Using Near Infinity on a mac

Hi I'm trying to use Near Infinity on my Mac. I've found the Chitin.key file and selected it with Near Infinity, but whenever I try to read really any files it gives me the dialog.tlk can't read error. Any suggestions?
Problem solved
Problem solved

Post edited by elminster on
(can't read dialog.tlk error)
Fixed this too. It works!!! (It just took me awhile to find where the solution to this problem is)
Some basic stuff. First thing you have to do is download near infinity. You'll need Java Runtime Environment to run it but at least in that respect you should be able to start the program. The program however will be super, super wonky when you start it. Don't try to poke around too much because if you do it might result in you getting a lot of seemingly endless pop-up windows within the program itself (its hard to explain but its really annoying).
Go to "Finder" at the bottom of your screen (I have Mac OS X Lion so I don't know how much these instructions will vary). Click Applications. Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition should be listed if its installed. Double click it. Double click the game data folder. Double click the 00777 folder. Right click "Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition" and click "open contents". Double click the "contents" folder and then double click the "resources" folder.
This is the folder from which you need to set up Near Infinity to use its Chitin.key file. You may have noticed another Chitin.key file in a folder before this one, but for whatever reason that one doesn't work (I guess because of the location of the various other folders in this folder).
There is a file in the "lang" folder within the "en_US" folder called "dialog.tlk" You need to copy this into the "resource" folder that I just finished prattling on about
Now go into Near Infinity.Jar (you should be able to just double click it). At the top left click "game" under the menu. Click "open game". In this screen go to Applications/ Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition/ game data/00777/Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition/contents/resources (the folder you were at in finder). Double click Chitin.key (or click on it and select "open". Near Infinity should now be functional. At least for modifying items, spells, abilities, creatures, and NPC's.
Which version of NI are you using? Recent versions of NI should be able to find dialog.tlk files in lang/en_us/.
Edit: recent version of NI can be found here.
Which version of java are you using? You can check with java -version in a terminal. Current builds of NI probably won't run on java 1.6 or older.
EDIT: nvm, found instructions in the linked thread
EDIT: I had the newer version of NI, but I downloaded some time ago thinking it was the old one.
And the Near Infinity page of it's creator has an oudated version (v1.32).
Does anyone know of an equivalent program that's being maintained?
For others that get here by way of search you may find this thread more helpful:
(info on version 1.33b21.1, which better integrates with BG:EE)
^And you don't need to do anything besides drop the .jar file there in your resources folder. (The same folder mentioned in this thread, but minus all the .tlk hard-link or copying shenannigans.) ...well, you might need to update java I suppose. I doubt most people will though.
There is an alpha release of v1.35. I haven't used it (waiting for more nominally stable release), but it has some useful things (e.g. there are named flags such as "bypass Mirror Image" in it that are listed as "Unknown" in v1.33b20).
Here's a page to keep an eye on:
(EDIT: No, I have no idea what happened to v1.34; I don't see one either.)
This thread is typically up to date on the latest NI developments (including the latest public version [more recent than v1.33b20]).
(v1.34 was skipped for various reasons.)