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Please do make Baldurs Gate 3

I found the game to be even better than the original Baldurs Gate in all aspects. It works better, plays better, and its more fun. Overall would do a tremendous job with Baldurs Gate 3. Those that complain obviously are either extremely picky or their computers have issues that most dont have.


  • TazokTazok Member Posts: 34
    I agree they should make something original after BG2 but BG3 may be a bit wonky of a project to make. Cause the PC is already a god or w/e and if your going to start a new PC/adventure at lvl 1 then why not make it a new franchise and cut off Atari.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    Personally, I would want them to make an entirely new FR series, but I would understand if they decided to make use of a popular brand.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    Tazok said:

    I agree they should make something original after BG2 but BG3 may be a bit wonky of a project to make. Cause the PC is already a god or w/e and if your going to start a new PC/adventure at lvl 1 then why not make it a new franchise and cut off Atari.

    Bg3 would take place over 100 years after TOB and Baldurs Gate is 4 times bigger by than and would use the newest d&d edition - it can take place in the area of bg, it doesn't have to be related to the bhaal saga...though IMO it must contain some connection in the form of long-live NPC's such as elves/dwarves and lore.

    But first we need to wait and see if we will ever see bg2ee in the first place...

  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,448
    Well my hope is for something completely new in the same basic setting. "Setting" might not even be the right word; isomorphic, turn based, 2E game is what matters to me more than physical locale.
    But I would hope to be starting all over with new, 1st level characters in an all new story.
    I'm indifferent to the "BG3" name, but I can see it retained as a branding issue no matter what the story actually is.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    I'd personally love to see the folks at Beamdog continue the series. I am not sure there is really anywhere Too go for the protagonist from BG1/2, but something in the same universe would be awesome. In fact, if you played as a child of the original protagonist, that would be perfectly fine with me (so long as Aerie isn't your Mom - joke). Or if they merely wanted to branch out into a different adventure entirely, I'd love it.

    Bottom line, I think that there is still some life to be milked out of the Infinity (type) engine style of games and would whole heartedly support the good folks at Beamdog with my monetary vote.
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    i think there are 3 ways it could go
    1 - game will be terrible and everyone would hate it and we can still play bg1/bg2 considering bg3 non existent
    2 - game will be good like iwd good so you can play it once and it is twill be fun
    3 - game will be epic everyone wins!
  • FredSRichardsonFredSRichardson Member Posts: 465
    I love the Infinity engine and I'd be ecstatic if BG3 was based on this engine (or an upgraded version of it). I think I'd be really disappointed if the Aurora or Odyssey engine were used...
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    My personal theory is that they had lots of ideas for where they would go next, Señor Oster being a large part of said they. In other words, I highly doubt they were thinking about a BG3 for the sake of making a BG3 - it had to be a plot/story they wanted to explore, and just haven't done so yet. That said, it seems likely to me that contractual issues/nonsense will essentially bar anything actually coming of the idea, but we'll see.
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689

    I found the game to be even better than the original Baldurs Gate in all aspects. It works better, plays better, and its more fun. Overall would do a tremendous job with Baldurs Gate 3. Those that complain obviously are either extremely picky or their computers have issues that most dont have.

    The problem is that we already had all of this with BGT and Tutu. They did make some improvements but if you already played mentioned mods it really isn't that much they have done.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited July 2013
    SionIV said:

    I found the game to be even better than the original Baldurs Gate in all aspects. It works better, plays better, and its more fun. Overall would do a tremendous job with Baldurs Gate 3. Those that complain obviously are either extremely picky or their computers have issues that most dont have.

    The problem is that we already had all of this with BGT and Tutu. They did make some improvements but if you already played mentioned mods it really isn't that much they have done.
    Yea but can you fault Overhaul for that in regards to them making another new game? They were restricted in what they could change in either of these games.
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    elminster said:

    SionIV said:

    I found the game to be even better than the original Baldurs Gate in all aspects. It works better, plays better, and its more fun. Overall would do a tremendous job with Baldurs Gate 3. Those that complain obviously are either extremely picky or their computers have issues that most dont have.

    The problem is that we already had all of this with BGT and Tutu. They did make some improvements but if you already played mentioned mods it really isn't that much they have done.
    Yea but can you fault Overhaul for that in regards to them making another new game? They were restricted in what they could change in either of these games.
    I don't fault them at all and i'm glad they made BGEE. Any game company that puts interest in the Baldur's Gate series is a great thing. I did enjoy the new quests and the stuff they added in BGEE, i just feel that it's more of a very well done mod than a game in itself.

    The fact that they got so much publicity to the series again is just brilliant.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited July 2013
    Yeah I support Beamdog and all, and I don't regret buying BG:EE (and plan to buy BG2:EE when it comes out), but I do get a little annoyed when people come along and say 'I thought the game was great, so everyone else should think it was great too' (and this is definitely not the first time this sentiment has popped up). I'm glad that you liked it so much, but please don't tell me how I should feel, or in this case, tell me that any complaints I have are invalid.

    Edit: My apologies if I'm making a mountain out of a molehill with this. I guess I had a little built up frustration from seeing it in the past, and couldn't resist saying something now that I saw it again. Don't take this post too personally, OP.

    That being said, I don't mind if they make BG3. If it's good, I'll buy it. If it isn't, I won't.
    Post edited by TJ_Hooker on
  • FaydarkFaydark Member Posts: 279
    They added iPad and (hopefully) Android support. I bought it for that alone. I've tried out GemRB, but it's just not as well done as BGEE on iPad.

    On PC, zooming is a feature that I haven't found incorporated into any mods. On a large high resolution monitor, it does help with the "clarity" of the graphics to zoom out a bit so that everything isn't as pixelated. The widescreen/resolution mod for BG helped, but didn't include zooming ( iirc ).

    Finally, the new characters they added were a nice addition to the game. I'm always up for new content to try out on another playthrough. I haven't tried Black Pits yet, but I'll get there.
  • rdarkenrdarken Member Posts: 660
    Ohhhh yeah!!
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    the options are simple
    mobile - bgee
    pc - bgt

    that is it!
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    edited July 2013
    Seeing as the Baldur's Gate title was repeaded over and over again (Dark Alliance, anyone?), I'd rather like to see the start of a fresh (A)D&D CRPG franchise. Eltabbar for example, the capital city of Thay, could be a very intruiging name giver candidate indeed. And since Thay has the largest undead population in all of Faerun, Jergal could play a key role in it. Kelemvor on the other hand can bite the dust for all I care. :P
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    edited July 2013
    i don't know about undead but IWD1? there was LIKE SO MANY UNDEAD THERE!
    Post edited by zur312 on
  • FredSRichardsonFredSRichardson Member Posts: 465
    Well, I'm all for a new game (so long as it's not a first person 3D NWN like game). I'm not sure how many other people liked it, but I thought the Icewind Dale 2 Infinity engine was pretty good. Like the 3e rule set, it would be cool if it got updated.
  • BobCBobC Member Posts: 47
    Hopefully if they do another BG2 game, it will have D&D Next rules. It was pretty promisin gfrom what I played.

    While it would be great to see Baldur's Gate post Spellplague and post sundering, I rather see another city or nation in the forgotten realms get some spotlight. There so many interesting cultures that haven't been explored yet in D&D computer games.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I don't care where the story occurs - putting it in a different location for the sake of doing so is pointless to me. I'm not interested in Pandaria (intentional error on my part) or anything else so much as (re)playability, interesting story line and whatnot. What I would like to see:

    1) new sprites (actually, I'd just about require this; I accept what we have from nostalgia, but wouldn't buy a new game with it)

    2) the weapon swaps (close to required) - I do think weapon swaps should take rounds per PnP rules

    Anyway, it's a pipe dream at this point, so I'm not holding my breath.
  • VikingRVikingR Member Posts: 88
    Why does it have to be BG3?

    Why not simply use the BG1 + 2 assets and take it slowly from there?
    There are many ways to go about this.

    For instance, Overhaul could create smaller campaigns (~5-10 bucks each, according to length) for the Sword-Coast setting:

    - The PC, son/daughter to a farmer in Nashkel, finds his family murdered as he returns home from a stock delivery to Candlekeep. With vengeance in mind he goes to the local store, purchases his first sword and heads off to find the murderer of his family.

    - Another campaign could tell the story of how the Temple of Bhaal (Friendly Arm) was destroyed by an adventuring party.


    I'm sure at some point they're gonna be thus comfortable with the engine, so that creating a bigger campaign won't be too much of a hassle anymore.

    But then again, this most likely won't happen because of the contractual limitations.

  • EejitEejit Member Posts: 55
    Tazok said:

    I agree they should make something original after BG2 but BG3 may be a bit wonky of a project to make. Cause the PC is already a god or w/e and if your going to start a new PC/adventure at lvl 1 then why not make it a new franchise and cut off Atari.

    In some of the endings CHARNAME has had a child with Aerie.
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    edited July 2013
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I hope they do make it, and make it well. Don't care if it comes from kickstarter or from BeamDog's internal talent and resources. It would have to be really terrible to keep me from at least buying/trying it.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    I´m playing dishonored at the moment and i´m totally blown away by it´s ambience. Seems offtopic but no, a BG3 should be full 3D with an ambience and tension like that game has. Just the ambience and fictional realism which i think Arcane captured perfectly. It´s even better than the witcher games imo.

    I never thought i would said that but 3D "can" be much better than any 2D game because you are placed right "into" the scene with your own eyes.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018

    I´m playing dishonored at the moment and i´m totally blown away by it´s ambience. Seems offtopic but no, a BG3 should be full 3D with an ambience and tension like that game has. Just the ambience and fictional realism which i think Arcane captured perfectly. It´s even better than the witcher games imo.

    I never thought i would said that but 3D "can" be much better than any 2D game because you are placed right "into" the scene with your own eyes.

    I enjoy 3D games like Skyrim and Fallout 3 (I actually have Dishonored in my pile of 'to play' games). My personal opinion is that I go to those types of games for a different gaming experience than I go to games like BG:EE. I am not saying that they couldn't provide satisfaction, merely that it is (to me) a different kind of satisfaction.

    When I play BG or any of the infinity engine games, I like the squad based, auto/manual pause (almost turn based) game play. First person simply doesn't give me that. It is kind of like the difference between Galactic Civilizations 2 vs Sins of a Solar empire. Both are strategic in their way, but they just scratch a different itch (for me).

    But glad to hear that Dishonored is doing it for you. Might have to fire that up myself later on.

  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited July 2013
    Ah i forgot that we have to handle our companions too... many people have problems with the NWN2 camera system but i think that would be a very solid inspiration on how to deal with a FPS/ ISO RPGs. At least they managed to give you 2 functional ways on how to play. Even nwn1 is ok in that regard... it´s just to limited.
    Just include a not-clumsy "free view" mode with a support for pressing middle mouse button or so... :D

    and yes dishonored is very good indeed;) and I really like 2D games too. I just wish for a game that is so BG3 like that i have in mind ;)
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    i think nwn2 expansions and dragon age have the "best" opinions amongs those newer 3d rpg
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited July 2013
    is there any other RPG outthere in 3D that is "like" BG except NWN, NWN2 and Dragon age origins?
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