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characters you frequently use



  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    Alora pretty much always gets in

    imoen and viconia are both pretty standard picks too

  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    - Viconia, Dorn (almost always)
    - Imoen (mostly)
    - Edwin, Minsc, Kivan (often)

    -Viconia, Minsc (almost always)
    - Jan, Valygar, Imoen (often)
  • karnor00karnor00 Member Posts: 680
    Imoen, Jaheira and Minsc are my core group. In BG1 this means Khalid and Dynaheir are generally included as well.

    In BG2 I typically pick up Aerie and Keldorn to round out the group. Yoshimo is Imoen's understudy for chapters 2-4.
  • TheGreatKhanTheGreatKhan Member Posts: 106
    Lately in BG1 I've been including Shar Teel a lot. I really like getting that grandmaster dagger backstab in.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    I really like Khalid, who is awesome with a lage shield and varscona +2.
    And bealoth, sorcerers are awesome. . .
  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    I use Xzar a lot in the first game and with him Montaron aswell. Xzar is a good versatile character and can be quite potent as a Necromancer/Cleric dual (if you use a wisdom tome on him) and Montaron is quite devastating in both the frontline backstabbing role or more of a trapfinding/lock picking support role using the sling. With his high strength good dex and halfling bonus on sling attacks he's very deadly at range and in melee.

    Other than those two charmers I find myself taking Yeslick more and more especially in BG:EE where druids lose out on some good spells like remove fear. Being a dwarf fighter/cleric he has great saves, great fighting prowess, can cast the highest level cleric spells and gets an innate dispel magic for free which can be a life saver throughout the game. He's also a wholesome fatherly type of guy and fits in great as a kind of mentor character for charname.

    In BG2 it's pretty much a garuntee that I will bring along Jan if I'm not playing a thief. Jan is the only character that you can have from start to finish that gets increasing in thieving abilities, that coupled with shorty saves for being a gnome AND wizard spells from being an Illusionist he is one of the most useful characters one can take. He also comes with his own set of gear which is very good through the start and middle of the game as you slowly replace it with better stuff. He's also always good for a laugh.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    1. Imoen always
    2. Coran 50% of the time (he's too cool)
    3. Viconia 50% of the time (mainly when I don't have Neera in the party)
    4. Dorn whenever I'm "not a good guy" (though not necessarily evil)
    5. Neera whenever I'm not playing a mage myself (or bard).

    BG2 (original)
    1. Imoen always
    2. Yoshimo almost always (though I sometime dual class him to fighter)
    3. Viconia 50% (only female NPC worth romancing)
    4. Minsc 50% (very versatile fighter, and you get him right away)

  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    Jan Jansen, always at yer service. He fits any team - be it a party of benevolent do-gooders, a bunch of badass bad-guys, some let's-hug-a-tree neutrals or a band of insane lunatics. The rest of BG2 companions really depends on particular Charname personal preferences. In ToB, however, I sometimes like to have Imoen and Sarevok join Charname for some family-issues fun. Though, for convenience and cosmetic reasons, Imoen is either changed to a single-class mage or thief (depending on the class of Charname) and Sarevok is given his "armor and sword" or, rather, appearance back (yay, Big Brother!).

    In BG1 my Charnames rarely stick to one particular person all the time. I often find it more convenient roleplay-wise to go mostly solo, picking up NPCs when offered a quest by them or if there is any logical reason to have them follow.
    If playing evil or chaotic characters, I tend to leave Imoen with Khalid and Jaheira at the Friendly Arm Inn, going to Naskhel with Xzar and Montaron, picking up Kagain and Edwin on the way, and then Xan in the mines. I don't use clerics much throughout BG1 but Viconia (or, could be, Dorn - in case of BGEE) sometimes replaces one of the mages, should they decease.
    On the other hand, good characters usually take the kindergarten along with Xzar and Montaron through Nashkel mines. Xzar and Montaron are usually dumped afterwards, Xan replacing Xzar as the spellcaster and Garrick replacing Montaron as the useless cannon fodder :) Minsc, Branwen or someone else (in BGEE, this could be e.g. Neera or Rasaad) are added to the mix, depending on what Charname decides to do next.
    Non-good lawful Charnames choose their companions looking solely at their usefulness for a particular quest or area. They are, after all, manipulators believing that society serves an important purpose (even Khalid and Garrick), as in 'hey, Branwen, don't you have experience in being turned to stone? I met someone called Mutamin who would like to get acquainted with you...' There is a lot of interesting, not-at-all linear events when lawful Charnames are in charge. And much fun. Also, squirrels.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Imoen is pretty much a fixture in my games, although every so often I play with themed party that can't include her.

    Beyond that I like to constantly mix the line-up, it keeps the game fresh for me.

    As mentioned, I will also create characters or assemble parties according to a concept.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    edited August 2013
    In BG1, Imoen is my only surefire companion. Otherwise I'm fairly flexible as to who else is in my party, and I usually rotate NPCs in and out as events unfold. However, I usually have some combination of Kivan, Shar-Teel, and/or Coran in my party (at least 2 out of the 3).

    In BG2, the situation is a lot more difficult for me. The game is a lot more linear in its early stages, and I find myself getting attached to the earliest NPCs I meet - first Imoen, Minsc, Jaheira, and Yoshimo, then usually Aerie, and then Nalia after that. After escaping from some harrowing situations together and gaining some insight into their tortured souls, I find it difficult to part with these characters. Consequently, although I usually will swap out 1 or 2 of them as I go, my party usually doesn't deviate too much from that composition.
  • waehuunwaehuun Member Posts: 26
    edited August 2013
    Imoen – Best thief (due to DEX and Charming Rogue Kit). Essential for lore. Also in BG2.
    Viconia – Best cleric (due to WIS 18, DEX 19 and drow resistances). Also in BG2.
    Edwin – By far best mage (due to amulet and INT). Also in BG2.
    Breagar – By far best NPC mod. Also in BG2.
    Charname – usually fighter multiclass. (I would love the possibility of fighter/sorcerer true dual class)
  • Durlag_ThunderaxeDurlag_Thunderaxe Member Posts: 71
    BG 1:
    Imoen - She's useful an' all, and doesnae whine endless like most of the other lasses
    Minsc - There's a groundlin' a Dwarf can appreciate, and he's got a minature giant space hamster. Can't argue with that.
    Kagain - Cos Dwarves are the best.

    BG 2:
    Imoen and Minsc
    Korgan - He's a bit mad... but Dwarves are still the best.
    Mazzy - Ah... sweet Mazzy, if only she was with me right from the Friendly Arm Inn... I'd let her fondle my axe all day long.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    DJKajuru said:

    BG2: Imoen/Yoshimo are forever by my side.

    Not quite forever. ;-)
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