment without using spells
It's about 1/4 of the way down the page.
"Elemental resistance locked at 50% " it is not locked
On a side note, are you saying that based on your experience with BG:EE? If so, it's possible that it was changed, as those table were made with vanilla BG2 in mind.
i think it is pretty neat that they change shapeshifter but making already powerfull kit into monster like this mod is doing is not really my thing
but some players use OP weapons from weird mods or cheat to level 50/50/50 F/M/T hell yeah!
The creature you shapeshift into in vanilla BG2-ToB is called weregrdr.cre. This Greater Werewolf has the abilities listed in the BG2 Tweaks readme under "you were supposed to receive". Moreover, that list contains an error - It lists immunity to normal weapons, but the creature in question is immune to every weapon except those with the cold iron flag set (which means almost every weapon out there).
In order to grant creatures their abilities, there are two ways to go about it:
- grant them by adding those directly in the cre-file as effects
- or grant them by equipping them with undroppable equipment
The weapon immunity is added by the item ringloup.itm, the +3 weapon with 2D8 slashing damage by weregrdr.itm, and the 3HP/second regeneration by an effect.
Unfortunately, the Polymorph effect doesn't grant you the ThAC0, saves, effects, or equipment of the creature you polymorph into.
In order to let you attack at all with a weapon, the Greater Werewolf innate ability assigns you directly after polymorphing the item brbrp.itm. This item is a magically created weapon - hence the message that you can't change your weapon if you try to do so - which has a +2 enchantment with 1D6 piercing damage.
It does, and it works with every other elemental resistance item too, but not with any item granting a magic resistance bonus (gaxx, seldarine, kaligun, power etc.).
Just making the greater werewolf's claws +3 would be enough of a fix.
this is true but it doesn't mean it is a bug
I have been reading about the issues with the shapeshifter kit in general both in BG:EE and SoA, I've been trying to figure out a way to look at the regular werewolf form as in the actual files/code/etc because as far I understand it regular werewolf claws aren't supposed to count as +1 or +2 or anything meaning they wouldn't be able to hit creatures which you can only harm if you have some sort of magical weapon HOWEVER;
I've been able to kill the vampire wolves outside the temple near Beregost with the regular werewolf form and as far I know vampire wolves cannot be harmed unless struck by magic weapons/spells, also most of the time I manage to score 10-12 damage non-crit so essentially I've been trying to figure out how they actually work in BG:EE since there are so many people on the net saying different things about the shapeshifter that I merely wish to have a look for myself in the actual file/code in the game.